Vol 2 Chapter 1957: Missionary

1957 Missionary
These people are all implanted with brain implantable chips!
Kara also raised her head from her work and said to Tang Yu: "The chips implanted by the 12 experimenters each correspond to different chip functions. The function of the implanted chip No. 1 is the most powerful and can be subtle Controlling his thinking, the 12th implanted chip has no more functions than the simplest psychological hint and guidance."
Tang Yu nodded and said, "We can't directly interfere with the power of a person's mind, but we can use tools to assist. The implantation of a chip in the brain is the weapon we use to fight chaos. Can Ten Soldiers return to normal life? , Just watch this experiment, let's get started."
Kara-Radames nodded and greeted the staff next to him, and the experiment began.
I only saw the killing scene on the large screen opposite the 12 rooms. At this time, the twelfth experiment with the slightest chip control had begun to be anxious, and he began to slap the glass door of the room violently. . However, the picture is still playing, and various cruel killing scenes continue to appear, and even signs of terror that have been drawn with blood.
After the completion of the first round of experiments, only the twelfth test body was abnormal, followed by the second round. The sealed state of these rooms is released, and the sound and smell from outside can be transmitted into the room. Then several staff brought some pigs to slaughter, and then killed a few cows. The strong smell floated into the room, and two of the chaotic believers began to go crazy.
After that, Angela Ziegler said something to the communicator, and then several robots dragged several death row inmates in. These death row prisoners are all criminals who have committed the worst crimes, and one of them is simply a chaotic believer who has gone crazy.
Angela Ziegler looked coldly at the test site and turned on the loudspeaker and said: "You should have been executed, but signed the agreement, then you will be dedicated to the experiment. In return, your family will Get a sum of money." After she finished, she gave the robot instructions directly.
An extremely cruel killing started in front of him, and the robot effortlessly tore these unarmed death row criminals to pieces! Blood, screams, residual limbs, broken bones, intertwined, became a terrible landscape.
However, whether it is Carla Radames or Angela Ziegler, he looked at it all expressionlessly. Although Dr. Ziegler has the name of an angel, Tang Yu is very clear, and there is darkness in her heart. The cold side. Unlike Kara-Radames, who exposed this directly, Dr. Ziegler's darkness was deeper, colder, and more subtle.
During the killing, several of the experimental subjects began to howl, slap, and hit the glass door. But this is not over. A robot under the control of the staff picked up the mop that was prepared next to it, dipped in the blood of the floor, and drew a symbol of terror on the wall!
The black shutter slowly lowered and completely cut off the twelve different experimental subjects. After seeing the result, Tang Yu sighed deeply and said, "I ordered the technical department to thoroughly check the implanted chips of these 12 people. It is important to ensure that the implanted chip itself will not be corroded by the forces of chaos."
Kara-Radames came over and said to Tang Yu: "The situation is not optimistic. Except for Experiment No. 1, everyone else responds to the power of chaos to varying degrees. However, if the experiment No. 1 is implanted In terms of chip specifications, he even has no self-awareness."
Tang Yu nodded and said: "Continuing research here, the power of chaos must come to an effective conclusion! Because if I expected it to be good, this power has not yet evolved to a complete body. By that time, I am afraid that even the machinery It's hard to escape the corrosion of chaos! You must plan ahead! In addition, let's go and separate the drop of blood from Chaos God in the body of the Ten Soldiers these days."
"Leave this to me." Carla Radames smiled vaguely at Tang Yu.
Tang Yu also smiled, walked over and hugged the beauty biologist, kissed her lips softly, and then said softly: "In this world, we must establish a preliminary order as soon as possible. Recently, you have to work hard. For a while."
As soon as the voice fell, the communicator rang. After Tang Yu was connected, he only heard Chen Gang's voice: "A senior bishop of the Order Church has arrived. I temporarily arranged him on the Lindenhof Hill in Zurich. "
Kara-Radames touched Tang Yu's cheek and said with a smile: "Go do your business first, our time, there will be a lot in the future..."
After saying goodbye to Kara-Radames, Tang Yu hurried to Zurich. He must now race against the clock. On the one hand, the power of terror now corrodes Death and that part of his black claws, causing the black claws to split, spreading very fast, and Tang Yu is almost dazzled.
On the other hand, according to the report from Jane Conner, the war to invade the White Lion King's hometown is progressing very smoothly. Even if the worst situation is taken into account, it will take at least another six months to end the war. Once the White Lion King is defeated, according to the system's judgment, the Lanxiang team will win the reward given by the system. Once rewarded, the Lanxiang team's next strategy will undergo major changes, and Tang Yu will not have time to spend in the "Overwatch" world.
At the same time, there is another reason to be hidden in Tang Yu's heart, which is D.VA. Because of the activities of the Witch Hunter and the Shadow Watch~EbookFREE.me~ If properly controlled, it will be a tool for the Guardian Empire to gradually penetrate the world, a sharp knife. And if the scope of their actions becomes larger due to the spread of chaos, then it will easily evolve into a terrorist politics, which Tang Yu absolutely does not want to see, or that he is absolutely not willing to let D. VA saw it.
The aircraft landed directly on the Lindenhof mountain in Zurich. In a huge church under construction, Tang Yu saw a high order bishop from the world of Terminator. He had a white hair and a big beard. Spiritually conscientious, broad-breasted and round-hearted, he even looks somewhat sturdy. His eyes shone with wisdom, with one hand behind his back and the other hand holding a metal shell book on his chest. On the cover of the book was a pattern of gears and two robotic hands.
Seeing Tang Yu coming, the old man hung the book around his waist, stepped forward to support his forehead, and said loudly with a magnetic voice: "The greatest, the most wise, the most kind, the most visionary God of machinery! Your most pious and faithful servant, Arentino-Luca-Palermo, welcomes you. Everything, for absolute order." He said, bowing deeply to Tang Yu.
Tang Yu nodded his head. He gave the high order gods no need to bow down after seeing him. The purpose was also to form a strict hierarchical system within the order gods. He looked at Palermo standing in front of himself, and said lightly: "Tell me about your plan, how to bring my brilliance to this world, and let more people stand firm under my blessing The heart, thus defeating the power of evil gods torture."
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