Vol 2 Chapter 1985: Dark tide

?1985, dark tide surge
By this time, Tang Yu was truly talking to people in the world of Star Wars. He said to Obi-Wan according to the previously agreed rhetoric: "Our planet is called the Guardian Planet. We have always thought that there is nothing behind that nebula, so when a sudden alien spacecraft rushed out just now, let us Some nervousness. Please forgive me for the misunderstanding."
Obi-Wan smiled and replied: "Why, this is just an accident, and we are very grateful to you for providing medical services to the injured crew members of the spaceship. Continue to introduce yourself, we belong to the Galaxy Republic, a total of tens of thousands The galaxy is under the protection of the Republic. This time it was purely accidental to be able to travel through this electromagnetic nebula, but since we are here, we will also bring goodwill from the Republic."
Tang Yu nodded at them, "Obion-Knoby, and Anakin-Skywalker, I can feel your kindness, and the Galactic Republic, which is beyond our expectation, is near us There is such a powerful republic close to me, I think we need to be cautious too."
"Please rest assured, respected rulers, the Galactic Republic will not wage wars at will. We will treat every civilization and race equally, and these civilizations and races will also develop peacefully under the refuge of the Republic. Tolerance is the Galactic Republic One of the biggest tenets of the world. So I believe that soon, the olive branch from the highest level of the Republic will reach you." Obi-Wan said.
Tang Yu looked at the two robots behind them and pointed at them and asked, "Does it include robots?"
Anakin obviously puts more emphasis on robots, he quickly pointed to the robot behind him and introduced: "This is R3 and R4, and our partner. Of course, there will also be robots with extremely high intelligence in the Republic. They will also have and Other races have the same status."
"Just like these two ladies are crafted robots, it is really rare." Obi-Wan added.
R3 and R4, Tang Yu pretended to go to see Christina and Tang Jiu, but looked back at Fox Fairy, the two exchanged glances, it seems that the war has not erupted, that is to say there is still Event space.
"Do you mean that we must join the Galactic Republic?" Chen Gang next to him suddenly asked.
"According to the position of the planet and the surrounding environment, this is indeed the only option at the moment. Although I don't want you to think of this as a threat, there are indeed many dangers in the galaxy. If you can join the Republic, then Most of the danger can be borne by the Republic." Obi-Wan answered.
"So what do we gain by joining the Republic, and what will we lose? In the Republic, what will our status be?" Chen Gang said straight away.
"After the investigation team comes to investigate, the Galaxy Council will vote to determine whether to give your planetary senator seat, after this..." Obi-Wan explained in detail.
During this banquet, Tang Yu and others asked a lot of things, including the structure and policies of the Galactic Republic. He also listened to Obi-Wan talking about the Jedi Knights. From his mouth, Tang Yu learned more intuitively from movies and design Details that cannot be seen in the data.
Tang Yu also briefly introduced some of the situation of the Guardian Empire, including the dual society of human and mechanical life, and their current technological development. As for the iron-blooded warriors, Tang Yu said that they are a group of wandering aliens. After coming to the guardian planet, the guardian empire exchanged all the logistics support in exchange for their help.
The following time, Tang Yu took Obiwang and Anakin to visit Yucheng and introduced them to the customs and customs of the Guardian Empire. The two of them are obviously not interested in Yucheng. They pay more attention to the natural scenery on the planet of the guardian that has not been affected by any human activities.
The two Jedi Knights stayed on the Guardian Planet for three days, but basically except for the most basic and superficial things, Tang Yu could not dig out more information from their mouths. Of course, also in Tang Yu's mouth, Obi-Wang Master and Apprentice can't dig deeper.
Three days later, the repaired Flying Pigeon was full of those awakened crew members and the two of Obi-Wan and Anakin, ignited the engine to take off, and soon disappeared into the universe. They will take the BY-419 star field to discover a new planet and a new civilization, and will soon bring a variable to the progress of the entire galaxy.
The Milky Way is indeed shaken by it.
The Galactic Republic, which has maintained its current territory for thousands of years, has discovered a brand new civilization on the planet of the guardian! This undoubtedly injected a stimulant into a stagnant republic, and a new planet also meant a new market, a new force, and all the forces behind the republic began to move.
Because this new planet is surrounded by a thick nebula, and although this nebula no longer has a strong electromagnetic field, in the nebula, it can still make sensors and navigation unable to function, given this unique feature. The Speaker of the Galactic Parliament, and currently the highest leader of the Galactic Republic, Palpatine announced that the guardian planet’s navigation coordinates are set to A-class secrets, that is, only the highest-ranking people in the Republic are qualified to know this coordinate, which Say, there are no more than ten people in the entire Republic who know the coordinates of the guardian planet.
At the same time, since Obi-Wan Kenobi, the discoverer of the planet, reported that the civilization on this planet, the Guardian Empire, was willing to join the Republic of the Galaxy, the Speaker of the Republic of Palpatine sent Senator Bell Organa of the Republic to lead an envoy The group went to investigate the situation of the Guardian Empire and helped the Guardian Empire merge smoothly into the territory of the Galactic Republic.
Of course, you have the authority to know the coordinates of the guardian planet, and also send out the power of the mission, not just the Parliament of the Republic...
Guardian Planet, Yucheng, Embassy District.
This is an area dedicated to the residence and office of all planet ambassadors built on the edge of Yucheng. The entire area is almost equivalent to a brand new city. It fully displays the ecological characteristics of the Guardian Planet that have not been fully developed. The surrounding green trees and trees, birds and flowers, pavilions and pavilions, and beautiful mountains and rivers make people feel like a fairyland.
A tall, dark-skinned man with a glass of wine in his hands was standing on the terrace of an elegant building in the embassy area. He wore a dark blue robe, and the whole person was extraordinary and calm. Frowning and contemplating while watching the beautiful scenery outside.
Bell Organa, the governor of Planet Audran, is also one of the most influential and visionary members of the Galactic Council. Palpatine sent him to visit the guardian planet, which also showed his importance to this planet.
At this time, a diplomat came from the office, and he said to Organa with a document: "His Lord Organa, the Guardian Empire has just rejected the proposal to abandon the monarchy."
Organa nodded and said with a sigh: "Let their ruler Tang Yu be reduced from the emperor of the guardian empire to the king of the guardian planet, are they still unwilling?"
"Yes, and after our investigations and visits, this emperor of the guardian empire seems to be a super dictatorship. The people of Tang Yu even regarded him as a god, a of machinery. With such supreme power, Tang Yu reduced the emperor to the throne. I am afraid that even if he agreed, the people under him would not agree." The diplomat said.
"What about other proposals?" Organa asked.
"They did not agree to the proposals for disarmament and a total ban on live ammunition weapons, but they did not express a clear rejection, and they should still be discussing. In addition, the race called the Jagged Warrior who lives with humans on this planet seems to have a universe. Fleet, but the Guardian Empire directly rejected all negotiations on the Fleet Warrior Fleet. However, the Jedi Master Coleman-Trob who came with us also represented the Jedi Knights to the Guardian Empire to conduct a census and birth of the baby Inspection, his progress seems to be relatively smooth."
"Live ammunition is a savage weapon that should be banned in its entirety. At the same time, since joining the Galactic Republic, if there is still a large army maintained, then I am afraid that it will cause uneasiness in other joining galaxies. These two proposals There is no room for turning around, put some pressure on them, and they must be accepted." Ogana drank the wine in the glass, and after drinking too much wine in one sip, the astringency in his mouth made him frown. wrinkle.
"Okay, Lord Organa. Also, about the robots in the Guardian Empire..." said the diplomat with some doubts.
"We will not pay attention to the problem of robots. Too many requests will only make the guardians of the empire more vigilant to us. I will go to Chen Gang to talk about it, including the issue of canceling the imperial system. Here comes a negotiation plan, show me."
"Yes!" The diplomat nodded and turned to prepare to go out.
"Oh, right!" Organa stopped the diplomat again, and walked over and said: "I got the information, and the trade union sent a mission to come over. You can make people pay attention to the situation over there. Any changes must be first. tell me!"
After seeing the diplomat leave, Organa returned to the terrace and looked at the sky in the distance. His face was a bit gloomy. He said to himself: "Are the trade union people coming? It seems that the solar system where the guardian planet is located Coordinates, the rate of leaks is faster than expected! Has the Parliament of the Republic been corrupted to such an extent...hehe..."
On the other side, in Yucheng's palace, Tang Yu and the core members of the empire are also meeting.
"The request made by the Galactic Republic is too much!" Shao Liwen stood up and said aloud: "Not only does His Majesty demand the abolition of the throne, but also when we just established diplomatic relations, we are required to disarm, but also we have a total ban on live ammunition?! Jedi The samurai regiment will even intervene in our census system! Can we still be a country after this series of treaties is signed? It has become a vassal, OK?"
Fox Immortal said on the side: "The main reason for the Jedi Order to participate in the census is to find the Force Sensitive. The Force is the main mysterious force in the world, and it also represents the high-end force of the world, and the Force of the Force, They all come from a microbe called fibrillar in the human body. Through the number of fibrillar, we can know the talent of this person in the future. I think that the Jedi Knights at this stage of the "Star Wars" world is decaying. And rigid, but at least trustworthy, this condition can be agreed."
Chen Gang also said next to him: "I also agree to agree to this request, mainly from my point of view. Accepting this request can reduce the Jedi Warrior's vigilance against us, then in the next negotiation process, maybe we face The resistance will be less."
Tang Yu leaned his hand on the armrest to support his head, and after a moment of pondering, he turned to Bolivar-Trask and said: "Trask, the negotiation with the Jedi Knights is left to you. We can promise them. Requirements, but we must also be involved in the detection of fibrillar, which is a very critical factor for us."
"Okay, I'll prepare now." Trask nodded, then jumped out of the elevated chair and walked out.
"Why? Do you think fibrids can be detected in the people of the Guardian Empire? We are not people in the universe of "Star Wars" at all?" Peacock asked.
"If you can't check it out, it's okay. If you can really detect the fibrillar... maybe we may come to a more terrible conclusion..." Tang Yu Shen Sheng said.
"What conclusion?" the peacock asked with interest.
Tang Yu did not intend to speak out, he shook his head and said: "After the "Star Wars" world strategy is over, we will talk about this topic again."
"What about other requirements?" Chen Gang asked.
"Actually, when I came to this world and contacted the Galactic Republic, I was ready to temporarily give up the throne. But I must consider the sentiment of the imperial people. If I give up the throne, the people will feel patience with me. If it is lowered, then it will definitely not work. So, we have to come up with a solution. As for other problems, it is up to you, the imperial prime minister, to take full responsibility. There is only one requirement-to get enough benefits." Tang Yu said.
"Okay, leave it to me." Chen Gang nodded.
At this time ~EbookFREE.me~ Christina suddenly stood up and said: "In response to the information from outer space, a transport ship claiming to be from the trade union is requesting landing."
"Trade Union?" Fox Immediately frowned, "Who is the person coming?"
"According to the information received, the envoy was led by a man named Newt Gunray."
"Okay, leave it to me." Chen Gang nodded.
At this time, Kristina suddenly stood up and said: "In response to information from outer space, a transport ship claiming to be from the Trade Union is requesting landing."
"Trade Union?" Fox Immediately frowned, "Who is the person coming?"
"According to the information received, the envoy was led by a man named Newt Gunray."
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