Vol 2 Chapter 2000: As you go away (2000

?2000, gradually away
"Master Speaker, why didn't you just order the arrest of Tang Yu just now? They no longer have any resistance!" Major General Tajin asked Palpatine on a hunter-class cruiser.
"To see the reality hidden beneath the surface, General Tarkin. You should understand that even if you just went to war directly, you won't be the one who won..." Palpatine looked through the porthole to the universe outside the window , Said lightly, "Guardian Planet is definitely not as simple as it seems, this is my intuition."
"But just now..."
Palpatine waved his hand to interrupt his words: "The reason they dare not resist is because they are afraid of the Republic, but they are not afraid of you. Not to mention, the soldiers in red armor, you think you bring Can the Marines of the United States fight?"
After thinking about it, Tarkin bowed his head and said, "Teached, Lord Speaker."
"You are my most important general, don't let me down..." Palpatine said slowly.
Guardian Planet Capital Yucheng.
In Tang Yu's royal palace, all the core members were gathered in the conference hall. In front of them were many broken pieces and two bodies, as well as a bottle of black liquid sample.
"The preliminary screening has had some results. In addition to the perpetrators, we also caught two people, but they also committed suicide on the spot." Fox Immortal pointed to these things and said: "This black bottle is the perpetrator's The material after the body is melted is being tested in the laboratory. It can only be initially determined that this is a strong corrosive liquid and only for organic matter. In addition, these fragments are the ion cannons that attack Palpatine. This ion cannon should be It's a one-time assembled weapon, and it's made of special materials, ignoring our detection system."
"The origin of these people?" Tang Yu asked with a sullen face.
Fox Immortal looked at the corpses and replied: "It must not be a person on the guardian planet, but a foreign person. Although our own technology has limited detection of cosmic space, there is no problem in scanning the entire planet. The other party uses it. Sailing into the vicinity of hyperspace will leave obvious fluctuations that are easy to detect. In addition, the Fleet of Jagged Warriors is not far away from us, so there are only two waves of people who have the opportunity to come here."
She raised and said: "Bel Organa’s mission can be ruled out, because it is a public visit, so everything is closely watched. Therefore, when Newt Gunley visited, it was possible to bring the perpetrators over. The second one is... Palpatine brought it by himself!"
Chen Gang pondered: "Indeed, no matter what considerations, when Palpatine came over, the electronic jamming attack by Major General Tajin was too abrupt and unreasonable, and if it really considered from the perspective of the Republic , This behavior is likely to make our planet never trust the Republic. But if they just want to use this opportunity to send the murderer to our planet, then everything is justified."
"The setting documents I have seen show that Newt Gunray is just an insatiable, timid and cowardly person who gave him 10,000 guts and did not dare to make a fuss about the speaker, plus his implication The force of the dark side of the original force can only show that he is only a pawn." Empress White said.
Fox Fairy scratched his hair and said, "Actually, this matter is easy to judge, even I don't think we need to dig further."
"How to say?" Tang Yu asked.
"The first thing is what the murderer shouted...'Our emperor can live ten thousand years old'...Do you know what it means?" Hu Xian smiled coldly, "He actually wanted to say'Long live the emperor, long live ', but because we don't know much about our language, speaking it in the common language of the Republic has become such a nondescript look."
"They should have heard this sentence from Chinese. If so, it also means that it is unlikely to be from Newt Gunray. Because the analytical data in Chinese was brought by Congressman Bell Organa to Coruscant, The time between the two is not right." Bolivar-Trask said: "In fact, our guardian empire has developed to the present, although the official languages ​​are definitely Chinese and English. But in fact, because of the special nature of Chinese, it is more and more It is used by many people in the upper echelon, and it has formed a polarization. It is extremely ridiculous for them to forcefully use Chinese vocabulary to blame us."
Fox Immortal said lightly: "It's really ridiculous, so we can simply conclude that the perpetrators are not ours-as expected by the behind-the-scenes planner, Palpatine."
"You mean, these clues were left by Palpatine intentionally?" Tang Yu was stunned.
"A new planet was discovered and immediately persecuted to death. If the Galactic Republic and Palpatine take this measure, the Republic will not occupy the entire galaxy and have the current achievements." Fox Immortal said: "Leave so many obvious clues , But no witnesses exist. Palpatine did this to leave us room and did not want us to suffer a fatal blow because of this matter. Since this is the case, he must have another deep meaning."
"What is the meaning?" Tang Yu frowned.
"Maybe... I don't want us to join the Republic..." Fox Immortal said, touching his white and thin chin. "From Palpatine's point of view, what good is it for us not to join the Republic?"
"Is it my reason?" asked Emma White.
The fox immortal suddenly realized, "Yes! That's true!! Maybe other people can't guess Palpatine's purpose, or even this assassination slapstick. He is self-directed and self-directed. But relative to others, The biggest advantage is that we know Palpatine is the Sith Lord Das Sidious! Then since his purpose is to provoke the civil war in the Galactic Republic and not let us join the Republic, then the purpose is to let us fight Republic!"
Tang Yu also immediately understood the key, "Whether it's Emma or Peacock, in Palpatine's view, they have very good force quality, that is, he wants us to deal with the Jedi Knights! !"
"If this is the case, it is really the worst result! It turns out that we still want to join the Republic at a suitable time to expose the true face of Palpatine to the Jedi Knights...and once we have not joined the Republic, On the one hand, all of our accusations against him will be empty talk!" Fox Immortal shook his head and looked a little frustrated.
"Even if something goes wrong, we can still join the republic." Tang Yu thought for a moment and said.
"Impossible! Do you think Palpatine does this trick? As long as he does it~EbookFREE.me~It must be interlocking, and it will never stop if it does not reach the goal! Then if I guess it is good He must have other arrangements, so that we are farther and farther away from the Republic!" Fox Immortal said.
"But... I can't just let Palpatine do it at all?" Li Xinghao said somewhat reluctantly.
"It’s important to emphasize that we don’t have any capital to compete with Palpatine today, and obedience is the only option. Otherwise, even if he can’t destroy us, he can easily block our path of development and let us do nothing. "Fox immortal said, knocked on the screen and asked: "Before you just pay attention to the perpetrators, did you not find Palpatine's walk, this time should have been sent by him personally Did the 50 million loan and those old space battleships go down?"
Tang Yu remembered this, "Yes! Since Palpatine came here, he didn't mention it at all. After the assassination, Palpatine left!"
"So you get the idea...He is the rhythm that will force us into the enemies of the Republic!" Fox Immortal said.
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