Vol 2 Chapter 2070: Fallin Air Combat

2070, Falling Air Combat
Galaxy Republic, Central Ring, Farin Planet.
An independent galaxy Confederate fleet consisting of more than 20 warships is fighting with 7, 8 hunter-class cruisers in the opposite Republican fleet. In the outer space of the planet, scattered warships are scattered and left behind From time to time, some debris was captured by the gravity of the planet Farin, pulled into the atmosphere, and became countless meteors. There are also 4 or 5 generous frigates in the vicinity who have been hit hard and stayed in place for damage repair.
Among the Tianyi-class cruisers at the core of the Confederate Fleet, a robot with a height of more than two meters, sophisticated and stern components, and a robot with a skull-shaped metal mask on its head are standing on the bridge. It is the General with the highest status of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies and the most trusted by Count Duku-General Grieves! !
I only saw him slamming the black cloak, and his pair of beast-like golden eyes radiated fierce light under the mask. With the rusty, hoarse voice wrapped in metal, he roared loudly: "Offense! Notice All ships attack! The engine output is maximized, and all the energy is allocated to the main gun in front, hit me!!"
"Received and received." The B-1 combat robot that controlled the battleship replied mechanically, while strictly following Griffith's instructions.
The firepower of the Confederate fleet was even more violent, and even the defense was abandoned, and soon a hunter-class cruiser was destroyed. At this time, we only saw more than 20 V-wing fighters flying out of one of the most tightly protected Hunter-class cruisers. They were covering eight Y-wing fighter-bombers in the direction of the Confederate fleet.
"General, the enemy fleet has once again taken off the fighters, including two Delta-7 fighters, which should be Jedi." The tactical robot standing next to Griffith said in a straight voice.
"Ha ha ha ha! This should be their last fighter, Jedi Master Alta Rega, and his elementary apprentice, Stam Rees..." said General Grieves' dreadful eyes. When he got up, he waved aloud and said loudly, "The warships keep moving forward and continue firing!! Notify the fighter squadron to take off immediately and give me the two Jedi Knights!"
"I'll clean them up." Emma Frost, who had been sitting in the seat next to her, said suddenly.
General Griffith turned back and said: "But the other side has two Jedi Knights!"
"It will soon become two corpses, by the way, I have to borrow your "Soulless" interplanetary fighter. My exclusive fighter has not been built yet." Emma said with a smile.
"Take it! I will send you two squadrons of vulture robot fighters to you." General Griffith answered with a wave of his hand.
Swish~~~Whoo~~~~~ Dozens of vulture robot fighters took off and flew out of the warship's hangar platform at high speed. Emma Frost came under a silver-grey interstellar fighter and jumped into the cockpit very easily.
This is General Griffith’s exclusive interplanetary fighter. It is modified from the Bell Brab-22 interplanetary fighter. The short wings on the left and right sides are connected to two powerful and modified engines, which can provide incredible boost for the spacecraft. force. And the two powerful triple laser guns use expensive cooling devices, so the firing rate is more than twice that of ordinary laser guns!
The Soulless Starfighter flew out of the hangar platform, and 24 vulture robot fighters immediately flew from other directions to follow Emma on both sides.
I only saw that on the battlefield ahead, more than 100 vulture robot fighters have been entangled with the fighters that took off from the Republic. And the two Delta-7 fighter jets dedicated to the Jedi Knights continued to fly like two terrifying sharp knives, flying flexibly among countless lasers and missiles without damage. Each Jedi has the ability to predict crisis, which makes them very easy to become the most terrifying ace pilot, and these two Jedi are also, but within a few minutes, they shot down nearly 10 vulture robot fighters !
"Riss! Be careful on the left!" In one of the Delta-7 fighters, Jedi Master Alta-Lega said loudly.
"Master, there is another team of vulture fighters coming!!" Inside another fighter, a female Jedi apprentice said with some panic.
"Don't get entangled with them, rush over! Disturb the formation of the opposing warships, and fight for the time for our warships to start the hyperspace engine!" said Rega.
"Wait a minute, there is a different fighter!" Rui Si said suddenly.
"Let's see." Regga controls the device and magnifies the optical image in front. After seeing it clearly, a burst of light erupts in his eyes: "It's the Soulless! General Griffith's fighter!!! Just shoot General Griffith down Not only are we saved, but Count Duku will also have one left arm and one right arm! Rui Si, let's go!!"
"Everyone come with me! Shoot down General Griffith's car!!" Rui Si greeted loudly, and the remaining V-wing fighters and Y-wing fighter bombers bravely faced Emma under the clever control of the clone pilots. The soulless driver rushed up!
The surrounding vulture fighters counterattacked them more frantically, but the rigid robots can't compare with the elite clone pilots, they are unstoppable close to the Soulless.
"He's in front! The Y-wing bomber launches the missile first! Then..." Master Rega didn't finish his words, only to see a V-wing fighter that followed him suddenly fire! Rega felt that it was wrong and immediately responded to control the fighter's violent side. The beam of blast energy still hit his wing. The aerospace robot on the left side of the fighter was also destroyed, and the entire fighter suddenly lost its balance!
The others were shocked, because the fire was actually their own!
"Volcano! What are you doing! Volcano! Why fire on yourself?" The captain of the flying squadron shouted loudly in the communication, but then his eyes became dazed, and he pushed the joystick to adjust the position and set the sight The fighter plane of the Jedi Master Rega who was shaking in front, slammed the trigger!
Not only that, other clone pilots also fell into chaos, firing at their own people one after another!
"Those pilots are crazy! Help! Help!" After all, Rui Si was just a Jedi apprentice, and the Six Gods and Lords suddenly called for help, but at this moment, only to see that the silver-gray Soulless Starfighter had flew to the front! Under the function of advanced circulating cooling device~EbookFREE.me~Two triple laser guns emit countless terrible laser beams!
White Queen Emma Frost walked back to the bridge of General Griffith's flagship, and as if doing a trivial thing, sat back in her seat and poured herself a drink.
"Good job! Miss Emma. It is worthy of Earl Ducout's favorite disciple." General Grievous saw Emma clean up and cleaned up the two Jedi Knights, which was greatly appreciated.
"This is what I should do." Emma shook her glass and said with a smile.
"Very good! Then, it's time to harvest the last prey!" General Griffith turned around, staring through the porthole at the seven desperate hunter-class cruisers, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.
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