Vol 2 Chapter 2072: Advance

?2072, Advance
The climate of the planet Jabim is very bad, so it is difficult for large transport aircraft to find the right weather and venue to land, which is why the peacock first took the shuttle to come down to find Alto-Stratos. Soon under Stratus' arrangements, the three AA-9 carriers began to land and unloaded the soldiers.
The Tianyi-class cruiser and two generous-class frigates also transferred the soldiers and equipment to the transport ship, and they were also hidden near the satellites around the planet Jabim.
"How is the current situation?" the peacock asked, pointing at the map in the command center temporarily built in a cave.
Stratus said with a long sigh: "Originally, I have controlled the situation. On the planet Jabim, most people hate the Republic. Because of this, I can set off the uprising. Ventrice helped me Most of the pro-Republic officials were killed, many people were willing to help me, and even the military expressed their unwillingness to sell their lives for the republic. However, the republic’s support came quickly, and they not only brought a large number of troops and weapons, but also brought Now... Jedi Knight!"
Ventrice sneered next to her, obviously hearing the word Jedi made her very uncomfortable.
"As soon as the Jedi Warriors arrived, we assassinated our officials and high-level officials! Some of them were done by clone soldiers, and some were personally done by the Jedi Warriors. The reinforcements of the Republic came in three batches. Some prisoners of war can understand that the first batch was led by Jedi Master Nokuna, the second batch was Obi-Wan, and the third batch was Hillas. The squadron number was the 43rd corps, and there was also an independent number It should be called the Alpha Force. The total number of clone soldiers should be around 30,000 to 40,000. There are a total of 4 Jedi Masters and there are at least 50 Jedi Warriors and Jedi Apprentices." Stratus said.
Upon hearing this number, the peacock immediately frowned. Was it because the Jedi Knights did not suffer heavy losses as in the original plot in the battle of Geonosis, so now they still like to use the Jedi Knights so concentratedly? ? After thinking for a while, she continued to ask, "What about your military power?"
"There are 10,000 robotic troops brought by Ventrice, and all heavy equipment has been lost. The Jabim warrior who is loyal to me has about 180,000, but this army must defend many cities and strategic points on the entire planet. The mobile manpower that can be used does not exceed 8,000. But the Republic sent a large number of Jedi Warriors. They went to a few people and brought a small team and a few gunboats to cause devastating damage to our rear base."
Speaking here, Stratus said with a long sigh: "Now that we are losing ground, the troops of the Republic are getting closer and closer to our capital, Joyar. Once the capital is lost, the Jawim rule of Jabim for 3000 years will be Once again pressed into the hearts of the people, I fear that the flames of resistance will be extinguished as a result."
Peacock did not immediately answer, she just kept looking at the map. Wentrez saw her like this, and said with a cold snort: "When fighting this kind of thing, don't think too much about you as a civilian. I am very grateful for the reinforcements you brought, but then we should all do what we are good at. I will lead the soldiers to fight back and defeat the Republic completely!"
Peacock looked up at her, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. "Yeah, don't you say, I have forgotten it, Ventrice. Isn't the thing you are good at repeated wars and defeats, fleeing?" My plan is to first ask you to continue to do what you do best."
There was a fierce light in Ventrice's eyes, and a red lightsaber unfolded, but some people were faster than her! Because at this time a metal lupin had already pressed her neck from behind! Ventrice looked up, where there was still a peacock in front of her, and there was endless horror in her eyes again.
"Where are you looking? Ventrice." The peacock's voice came from behind her, and it was very cold. This voice also made Ventrice creepy, because even in the perception of the original force, she did not know how the peacock came. Behind her!
"According to...I will do my best to cooperate with your plan." Ventrice's attitude immediately turned a 180-degree turn and replied with respect. To succumb to the strong is the fine character of every Sith.
After a fierce battle, a clone force marched among the wreckage of fighting robots everywhere.
"It's the B-1 robot again. Are these separatists the only trick left now to delay our progress?!" Anakin Skywalker kicked the head of a robot.
"It looks like they lack strength and lack heavy armor. Now Alto Stratos has no strength to resist unless all the troops stationed elsewhere on the planet are brought back. But I still feel that the situation may be a bit wrong..." Ou Biwang-Knobi said in a deep voice.
"It's not possible, it must be wrong," said the clone officer standing next to them, wearing a blue cape. "In the past week, the separatist army has failed so fast that we are too long from the supply line. The original The materials destined for the previous sky have been delayed until now due to the continuous rainstorm."
"So do you have any suggestions? Alpha-17?" Obi-Wan asked.
"My suggestion has been mentioned long ago, assassination of Alto Stratus at all costs." Alpha-17 said.

I’ve answered this question long ago. Stratus’s prestige is extremely high. Excessive killing will only make the people of the Jabim planet hate us more. We must defeat him head-on in order to have the opportunity to disintegrate him. Prestige." Obi-Wan said.
"So, I obey your orders, General Obi-Wan." Alpha-17 then added: "However, sooner or later you will do this."
Anakin Skywalker stood up and said, "I have an idea, Master. I'll lead the Alpha troops through the enemy's rear to explore their reality. If their rear is empty, maybe we can still capture some Fighter."
"It's too dangerous Anakin! You can't be alone." Obi-Wan immediately rejected.
"I think I can, Master! And the other party must be staring at your four Jedi Masters. Once someone disappears from the battlefield, they will definitely be alert~EbookFREE.me~ Anakin said loudly.
Alpha-17 nodded and said: "I also think it's feasible. The separatist's movements are too suspicious. Proper investigation and inter-enemy penetration are necessary. Rest assured, General Obi-Wan, I will protect him."
Obi-Wan nodded and said, "That's good! Then it's up to you, Anakin, Alpha-17!"
At this time, there was another noise from the rear. It turned out that an AT-TE walking machine was caught in the quagmire again. Obi-Wan walked over, closed his eyes, concentrated all his strength, and controlled the original force. Raise the feet of AT-TE! The clone driver quickly controlled the walking machine out of the quagmire.
Suddenly, Obi-Wan looked toward the sky with a sense, but found nothing. He frowned, and continued to command the troops to start a rest and build up, preparing for the next wave of offensive.
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