Vol 2 Chapter 2078: Take control of 1 cut

? 2078, control everything
"Hello! Anyway, you are my boss, don't say I didn't remind you. You have to stay here fortunately. We have thousands of younger brothers in Nasada. Most of them are desperate. But If you are out of our territory, there are not many people who are in trouble for you. Whether it is a Hutt, a black day, or a secret agent of the Republic, you want to catch you." Seeing Tang Yu alone Wanting to go out, Taber-Zahn said aloud.
Tang Yu turned around but showed a strange smile, and slowly said: "They want to catch me? Do I agree?" After he finished, he went out without looking back, even without a follower.
Just after going out, Tang Yu immediately felt that he was locked in dozens of eyes, and some people were quietly using the communicator to greet more people. Those who stared at him found that there was no one beside him, and they all began to lean in, some even pulled out their pistols.
At this time, suddenly a burly Farin man came to stop Tang Yu, and he said sharply: "Are you Tang Yu? Prince Nisa of the Black Sun let you go."
However, Tang Yu didn't pay attention to him at all. He just took out a revolver with a size that was a little exaggerated from his pocket. It was M-500 revolver! Fire 0.50 bullets to hunt large animals and claim to be the most powerful pistol in the world!
"You don't toast, don't eat fines!!" The Farin man saw Tang Yu draw a gun and pointed his pistol at his head. At the same time, there were four or five masks beside him The dark day agents approached, holding a unique U-shaped double-barreled explosive pistol in their hands!
boom! ! ! With a loud noise, the person in front of Tang Yu exploded! The terrible power of the M-500 directly cut him in half! !
At the same time, several other black-day agents subconsciously wanted to pull the trigger, but suddenly found that the trigger in their hands could not be pulled at all! ! At this time, Tang Yu had already turned around, and the M-500 was aimed at the head of a black day agent, bang! ! His head exploded like a watermelon!
"Drink ah!!" Another Black Day agent found that the gun could not be fired, and shouted his buttocks and was about to smash it! However, at this moment, a great force suddenly came from the pistol in his hand, dragging him towards the rear! Then, bang! ! Tang Yu shot again, and this was the last voice this agent heard.
boom! boom! boom! ! Tang Yu is like walking, shooting while moving forward, standing still and carelessly putting 0.50 bullets into the wheel one by one, and even having time to raise the gun and take a look to see if the bullets are released. It has to be neat.
At that time, those people didn't know what happened. They saw that the people of the sun were killed by Tang Yu one shot at a time. They only thought that the people of the sun were missing, and they were frightened by snakes, so the bounty hunters and the desperate were swarming. All rushed up!
But something terrible happened, these people wanted to shoot from afar, but the trigger could not be pulled at all! They wanted to get closer, but the gun in their hands seemed to be caught by an invisible hand, dragging them back! Tang Yu was like shooting a target, killing everyone who rushed over and wanted to catch him!
A modified suspension vehicle slowly landed in front of Tang Yu and stopped steadily. The driver above was in a hurry, but he could no longer control the suspension vehicle at all! Tang Yu just slowly loaded a good bullet, put M-500 on the driver's head, and shot.
A grenade trickled down to Tang Yu's feet, he slowly bent down, picked up the grenade, played for a while, casually found a direction and threw it away, bang! ! The grenade exploded in an instant! Explode all the dozen people who rushed over!
A sniper hidden at the top of the building hundreds of meters away aimed at Tang Yu's heart and was about to shoot, but he did not notice when his pistol flew out of the holster and flew out, pointing it at the back of his head. While the sniper was still surprised that the trigger of the sniper rifle was locked, the pistol pulled the trigger under invisible force!
No matter how many people, no matter what weapons are used, these people can't get closer to Tang Yu, nor can they attack Tang Yu at all! The triggers of various firearms can't be pulled, the grenade can't be detonated, the bomb is directly misfired, and even the machete and the dagger will feel a force competing with them when they wield! !
Suspended cars, modified cars, and even someone found a small explosive gun, but it was useless! The weapon could not fire at Tang Yu, the vehicle flew obediently in front of him, and even someone even drove a Z-95 interplanetary fighter, but it didn't help either! !
Tang Yu's range of machinery is now 5 kilometers! ! In this range that covers a small half of the city, he is almost in control of the existence of everything! Especially in this world dominated by technology, there is absolutely no resistance in front of his mechanical field! Tang Yu has been looking at and analyzing these unique technologies in the "Star Wars" world at this time in Yucheng, so that his mechanical field can make the most of his role. And the equipment used by these bounty hunters and little is naturally impossible to be a cutting-edge technology product, which can easily be controlled by Tang Yu!
In the city of Wormstead, chaos is erupting. Countless people want to rush to grab Tang Yu, but the weapons, vehicles, and even any tools in their hands seem to have life and are completely disobedient! And Tang Yu just took the M-500 to kill! ! The visual effects of live ammunition killings are naturally not comparable to those of energy weapons, only to see the incomplete corpses everywhere, blood flowing into the river!
And this is exactly what Tang Yu wants! He is going to kill, wanton killing! Show it to everyone who covets him, show it to Hutt! Tell those who are skeptical, my Tang Yu, my guardian planet, is not so annoying! ! Moreover, like Zhou Qing, who is invincible in the desert of Tatooine, Tang Yu is also invincible in an urban environment like Nasada!
On the other side of Nasada’s Womstrom City, a more sinister and more intense battle is erupting! Christina hovered in midair~EbookFREE.me~ behind her mechanical wings spread, her eyes flashed blue light and stared at a man wearing a cloak standing on the ground-the Jedi Master who had fallen into the dark side , Shen Jon! !
Kristina stared at Shen-Jon for a long time, and suddenly, purple lines appeared on her, and the E system turned on! Then she broke through the sound barrier instantly like a bullet, and rushed to Shen Jon in a few seconds! The liquid metal in both hands becomes a long knife, and the sharp feathers on the mechanical wings are stabbed from all sides!
However, Shen Jon seemed to be able to know Christina's movements. He suddenly turned sideways, followed by the red lightsaber in his hand, and the metal wings were cut off by his sword! Immediately after he raised his hand, the powerful force suddenly pushed Christina away.
Uh! ! The red lightsaber cut off suddenly! Kristina dodges at the fastest speed, but under the action of the Force, her movements also slow down! The lightsaber suddenly broke through her outer liquid metal and cut directly on her shoulder! The lightsaber could not cut off her Edman alloy, but the extremely high temperature of the blade burned, and the liquid metal was melted suddenly, dripping like raindrops!
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