: That... I'm sorry everyone, Xiaojing exploded yesterday...

   Finally came to the shelves one day, I used to look forward to it, now I really feel so scared. What to do if the subscription is not good, what to do if the collection declines, this book is like the child of Xiao Jing, and I hope he can grow up.
   As for the purpose of Xiaojing's book writing, it's too fake to say that it's just interest. That's right, Xiaojing is hoping to make money and income in this book. But this does not mean that I have to write a set of face-to-face essays. As for why, Xiaojing is also ambitious.
  What is the most important thing for an author? Obviously style. For me, this also means that readers will find something different from the author's book "Master Jing", and they will say something in their hearts: "Ah, Master Jing's book, then What will be in this book... this is exactly what I want." If there is such a day, then my purpose is achieved.
   The reason why I wrote the book "Machinist" is because of the dream of a robot that I had been growing up. From a very young age, from "Blood Paradise" to "Sky City", from "Perak Five" to "Terminator", the dream of robots has always grown up with us. Who is the most impressive robot? Uncle Arnold, the Terminator, no doubt.
  Finally, Xiaojing can pick up the keyboard and knock down the first string of letters while dreaming, write the dream of this robot, show it to everyone, and let everyone follow Xiaojing to dream together. If this book can give me actual benefits, then naturally it is the best result.
   So in the book "Machinist", Xiao Jing condenses a lot of things. Xiao Jing has watched "Mercenary World" in Long Kong from 1998 to 1999. Yes, Long Kong was not a forum at that time. After reading the book for so long, I naturally want to write a book that I can read.
   I am used to seeing the soldier king, the special forces, and the killer, so Tang Yu is a silly kid. I'm used to repairing immortals, I'm used to seeking demons, I'm used to bloodlines, so Tang Yu refuses bloodlines and just wants to go pure technology. I'm used to grabbing a wave of fast food and leaving, so Tang Yu's adventures will go deeper in the story world. I am used to redemption, so there is no redemption in this system. I'm used to squad mode, so the ultimate goal of this system is war.
In order to write "Terminator", Xiao Jing thoroughly understood the plot and settings of "Terminator", even daring to fight in the "Terminator" post bar. In order to write "Resident Evil: Curse", Xiao Jing watched this CG movie more than three times, and even the plot of the following "Resident Evil 6" also carefully watched the video, watched the settings, and looked at the information. That's why Xiaojing dared to write this. When an event happened, the whole body was triggered, but Xiaojing dared to spread out with a deep understanding of the plot.
   This is responsible for the plot, the reader, and Xiaojing himself. This is the style of Xiao Jing. Xiao Jing's ambition may be the only one. Is it really difficult to please, only to see tomorrow's shelves.
   Many people scolded me for not being self-restrained. Many people scolded me for gauze. When Xiao Jing's eyes closed, he didn't see it. If writing a book doesn't have the courage to innovate, how can one form one's own style and how can one truly succeed? If he even scolds this point, then the person who deserves the scolding should read the same novel for a lifetime.
   In fact, Xiao Jing is a particularly insecure person, and stares at the book review area all day long. Many posts that scolded me were in my eyes, uncomfortable in my heart. But these can't stop me from writing this book, because since I uploaded this book, there have always been beautiful things around me.
   The original name of this book is actually quite literary, called "Me, Mechanic". I didn't dare to publish it at the starting point because I was afraid that this book would be drowned in the sea of ​​starting points. However, afterwards, he courageously sent an email to Blu-ray. His luck was really good. Blu-ray replied greatly, saying that he could sign a contract.
   was really moved and almost cried, which meant that this was the recognition of Xiaojing. When writing novels, the biggest soul is in yourself and in constant self-denial. Xiao Jing didn't dare to say that he had a big heart, so the approval of Blu-ray and the subsequent contract with white text on black background were the biggest motivation that supported me to write down at that time. Up to now, when Xiao Jing code words, he will also put this contract aside to remind himself. This is Blu-ray's recognition of me, and I can't let him down.
   Then, when Xiao Jing posted an advertisement for his book in "Terminator", he met his first book friend Gui Changsheng. At that time, Xiao Jing's book number was still very small, but the fact that Gui Changsheng gave Xiao Jing the first big reward was added to the group of book friends who had only Xiao Jing at the time. Not only that, but also find readers who are very interested in my book in the book review area to send messages one by one and invite them to join the group.
  The group of book friends from the first two people, until now more than sixty people. Every day, new friends join, everyone bragging in the group~EbookFREE.me~ talk about everything. Looking at this group, Xiao Jing is happy in his heart. He is also happy to meet such a group of reader friends. Xiaojing realized that his efforts were not unrecognized.
  Every friend of the book friend group, Xiao Jing remembers in his heart. I also keep in mind my friends who support Xiaojing by rewarding them. Friends who insist on voting for Xiaojing every day, Xiaojing also keeps in mind. I can name each of these IDs. Although they did not add groups or comment, they are supporting Xiaojing with practical actions. What is happiness, this is happiness.
  Xiao Jing is happy, so nothing can stop me from writing this book and writing it well. There is no conflict between satisfying your readers and friends and making money, but Xiaojing is working hard.
  During the process of writing the book, there were several toxic incidents. Readers and friends also gave Xiaojing valuable comments in the book review area and group, which also revealed that Xiaojing's writing ability was not mature enough. Although I adjusted those plots as soon as possible, it also sounded the alarm for me, and in the process of writing the book, I should not be slack.
   So finally arrived tomorrow, the moment to decide everything. Xiao Jing is really scared and very embarrassed. Fear that his so-called ambitions will be lost in the face of factual data. Yesterday, I slept all night, and today, perhaps the same.
  Xiao Jing didn’t want to cry first, and second, he didn’t want to hold on to eunuchs. But at twelve tomorrow, it was indeed a turning point for fate.
   is to recognize Xiao Jing’s ambitions to accompany "Mechanic" to go on, or to discard it as a clog, cut off the fate between Xiao Jing and everyone's choice.
   But I believe that I am not alone, how many bumps along the way to the present, I also believe that I am not nothing. So, at twelve noon tomorrow, let everyone decide the future together...
Latest chapter of Ebook Infinite Legend: The Mechanic Click here