Vol 2 Chapter 2238: contain

2238, containment
Tang Yu frowned and said, "Palpatine is completely unprepared for the independence of the Corella galaxy. What else can he do? Now that they have started the midpoint, Palpatine dare not really put Corella. The anxious ∫ need to let General Grievous launch an offensive in Marastal to contain the Republic’s fleet, and then send a squadron to Corella to cover. In this way, regardless of Palpatine has any plans, as long as we can maintain the status quo of Corella's independence, sooner or later the Republic will be brought down."
Earl Ducku snorted, staring at Tang Yu and said: "As a politician and as a leader, your weakness is too obvious, that is, you are not cruel enough. Do you think Corella can threaten Palpatine? Wrong, they can't do anything alpatin can sacrifice 100, 1000 galaxies, as long as they can get the midpoint station. And correspondingly, you think Corella dare to really destroy these 100, 1000 galaxies , Even destroying Coruscant? They dare not think that they are just businessmen. So, the biggest problem facing Palpatine is just the one that blocks the kitchen."
Tang Yu's face changed, and indeed the Republic might be frightened by the midpoint, but Palpatine would never fear that the galaxy would die tens of billions or billions of people. What does it have to do with him? He just wanted to be an emperor! If this is the case, Corella may be able to persist for a shorter time than expected! !
He thought about it and suddenly laughed, "Then let Palpatine focus all of his attention on Corella and the midpoint. The troubles of the Republic are just beginning!"
"That being the case, Lundili's affairs will be left to you. When the news of Corella's independence spreads, they should come to you. Palpatine will definitely come at the midpoint station. Find me and let me see what I can do," said Count Duku.
Tang Yu nodded and said: "Lundilly is already in the bag. Bangila-Ulan has no Palpatine's courage, he will soon follow suit."
Having finished speaking, he turned to leave. At this time, Count Ducout suddenly called and asked, "How confident do you think we can beat Palpatine?"
This question is stupid. It seems that a trial by Earl Ducuk Yu Yu smiled and said: "I'm totally unsure. To say, defeating Palpatine is not something we need to prioritize. ∫ Never be naive to think With these outer ring galaxies, we can compete with the inner ring and core circle of the Galaxy Republic that have been in operation for a long time."
"But Palpatine won't give up, how are you going to deal with it?"
"On that day, we will have more allies, within the Republic."
Earl Ducour’s previously stiff expression softened at this time. He nodded and said,
Very well, you are not complacent because of the independence of the Corella galaxy. Very good. But you also have to remember that After dealing with Corella and Lundilli, our true enemies also come from within."
In the outer space of the planet Marastal, under the command of General Grivers, who received the command of the general attack, a total of 37 squadrons of independent galaxy confederations gathered here started the engines at the same time and rushed towards the battleship of the Republic. The large battleships are gathered together, even in the vast universe, it is amazing.
The Confederacy's fleet is centered on the Rukkerhuk-class battleship. With the donut-like battleship's powerful long-range firepower and powerful fighter loading, it is approaching the Republican fleet step by step.
On General Griffith’s flagship Invisible Hand, a holographic image of General Fox’s Tronch appeared here. He said:
I suggest not to take off the fighter jets for a while. Many fighters were shot down by near fire."
"No! Take off the fighter plane immediately!!" General Grievous shouted with a sharp punch, "Regardless of the loss! There is only one order from Earl Ku, and he will try his best to drag the Republic's fleet!!"
I only saw the hangar platforms of those warships unfolding. Tens of thousands of vulture robot fighters rushed out like black clouds, and they flew over with black pressure!
At the same time, the ready-to-prepared Republican fleet immediately opened fire! The bow's turbo laser gun fired at the same time, and countless beams of light were launched densely. On the flagship of the Republic, Admiral Woolf-Yularen, the commander of the fleet, is also constantly issuing operational instructions and adjusting formation. Beside him, the current leader of the Jedi Knights, Master Mes-Windu, is also here. In this fleet battle, the Republic also tried its best. The Jedi Knights also sent more than 100 Jedi Knights to the battle!
But they never thought that the offensive of the Independent Galaxy Confederation was so fierce, it was a deadly gesture! ! Tens of thousands of vulture robotic fighters were shot down by more than 1,000 long-range firepower of the Republican Fleet shortly after taking off, but they were still violently rushing forward.
"The other party's offensive is too fierce, shrink the defense, take off the fighter! The 16th and 22nd fleets detour to the two wings!" Admiral Yularen said aloud.
"Let the Jedi warriors also set off, and we must support this wave of offensive." Master Metz-Windu also added that he felt his chin, a little puzzled, "The separatist warship cannot hunt with us. Compared with the number of soldier-class cruisers, the number of us is not much different. Why do they take the initiative to attack? I seem to feel the taste of conspiracy."
Admiral Yularen swayed, just wanted to say something, and suddenly a message came from the communicator. He opened it, and suddenly his face was pale, his hand was loose, and the communicator dropped his hand.
When Master Windu waved his hand, the communicator flew into his own hand. When he looked at the content, his breath suddenly rushed. He returned the communicator to Yularen. Shen Sheng said: "Why is Corella What happened at this time? What do they have to rely on?"
"Perhaps this is the reason why the separatist fleet actively attacked. Your Excellency Speaker directly ordered me to dispatch at least 100 cruisers to the Corella galaxy through emergency faults~EbookFREE.me~ But now how can it be easy Mobilize!" Admiral Yularen was anxious.
"And the details of this rebellion are unclear. Perhaps there is still something inside. ∫ You must return to Coruscant in person, meet with Palpatine, and explain the situation face to face." Master Windu said.
"Well, I will send the fleet to the Corella galaxy after repelling the separatist attack." Admiral Yularen said.
Master Windu took out his communicator, connected to the communication and said: "Anakin, you immediately end the combat mission and follow me back to Coruscant. The emergency happened. On the way, I will explain it to you again!" Turned around and quickly walked out of the bridge.
Admiral Woolf-Yularen took a deep breath and looked back outside the porthole. In the dark universe, he was constantly illuminated by flashing laser beams and explosive flames. At the other end, separatism gathered. The powerful fleet, however, at this time of crisis, as the most economically developed Corella galaxy in the Republic, a rebellion broke out!
What's the matter, Republic?
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