Vol 2 Chapter 2333: I am a traverser

2333 I am a traverser
Jing Shuo wanted to know what it was like to look down on those plot worlds from the dark of the universe, but Tang Yu already knew. He sat in the office and picked up a report. He looked up incredulously and asked, "Only the solar system? It's impossible! In "Alien vs. Blood Warrior", don't we have many exchanges with Blood Warrior?"
"But the fact is, any of our aircraft can't fly out of the solar system, to be precise, it can't exceed the Kuiper Belt." Bolivar-Trask said.
Tang Yu frowned and looked at the Fox Immortal standing on the other side and said, "But it doesn't make sense. I remember when I was promoted from the silver group to the gold group, one of the opponents came from the "StarCraft" world. In this way, can't their world leap to other galaxies? And the world that we just ended "Star Wars", is the Milky Way running everywhere?"
Fox Immortal leaned against the wall with his arms around him, and raised and said, "There are two problems with your words. First, both your experience and my previous experience with the Frozen Team have seen many experimenters. At a low level, I went to a high-level world. And even in a high-level world, the system will issue tasks of corresponding difficulty, and it will not let people die. In this case, maybe these experimenters are in their world at the beginning. The development of the world is difficult, but once that step can be taken, it is to break the cocoon into a butterfly, directly based on a high-level world development, and has unlimited potential. The White Lion King we met, the ghost agent in his team is such an example. The situation is actually similar to winning the jackpot in the Super Lotto."
Then she added: "In addition, on the fourth ruling day in the Platinum Group Five, their captain made his fortune from the world of "Diablo". Remember when you were John Conner at the beginning, I gave After your life potion, and the bottle of recovery potion given to you by the captain of the night legend? These are purchased from the store on the day of the ruling."
Tang Yu nodded.
"So the second question, this exploration illustrates another thing. That is, all worlds have limits, and this limit depends on the limit of the plot in this world. If my judgment is correct, In the "Star Wars" world, the experimenter's flying machine cannot fly out of the galaxy, and the "StarCraft" world cannot fly out of the Klupp star zone. But this limit, the smallest is the solar system, and it also gives the experimenter the power to explore the universe. Probably, but not so that the strength of the team that has the priority to master the technology out of the universe will not exceed the specifications..." Fox Immortal continued.
Tang Yu thought about it and said, "There is also a possibility, because these worlds may be repeated, so in order not to create a universe for each world, so demarcate the area? This can save this La Pula The system resources of the multidimensional calculus system? Also, I have been thinking that there are different copies of the same world in this system space, but the number of this copy is also very limited, so only when experimenters meet in the same world Is it possible, is this also a way to save system resources?"
"Possibility cannot be said to be no, but this judgment does not have much effect for us at present." Fox Immortal said for a moment.
"So what do you need to do to get out of the solar system, or to say, out of the boundaries defined by the system for each world?" Tang Yu asked.
"I think...the answer is only one promotion diamond group!" Fox Immortal replied solemnly.
"Diamond group..." Tang Yu pondered. He suddenly felt that the goal was not far away from himself. So he nodded and asked: "So in the "Star Wars" world, why is Furan and I being the Force Immunists, has this aspect been detected?"
Kara-Radames said on the side: "Your question will be put aside first, Furan's test results have come out. The main reason why she is a Force Immunizer is that her body was not born naturally. Yes, it is completely made. In fact, since we obtained the x gene related technology from the "X-Men" world, after testing, we found that either the "Terminator" world or the "Resident Evil: Curse" world , Or in other worlds, the people in them all contain the x gene, which is just recessive."
Tang Yu frowned and said: "If I guess right, then each of these people in the world has a fibrinogen that can generate force?"
Carla gave Tang Yu an intoxicated look, "Everything is just like your initial judgment, my most wise king!"
Why is this so awkward? Tang Yu touched his nose and didn’t pick up Kara’s stubble.
This means that all people in all the world are generated based on the same template! This is the true meaning of the system space! The infinite world has unlimited possibilities, That's exactly it! Because every possibility has been written in these people's bodies, it only needs to be excited!"
The peacock is also very excited, "Carla also gave me a check. As an'l', the biggest difference between me and those Aborigines is that the genes in my body that can produce all kinds of power are dominant. That is to say , Maybe these genes were also recessive before, but after I completed the extraordinary task to become'l', it became dominant! And relatively speaking, the genes of the experimenter are also recessive, maybe this is'l' The biggest difference from the experimenter!"
Tang Yu was shocked and said, "You mean, as the'l', it can easily stimulate the power in the body! No wonder in the "Star Wars" world, the person with the highest force talent is one, you, the other One is Jane Connor! And her growth of zero is extremely fast!"
"And other experimenters, the activation of their power genes in their bodies is limited by their own characteristics and qualifications, so the system space does not provide the so-called exchange function, but let the experimenters learn by themselves..." Shi Mingdong squatted in On the window sill, the tone was a bit lonely, "Then a few geniuses were selected from among the tens of millions of experimenters. In contrast, each'l' has an incomparable advantage. Thinking of this, I hate you a bit What about these'l'..."
Peacock glanced at Shi Mingdong and said, "Do you think'l' is easy? To wake up and become'l', the first thing to do is to jump out of the world where you are. And to jump out of this, you have been born since birth. How difficult is it to influence your world? Have you ever thought about it? To what extent does a person have to realize that the world he is in now is made by someone? Not to mention that the difficulty is basically impossible to complete. Tasks, most of those tasks are tasks that surpassed'l''s own strength at the time."
"So in this way, will the infinite thunder god's hostility towards ‘l’ stem from this reason?
Chen Gang asked.
Fox Immortal shook his head and said: "I emphasize again that at the level of Infinite Thor, he is no longer hostile to'l'. In fact, he should have a deeper purpose in waging war against all'l'. Maybe The deeper our understanding of the system space, the closer to his purpose. In addition... Tang Yu, do you know? In fact, the force immunity in our team is not only you and Furan, but... there are three people ."
"Three people?" Tang Yu's face changed. "Who else?"
"Zhou Qing!" said Fox Immortal. "He has been maintaining smuggling routes in Tatooine, gathering pirates and bandits, and secretly monitoring the mother of Anakin Skywalker. He hardly participated in our war, so he is the original Things that are immune to immunity are ignored."
Peacock frowned: "Zhou Qing... His parents are all experimenters. After the battle with Izumo failed, he was born in the world of Overwatch. That is to say, all the genes in him are also Implicit?"
"Not hidden, but not at all!" said Fox Immortal, "Zhou Qing was able to use sand ninjutsu because he received the power of sand guard crane! Furan's power was given to her by Tang Yu. Taboo code! That is to say, if they look normally, they should be people who are not recognized by the system, and they can't use any power!!"
With that said, she looked at Tang Yu and said, "But here, you are an accident. You are'l', but you don't have any power genes, but your mechanical field is the most powerful I have ever seen. Power, because I have never heard of any power that can give the robot soul and God code! This power is like a creator! So, you are neither like'l' nor like an experimenter, let alone Like someone who is not recognized by the system, you... are too complicated... I think maybe the secret of this system is hidden in you."
Tang Yu was silent. He closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the sofa. He didn't speak for a long time. No one at the scene said anything, waiting for his answer. After that, he opened his eyes and said slowly: "Since I came to this system space, I have been thinking about what exactly this system exists and what its purpose is. Later I found out that to understand this, it is not Maybe, because the world of the system is so perfect, there are almost no flaws, this is a real world! How can you find false evidence of this world from a real world? But we still have to find... …Because we are no longer in the state of ignorance when we first entered the system, we have been in the system space for decades, maybe? We may have different initial purposes, but I believe that we all have this in our hearts. Where is the end of a question? Endless tasks, endless wars, where is the end?"
"Maybe we are indulged in power and indulgence in power, but we also want to know, where is the end of power, the end of power, to put it another way, if we can learn more about the system space and fight our future And development is also very useful." Tang Yu's voice was very low, then he glanced at everyone and asked, "Who do you think I am?"
"Aren't you just John Connor? Ah ha ha ha... uh..." Shi Mingdong laughed, but suddenly felt something was wrong, the laughter gradually subsided, and his expression became dignified.
"John Connor will not call himself Tang Yu, and he will not change his appearance to be an oriental with no special appearance." Fox Immortal said lightly.
"It's really true to say so! At first I thought he was John Connor, but as a'l', he changed his appearance because he was worried about being discovered. In fact, at the beginning of the time, every time I went to the world , He will also change back to John Connor, so I have no doubt..." Shi Mingdong thought about it, "In the future, he doesn't know when to start, he has always been like this, I I’m used to it and didn’t think so much..."
Speaking of which, he jumped off the window sill and stared at Tang Yu and asked, "Hey! So who are you? Tang Yu or John Conner?"
Tang Yu smiled and said, "My name is Tang Yu, not John Connor. In fact, I crossed over to John Connor, the so-called... soul wear."
"Wait a minute, you said you were crossing? Isn't it the kind that fell into a corner of a plot world with a group of strangers as soon as you opened your eyes?" Shi Mingdong looked at Tang Yu suspiciously.
"Yes, crossing." Tang Yu briefly said what happened when he just crossed.
Shi Mingdong suddenly clapped, "No wonder! At that time, Ling Fei always said you had a problem! I always thought you were l, so you will have these abnormalities!"
Fox Immortal nodded: "We wouldn't think of going through such an outrageous thing, so we filled Tang Yunao with an answer he thought was appropriate, so we ignored his anomalies..."
"But if it is through, Tang Yu is still based on John Connor's body? John Connor is a system of "locals", why don't you have any genes of power?" Chen Gang asked.
"Maybe it's the so-called soul..." Fox Xian frowned, she said solemnly: "But if that's the case, there is one thing I need to remind you of."
"What's the matter?" Tang Yu asked.
"There are many rumors about Infinite Thor, which are very mixed, but there are few useful ones. However, one of them is the very unremarkable Infinite Thor, which seems to have a wonderful power from the beginning. This power is not directly used to fight. Power, but it has unlimited possibilities."
Tang Yu was shocked, "It's the same as the mechanical field!!!"
Fox Immortal nodded: "You say you are a traverser, and carry the power of the mechanical field, then this news may have some authenticity. Perhaps, there is a certain relationship between you and the infinite Thor. And this connection may be the key to unlocking the secret of the entire Laplace multidimensional universe calculation system!"
Tang Yu sat down again~EbookFREE.me~ nodded slowly. Then he raised his head and looked around at everyone. Lan Xiang and the core members of the Guardian Empire were mostly here. He asked: "Why? It seems you are not surprised to know that I am a traverser?"
"The day I met you, you were Tang Yu, so why should I be surprised?" The peacock responded indifferently with his hair.
"Yeah, I'm used to it. Now that you change to John Connor, I'm not used to it anymore." Shi Mingdong said.
"From the moment you touched my core with the mechanical field, I knew that your name was Tang Yu, not John Connor." Christina tilted her head.
"You are my king! No matter what you become, this will never change!" Kara-Radames said with great excitement.
Others nodded.
Shi Mingdong patted his head and said suddenly: "If Jane Connor knew about it, should she be happy or unhappy?"
"Well... who knows?" Fox Immortal glanced at Tang Yu playfully.
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