Vol 2 Chapter 468: Dragon's Secret

468, the secret of the dragon
A few hours ago, when Tang Yu and the Overwatch troops had just taken off from Zurich's military airport, he received a communication. The people who came over were really Hanzo!
"Defeat Shimada Tatsuya, how confident are you?" Hanzo asked directly.
"The Peacock Club and Shimada Dragon also have a decisive battle. I don't know how sure they will be, but I don't think she will lose at least." Tang Yu answered.
"If you know the origin of the power of the Shimada Family Dragon, will you still have such great confidence?" Hanzo said.
"The magical power of the Shimada family was derived from a treasure left by the overlord of the Warring States period, Nobunaga Oda. In 1571 AD, Nobunaga Oda burned the sacred site of the Japanese rooftop sect of Japan at that time, Hieiyama Yanri Temple. Among the people involved in the attack, there was the Ninja Army led by the ancestors of the Shimada family at that time. And they found that in a stupa in the temple, something sparkled in the flames, so they took this thing as a treasure and dedicated it to Oda. Nobunaga," Hanzo said.
"You mean, this thing has something to do with Buddhism?" Tang Yu frowned, which is not good news. It is important to know that the forces involved in Buddhism are very powerful.
"Take it back to remove the burnt residue from the outside, and find that this is a jade shape like a dragon head, so it is called the dragon head jade. Some old monks were asked to find out that this thing is the Nara era of 753 AD, Jian Zhen When he traveled east, the brought Emperor Xuanzong presented it to Japan as a sacred object to promote Buddhism-it is said that it was the relic of the protector of the dragon king under Sakyamuni. However, Nobunaga Oda hated Buddhism at that time and locked this dragon head jade in The secret room is no longer ignored, and it is the Shimada family who is in charge of this secret room!!" The semi-Tibetan language is amazing.
Then Hanzo continued: "We all know what happened afterwards. Ten years after burning Mount Hiei, in 1582, Nobunaga Oda died in the transformation of the instinct temple initiated by the wise light show, and the huge force he built fell apart. The Shimoda family of the Oda Family Ninja Legion took the opportunity to get this dragon head jade, and this ancestor of the Shimada family was also shocking to talk about. It was very beautiful. He quickly deciphered the secret of this dragon head jade and got the cultivation of the dragon. After the rise of Yuchai Hideyoshi, he wanted Shimada family to continue to serve him, but Shimada family ancestor decided not to set foot in the disputes of the world. So he gave the Ninja army to Yuchai Xiuji, pretending to retreat, and began secretly operating himself The empire in the dark. This is the secret of the Shimada Family Dragon-the power of the Buddhist guardian dragon king!
Tang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "That is to say, the magical power of the Shimada family is essentially a Buddhist sacred object!?"
No wonder the Shimadada family is so rotten and dark, the power used is so bright and upright! If this is the case, Peacock is probably not the opponent of Shimada Tatsuya! ! No wonder that according to the original historical trajectory, the peacock launched the chaos in time and space, and Shimaida Ryu also died! Because this is the only option! !
Tang Yu Shen Sheng said: "So you tell me this, why?"
"The Shimoda family is over, and all this should be over. I have carried too many sins for the family in recent years, and it is time to find a settlement. Throwing the dragon head jade into Mount Fuji can destroy it. Then, the power of the dragon of the Shimada family will be lost. However, only the Shimada dragon himself can enter the secret room where the dragon head jade is stored." Hanzo said.
"Only him? What needs to be scanned?" Tang Yu asked with a frown.
"DNA, facial contours, iris, voice prints, and fingerprints. DNA's words are not difficult to find from his daily necessities, but it is difficult to verify later." Hanzang said.
After thinking for a while, Tang Yu turned around and asked, "Christina, how is the t-1000 now?"
"It has been contacted again. Under the cover of Zhou Qing, it turned into a pile of seemingly useless scrap iron before escaping the pursuit." Christina replied with her head tilted.
"Then it has a task now!" Tang Yu said to Kristina: "You contact Hanzang. Make sure that t-1000 can be transformed into a Shimanada Ryuya in the shortest time. come out!!"
"No problem, if there is enough information, what is lacking is time." Christina said.
"It needs to be as soon as possible. If Shimada Dragon also killed the peacock, he entered the system space and it would be really difficult to kill him again!" Tang Yu frowned.
"Don't you tell the peacock?" Christina asked.
"It's no good telling her, but it will make her suffer. It's better to hide her, so that she can fight the battle with all her strength." Tang Yu said.
However, in the cabin that was supposed to be empty next to Tang Yu, the peacock held a fan to cover his cherry lips and snickered: "I heard it~~~~ But I am not as fragile as you said! Is the power of the Dragon King? Interesting..." As she said, her figure suddenly disappeared.
Mount Fuji crater, a person exactly the same as Shimada Dragon, is walking with a glass of dragon head Yumu walking. However, the dragon head jade, which should have radiated a peaceful light, now turned into a deep purple, and a burst of anger burst out, and it seemed that this faucet was terrible.
Shimada Hanzo can only be farther away from the dragon head jade, because as soon as he approaches, a killing intention will overflow his chest! There is no doubt that if you are in contact for too long, it will turn him into a monster that will only kill! !
"Buddha guardians are mostly powerful monsters recovered by the Buddha. Normally, the Buddha suppressed them on weekdays, and it is natural. But now, after being influenced by Shimadada's various evil and brutal behaviors in the Shimoda family for two decades, his nature is finally revealed. Is it?" Hanzo whispered, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.
"It turns out that even the gods and Buddha have given up the Shimoda family. Are only monsters willing to be with the Shimoda family? In this way, you are right, younger brother..." Hanzo raised his head and sighed, "It's time to end this. You Is it called t-1000? I can’t get close to Longshouyu, then I’ll leave it to you..."
"Drink it!!! Break it for me!!!" Shimada Rong also roared with a punch~EbookFREE.me~, punching out dozens of guardian four-type fighting robots around him to pieces!
Immediately afterwards, the Ten Soldiers waved half-field swords with swords and chopped them over. The scary knife light cut a ten-meter-long gully on the ground! boom! ! Shimada Dragon also punched with a fist with the power of the deep purple dragon, and immediately broke the sword! A huge force hit the chest of the ten soldiers like a heavy hammer. She suddenly blew blood, and was beaten more than ten meters away!
"Death!!!" Shimada Rong also roared, his skin began to become dark, and a small scream began to grow on his forehead. "Roar~~~!!!" He made a roar of inhumanity, The deep purple dragon wrapped around and swooped towards the peacock! !
"Four-dimensional space shield!!" Peacock mentioned the last power and laid the four-dimensional space barrier again. However, she was close to the exhausted lamp and could no longer support it for too long. With a bang, the four-dimensional space barrier was suddenly broken! !
"Bai~~~~~~" The deep purple dragon let out a dragon chant and pounced on it! !
"Go behind me!!" Reinhardt roared, and the directional shield in his hand immediately unfolded, keeping the peacock behind! However, the directional shield was only broken for a few seconds and was broken! boom! ! The heavy power armor on Reinhardt was suddenly broken, and the whole person was knocked to the ground.
Looking at the magic dragon that Zhang Ya danced his claws, the peacock crossed two peacock feathers in front of his chest, and there was a trace of determination in his eyes! Now she doesn't even have the power to launch chaos in time and space, but she still has to fight hard!
Suddenly a black shadow blocked her, Tang Yu driving at-6! ! I only saw a pair of heavy iron fists at-6 heated to red, and at the same time the shield was fully unfolded and greeted directly! !
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