Vol 2 Chapter 565: Set up! Cut off the wings of the dragon!

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Chapter 565 Sets up the board! Cut off the wings of the dragon!
565. Set up! Cut off the wings of the dragon!
boom! ! ! AT-6 hit it with a punch, and the huge force smashed the hard ice on the ground into a hole of several meters, and countless broken ice chips flew around! ZERO shook slightly, dodge this punch, and appeared on the left side of AT-6 in an instant! However, she hadn't waited for her to wield a sword, only to see a nano-robot like a black cloud swept in. ZERO's eyes flashed with resentment, and he slashed with a sword, and suddenly the nano-robot was broken. Cut it the shoulder of AT-6!
Boom! ! A light blue light flashed on the surface of AT-6, which is an energy coating evenly distributed on the surface of the mech! However, this could not completely offset ZERO's sword. AT-6's shoulder was suddenly cut with a long scar!
Tang Yuya closed his bite and immediately controlled AT-6 to punch back! The arm of AT-6 with three joints is flexible, and this fist draws an arc and smashes towards ZERO! However, the speed of AT-6 is too different from ZERO after all. She flicked her fist, and left a deep scratch on the arm of AT-6. Please search for (品#书......) to see the most complete! The fastest updating novel
"Go to die! Go to die!! Let me see how long you want to hide in this turtle shell!!!" ZERO shouted, stepping at the dazzling pace under his feet, and countless swords and swords immediately surrounded AT-6! In Tang Yu's control room, you can see that the energy of AT-6 is falling rapidly, and the internal structure is beginning to be affected.
Tang Yu didn't say a word, but just used AT-6 to rush towards ZERO! He also sees that ZERO actually has few methods for this heavy armor, and can only use his own speed advantage to slowly consume it. But the problem now is not this, but the giant dragon of the sky!
After seeing the dragon, Tang Yu found that his air-to-air power was very poor. Whether it was a T-600 laser rifle or a guardian type 5 electromagnetic machine gun, the range was very limited. Longqi type 1 and Longqi The second type, after all, belongs to a micro aircraft, fighting with a dragon? Funny.
However, Tang Yu did have a way to threaten the dragon, but he did not have the certainty to kill him. He had been waiting for an opportunity. It can be seen from ZERO's order that the dragon has been harassing fireballs at high altitudes. It can be seen that the girl with super swordsmanship is actually fighting the idea of ​​not being far away immediately.
When Tang Yu was thinking, the battle continued, AT-6 followed ZERO closely, although she wanted to rush to get rid of Kristina, the most threatening target to Mihail, but in Tang Yu’s life. It hasn't been able to deal with it.
"Enough! You guys!" ZERO became more and more angry, and the stalemate made her angry, "Mihail! Remove this turtle shell to me!!!"
"Understood!!!" Mihail heard the words and suddenly ejected a lot of fireballs! boom! boom! boom! Kristina was suddenly surrounded by fire! Then she swooped down!
What is the concept of a dragon weighing at least several tons weighing down! Far away can feel a gust of wind coming! Mihaier also sprayed a large flame while diving, giving Tang Yu no chance at all! !
However, Tang Yu and others are now! ! In the cockpit, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and finally couldn't help it! ?
Numerous nano-robots instantly gathered together into a hard wall, and blue energy immediately flooded it! The Nano Energy Shield immediately blocked the flames sprayed by Mihail in front, but this shield could only block for an instant. After Mihail broke through the shield, the huge body had hit like a bullet!
This is not over yet! In the moment when Michelle swooped in, ZERO, who had no tacit understanding between the man and the dragon, rode on the dragon body, took out the halberd, and pointed the sharp halberd to the front, and the powerful force began to condense! This blow is a must-kill! !
boom! ! ! ! ! ! A loud deafening noise! ! Mihail directly hit the AT-6 body! ! The mech was torn apart! ! However, ZERO imagined that the scene where the man driving the mech was torn apart and blood was splattered did not appear! Only countless nano robots are flying out!
Count! ! ZERO's heart suddenly cold! However, she hadn't waited for her movement, only to hear the click sound, more than ten small cylinders rolled out from the mech! After coming to the system space, ZERO, who has gained a lot of knowledge, recognized it instantly. This is a shock bomb! ! She didn't have much time to think about it, and immediately shone ten meters away!
boom! boom! Om~~~~~~~~ Bright light and low frequency sound waves instantly filled the entire space! ! ZERO can run, but Mihail is completely impossible! From the beginning, Tang Yu's goal was this giant dragon! As long as Michelle exists, ZERO wants to fight, wants to run, this is too passive!
During the battle, he used the nanorobot to quietly roll up some shock bombs and put it in the cockpit of the AT-6-yes, the manipulator of the AT-6 has always been the avatar of his nanorobot! !
"Wow wow!!! Something!!! I can't see it!!! My ears!!!" Michelle shouted, rolling around in the same place, the huge body smashed the ice and rocks!
"Fly up! Mihail!!!" ZERO rushed towards the dragon and shouted loudly.
"I...no..." Mihail's unique little girl's voice did not fall, and suddenly changed suddenly! Hoo~~~ An unpleasant sound came from something scorched. Two thick red laser beams pierced the stormy snow and directly hit Mihail's chest! There is also a laser beam through her huge wings! !
"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" Mihaier yelled loudly! The magic array on her body could not counteract such a powerful laser!
"Mihail!!!!!!" Seeing Mihail seriously injured~EbookFREE.me~ Eyes are splitting and hurried to block in front of the dragon!
In the wind and snow, you can see a huge figure with a height of at least four or five meters in front! Two red rays began to condense in that figure!
"You!!! Remember to me! Your head, I will take it sooner or later!!!" ZERO's eyes gleamed with hatred, and the thin red eyes turned red like blood!
"Don't use it anymore! Now you have to die!!!" In the cockpit of AT-7, Tang Yu used his incomplete body to control the mech, but nano robots constantly flew back and gathered around him.
There is no way to do it. If you just control the mecha to perform simple actions, it is better to say that the mechanical field can do it. But if you want to carry out complex battles, especially close combat, it is better to have him to operate. However, after fitting with the T-3000 and controlling these nano-robots, he can have one more avatar to operate the mecha.
Energy storage is complete! Two large laser guns imitating skylight-class mechas installed on the AT-7 face aimed at the unmovable Mihail, and two thick red laser beams irradiated past! ! !
"Ah!!!!!!" ZERO suddenly issued a high-pitched scream, and the surrounding was instantly shrouded in by a red light! Even more weird is that this scream actually carries a unique rhythm, it seems...a kind of singing...a kind of singing that humans can't recognize!
Master Jing said
Thanks to Athelia for the 500 starting coins! !
Today I went to the Great Buddha Temple and incense. I should have been seriously ill. Next week, we will return to the three-day workday mode. Well, except for next Tuesday, we will go to review that day.
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