Vol 2 Chapter 654: Magic Dragon

Huh... Casa spit out a breath with black smoke, and the eyes of the golden vertical pupil looked at the destroyed villa and shouted: "Don't come to these garbages to die! Those who caught us will pay the price!" !!! Standing in front of you!!! It’s a dragon exterminator! Dragon-Angkas-Letterborn-Casa!!! Get out and die!!!"
Cameron looked at Casa's direction, expressionless, and she grabbed her left hand, which had been burnt into shape, ripped it off, and threw it aside. ?W=W≠W. 81ZW. Com looked at the fragmented and fallen on the ground again, and the "Black Kiss", which had also been melted by black inflammation for the most part, crooked his head and got up and left.
The enemies now facing are more powerful. Although "Black Lily Kiss" can be switched between sniper mode and continuous shooting mode, the consequence is that because the same rifle bullets are used in sniper mode, the power range is insufficient; In the continuous shooting mode, because of the need to take into account the structure of the sniper rifle, the accuracy cannot be guaranteed under the huge recoil.
In other words, the design of this weapon has fallen behind.
Of course, this is what Tang Yu and his scientific research team need to consider. Now Cameron thinks, just to find a more powerful weapon.
Back at the base, Cameron walked towards the arsenal to check.
"Great weapon? We have Rpg-7, a few recoilless guns, and 12.7mm heavy machine guns. For sniper guns, there are some sVd sniper rifles, but there are a lot of 7n1 bullets. These weapons The main source is Svetlana in the world of "Resident Evil: Curse"!" said Fran who manages the operation of this base.
"Too few heavy weapons. Why?" Cameron asked with a crooked head.
"Sister Catherine said this," Furan said, suddenly changing to Catherine's voice. "Whether it's the Guardian Group or the Assault Group, suddenly having high-tech products has become very compelling. Repurchase and purchase If you hoard heavy weapons, it is easy to attract national attention. It is not worth the loss. Therefore, a wise decision of Tang Yu is to smuggle the niche so that we can secretly gather a force that can compete with the country."
"So the other world hasn't developed to the point where we can provide us with heavy weapons on a large scale, and we ourselves are temporarily unable to manufacture them?" Cameron asked.
"Yes." Furan said.
Between the two of them talking, there was a loud bang! Cameron's head immediately turned 180 degrees and looked at the base door. The loud noise came from the door!
"The other party is now at our base entrance, ready to fight." Kristina said through the communicator.
"Repair your arm first, T-888's arm is still in stock." Furan said.
Cameron nodded, picked up an sVd sniper rifle, and walked towards the manufacturing center.
boom! ! There was another loud noise, and the heavy iron gate of more than ten meters shivered! !
Kristina tilted her head and turned her right hand into an ion gun, aiming at the direction of the door. Numerous robots are also laying layers of defense lines in this 20-30 meter high manufacturing plant.
boom! ! ! The loud noise came again! Some broken stones began to fall one after another.
哗啦~~哗啦~~~~~ Thousands of weapons of all kinds were pointed at the door. In the manufacturing plant divided into several layers, the red eyes of T-6oo, and the red one eye of the guardian four, The stars flickered in the space where all light sources were turned off.
boom! ! boom! ! ! Another loud noise! I only saw the center of the metal gate up to two meters thick suddenly started to be red! ! The range of being burnt is getting bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger, the central part has begun to melt into molten iron and flows down! !
"Dragon... Roaring!!!" Suddenly a roar came from outside the door!
"Drink~~~!!!!!!" Boom! ! A powerful black flame instantly blasted the whole door! Countless flames spewed in from outside the door! ! The machinery and equipment at the door and even the concrete floor are all burned! !
boom! ! Kristina's ion cannon fired! The blue and white high-temperature energy ball flew in an instant! However, another black flame rushed out and collided with the ion cannon!
Boom~~! ! ! A powerful explosion! ! A huge pit blew out on the ground! !
The smoke dissipated, a young man with red head, very thick right arm, and black scales and claws standing wildly at the door.
"Ah... I found your home. How did you feel a little excited?" Casa Man smiled.
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! ! ! The fire that countless weapons fired instantly illuminates the dark workshop! ! In a flash, thousands of bullets of various calibers came over! A large number of light bombs pulled a long strip of light, clearly showing the trajectory!
"Dragon Roar!!! Roar~~~!" Casa yelled, and a large amount of black flames spewed out of his mouth! The terrifying flames spewed out more than ten meters directly, slamming on a large device! Countless flames spread out, mixed with a lot of molten iron!
The bullets that were fired were burned and melted by this powerful flame! A small number of bullets did not threaten Casa at all! !
"No matter how much scrap iron is, also scrap iron!" Casa yelled, a huge right hand punched out, causing a burst of black flame! Suddenly blasted several robots on the second floor to pieces! Immediately afterwards, Casa laughed and rushed into the array of Robot Legions! !
Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Da Da Da Da! ! In addition to those robots that stick to the firepower, hundreds of robots are lined up in arrays and start charging towards Casa! The weapons in their hands are firing all the time, no matter whether they are useful or not, they just dump every bullet mechanically!
The robot that ran out of bullets threw the weapon and threw it!
"Yes! That's it! The ants are always struggling! I give you the right to struggle!" Casa yelled loudly, grabbing a huge right hand, and suddenly grabbed several robots into pieces!
"Burn!!" Boom! ! It was another punch, and the flame suddenly spurted out with the fist~EbookFREE.me~ destroyed several robots in front!
Casa laughed and just wanted to rush over, suddenly his ankle was caught! It turned out to be a T-6oo with only the upper body left!
"Yes! Struggle desperately!" Casa grabbed the half of T-6oo's head and pressed the ground, "Magic Flame Hell!!!"
The fifteen-mang star array is reproduced! ! boom! Black flames skyrocketing! The surrounding robots are instantly emptied again! ! Countless melted molten iron once again filled this fifteen star magic array!
boom! ! Another ion cannon! Casa turned suddenly, "Drink!!" A black flame spewed out, and the collision between the ion cannon and the flame detonated again!
"Ah! It turns out there's really a kitten!" Casa Gai smiled, looked at Christina standing on the third floor, jumped up suddenly, jumped directly onto the second floor, and then right hand towards the second floor A boxing out of the ground! The black flame burst! Then the impact of the flame, Casa directly broke the floor of the third floor, he said nothing, the right hand with black scales grabbed toward Christina!
boom! ! A loud noise! Casa has always been unfavorable, this catch was actually blocked!
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