Vol 2 Chapter 791: EMP attack

791 EMP attack
Is it finally here? Tang Yu looked at the picture of the wormhole through the image from the brain. A body was short and thick, its limbs were extremely thick, its fists were like hammers, and its body was extremely thick and open-chrysanthemum beetle-backed turtle. This chrysanthemum beast should have an organ that can emit EMP under the head and hidden under the carapace. In the movie, it used this powerful EMP to kill the "Cerno Alpha" and almost destroyed the "Eureka raid" By'.
On the other side, there is a very thin Kaiju Beast. This Kaiju Beast has a long tail and blue fluorescence flashes everywhere on his body. Especially on its chin, there is a bulging vesicle. Tang Yu knows that this is the strongest fourth-level open chrysanthemum beast that has appeared in the movie before, destroying the "tail rat" of the Chinese mecha "storm red"! !
It seems to be true that this pair of strongest chrysanthemum beasts has been upgraded to a fifth-level chrysanthemum beast by the opponent's experimenter! Not only that, but also a continuous stream of chrysanthemum beasts swarming from the wormhole!
"Since you want a decisive battle, then I will satisfy you." Tang Yu glanced lightly at the direction of the wormhole, and said through the communicator: "Kai Ju Beast is calling for reinforcements, and the'back-backed turtle' and the'tailed rat' appear !Pay attention to EMP! The sixth-generation mech comes up with me, first of all kill the'back turtle'!!!"
Then under the leadership of ‘Gourmet’, eight sixth-generation Mechs followed up, while ‘Yu Beast’ and ‘Hope Warrior’ remained temporarily behind.
Before coming to the "Pacific Rim" world, Tang Yu struggled with his brain in the face of possible EMP attacks. Strictly speaking, EMP attacks are almost unsolvable and can only be resisted. However, correspondingly, the generation of EMP is also very strict. In the 21st century, the scientific and technological strength of the earth, at most, is to produce an uncontrollable EMP through a nuclear explosion. As for the legendary EMP grenade and the like, it is actually different from what many people think. The principle is simple, but the technical content is actually very high. At least humans cannot manufacture such individual EMP weapons within a hundred years. Large EMP weapons are relatively simple.
So after all, even in the technology of the Overwatch world, EMP can only resist. So after borrowing their technology, Tang Yu added multiple electromagnetic protections to the sixth-generation mecha. He installed high-power temporary capacitors and circuit breakers for the mecha computer's core position, and also installed a reverse pulse system. When the enemy EMP broke out, it sent out opposite electromagnetic pulses, causing counter-pulse effects.
The most effective way is to make a fuss about the energy shield, because the energy shield also uses the magnetic field confinement technology, and actually generates a new magnetic field around it. However, this magnetic field cannot be compared with EMP after all, so Tang Yu can only retreat and use superconducting materials and energy shields to form a temporary Faraday cage in an instant to generate an electrostatic shielding field to isolate EMP.
The disadvantage is that the cost is very high, it is only installed on the sixth-generation mecha, and it can only be used once!
As he was thinking, Tang Yu manipulated ‘Gourmet’ toward the wormhole! There are nearly twenty Kaiju beasts near the wormhole! Tang Yu glanced coldly there, and one thought in the mechanical field only saw that the 16 neatly arranged hatches opened one by one on the rectangular device behind ‘Gourmet’, revealing the following missiles!
Bang~~~~! ! ! A lot of flames and smoke billowed out! After the super-high temperature flame was ejected, the surrounding seawater was evaporated immediately, forming numerous bubbles with thick smoke floating upward. Sixteen missiles fired at once! This missile can be said to be an enhanced version of the armor-scattered missile equipped on ‘Adam’, with a total length of 4.6 meters and a diameter of 0.68 meters, which is equivalent to the size of a short and thick Tomahawk cruise missile.
Huh~~~~~ Sixteen missiles with large bubbles and flames were fired towards the place where Kaiju Beast was concentrated!
boom! boom! boom! boom! Countless explosions came from afar, and those Kaiju beasts were suddenly angry, and the crazy howling rushed over!
Boom! Rushing to the fore, the most conspicuous ‘Holy Light’ bumped into a fifth-level Kaiju beast! The lighter "Holy Light" was knocked down, but the iron fist with countless enchants also hit the jaw of Kaiju beast! Immediately after the ‘Red Dragon’ drove by the three brothers of the Websters rushed up, this enhanced version of the mech that is equivalent to ‘Storm Crimson’ waved three arms. Boom! Beat Kaiju Beast!
On the other side, several third-level Kaiju beasts rushed over, but suddenly six laser beams flashed violently, directly illuminating the frontmost Kaiju beast! It's a "Seraph" driven by Christina! Six red laser beams pierce the sea water, and countless sea water evaporated by high temperature turns into bubbles. Although the power of the laser is lost a lot in the seabed environment, as long as the distance is close enough!
Boom! The laser irradiation just passed, and the "Seraph" shot like an arrow away from the string, hitting the head of the open chrysanthemum with a punch! !
Under the control of Tang Yu,'Gourmet' simply ignored the thirteenth and fourth-level chrysanthemum beasts that threw up. For those who dared to rush, the frightening four iron fists of'Gourmet' easily knocked them to the half and left behind Go to Chen Gang to solve them. His footsteps are non-stop, and he is steadily advancing towards the'back-back turtle'!
As if aware of the imminent threat, the'back-backed turtle' and the'legged rat' became anxious~EbookFREE.me~ they were still protected by a large number of chrysanthemum beasts, and they kept howling without stopping.
Suddenly, I only saw the carapace on the head of the'back-backed turtle' suddenly unfolding, exposing the anemone-like organ underneath like a cluster of gleaming electric lights!
"Pay attention to the EMP attack." Tang Yu reminded.
I only saw that all the mechas stopped immediately, and the movement became very small, just to withstand the attack of Kaiju Beast. Most of the non-essential systems inside the mech are shut down, and the backup capacitor starts to work.
At the same time, I only saw a dazzling electro-optical burst on the "back", and it spread out!
"EMP is coming!!!" Chen Gang shouted and pressed the switch, only to see a small device suddenly protruding from the head of the mech, and the device was also flashing with electric light! Hey~~~! ! A strong reverse electromagnetic pulse is launched! At the same time, a large amount of superconducting material was launched, and under the effect of the same electromagnetic restraint technology as the energy shield, a barrier was created around the mech!
Boom~~! ! ! The EMP launched by the'back-backed turtle' swept away! The cab inside all the mechas flickered and sparks appeared!
"Each machine reports damage!" Tang Yu said in the communicator.
"Here is "Holy Light", everything is normal."
"'Dragon Boxing' everything is normal."
"'Seraph' electronic components are damaged by 5% and are being repaired."
"Here is ‘Xingtian’, the system self-tests...the degree of circuit damage, 2%!!! It succeeded!!!" Zhou Qing immediately started the system and cheered immediately!
However, in front of them, a large number of Kaiju beasts have gathered together again! Tang Yu saw it, and his heart sank! These chrysanthemum beasts are protecting the'backed turtle'! Obviously, they are protecting the'back turtle' for the second EMP attack! !
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