Vol 2 Chapter 812: Observer

812. Observer
Moya slammed up from the bed and found that it was dark all around. He was extremely respected by the mechanical John Connor and the Valkyrie T-X.
He only felt a little pain in his head and some discomfort in his eyes.
[The implanted chip is normal, the system is starting...]
Suddenly a line of text appeared in front of him! Moya scratched forward subconsciously, but caught nothing.
[System self-test... normal energy supply, normal brain wave response, normal Pons connection...]
The text kept appearing, followed by a large piece of overwhelming data. Moya realized that these words were directly mapped in his own eyes.
[Sublimation network connection is complete... database access is normal... authorization level, level A... initial data is being downloaded... download is complete...]
[Visibility around, extremely low, activate adaptive vision system...]
Moya suddenly found that his surroundings were suddenly lit up, just like using night vision goggles, and everything around him was covered with a light blue light.
"This is!!" Moya stood up in surprise. He looked at the bed he was lying on, and the complicated surgical machinery beside the bed. Immediately in his eyes appeared a three-view cross-sectional view of this surgical machine, as well as various performance data, and now he can know that this surgical machine is called a'Pons chip implant device'.
Moya used the night vision function of his implanted chip to look around the room and found that the four T-600 robots wearing large black cloaks still stood silently on both sides. Moya's eyes swept, and soon the various data of the T-600, three views. His thoughts moved slightly, and the three views in his eyes were immediately disassembled, and the design data of each part was expanded in his eyes!
Not only that, Moya found that he could understand the data! Even if he had only read books for a few years when he was a kid! He is even confident that if he has the right equipment and materials, he can assemble a T-600 by himself! !
He looked again at the ceiling above the room. In his eyes, he immediately gave the model of the lamp used in this room, and the lighting system of the room was connected to the network. He looked at the switch at the door and immediately sent instructions through the network. Huh~~~~ The lights are turned on remotely, and the whole room is brightly lit. At the same time, Moya's eyes adjusted automatically and instantly adapted to the light. There is no discomfort in the eyes of ordinary people from dark to light.
"This is the way of sublimation...the chip implanted for me by the great of machinery! I... I feel like I have touched the edge of the kingdom of God! The computer can do it, I can do it, the computer can't do it. I can still do it!!! I, beyond the computer, beyond the human being!!! This is the way of sublimation!!! This is the power of the of machinery!!!" Moya shouted excitedly.
"Very well, it looks like your implanted chip is running perfectly." Tang Yu's voice suddenly sounded from his mind.
"Praise you! The great of machinery! The way of sublimation, this is the most noble grace you have given me, this small believer!" Moya grumbled down on the ground and said with open arms.
"Your permission to sublimate is A-level, which is also the highest level under me. You can contact me directly and call a large amount of data from the entire sublimation network. Not only that, by implanting the powerful computing power of the chip, You can hack into all networked devices through the built-in hacking tool. The sublimation network is rooted in the Internet and is growing. Soon you will find that everything that can be connected to the Internet is under your control." Tang Yu Said.
Now whether it is the Guardian Group or the Kalymba Group, they are vigorously promoting the advance construction of the Internet for their own purposes, so that the world’s computer technology and Internet technology are exceptionally developed, even reaching the level of 20 years later!
Moya burst into tears, and the people of order and religion were always proud of the mechanical transformation of their bodies. However, limited by the development of science and technology, even with the support of Skynet, there are very few people who can really accept the transformation, and most of them are only the degree of mechanical prostheses. And implanting a chip in the brain is unheard of, just the existence of science fiction films! This allows them to admire machinery and artificial intelligence who can finally get closer to the in their hearts. This glory is simply flattering!
Boom! Boom! Boom! Moya couldn't help kowtowing on the ground. Howling and crying: "The great mechanical god, I am your most devout believer, the most loyal man... You led me to the path of sublimation... I am almost... I wish I could repay death!"
"There are still many things you have to accomplish. If you really die, I will be very disappointed." Tang Yu said lightly.
Moya stood up slowly, the flash of light in his eyes flashing, "Please the of machinery, even if the sword is in flames, I will die!"
"First you need to familiarize yourself with the implanted chip, and then return to the Order of God. Let all believers who realize that Skynet is only a pseudo-god join the way of sublimation. The surgical equipment in this room can help you Complete the implantation of the chip. With the help of the implanted chip, you should be able to operate this device very well. This room is called the Sublimation Hall." Tang Yu said.
"In addition, those four are enhanced T-600s, and there are six more upstairs, which are your bodyguards, to protect this sublimation hall~EbookFREE.me~ and to protect your safety. Now, do it What should you do! The holy war between me and the false Skynet is coming, and you, the apostles involved in this holy war, are named-'Observer' (The-Observer)!!!" Tang Yu is very stick Said, but Moya didn't feel that he was in the second grade at all. On the contrary, he only felt the supreme glory now!
"I, Moya, the first apostle under the seat of Mechanical God, follow the sacred order..." Moya knelt down again and bowed his head, and then got up and walked outside the door. The four wearing black cloaks, all covered in shadow The enhanced T-600 in the eyes glowed red and silently followed behind him.
Now Moya exudes strong self-confidence and momentum, and he is no longer just a small leader of the Order God Church in the Chihuahua Desert! Since he met the true God there, his life has never been the same! Now he has reborn!
Moya turned his head and saw the reborn self in the mirror on the wall, only to see his eyes glowed with a bright light blue light, and it even seemed so scary!
A wicked smile appeared from the corner of his mouth, then he took the four enhanced T-600s and walked out without looking back.
"Holy war... about to begin..."
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