Vol 2 Chapter 912: Blood Battlefield (6)

905, Blood Battlefield (6)
Nikolay scrambled up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, and said with hate: "Damn it! Was put together! The other party actually carried this heavy weapon! Why didn't the radar respond?"
"Unclear! They should have used unknown technology to interfere with my radar!" Blue Sky replied, although the explosion made Nikolai and others uncomfortable, she was not among the Boa walking combat robots. Suffered too much.
"Compared to this, now you only have one target left, is that okay?" Silas asked.
"Kill him, enough!" Nikolay's eyes burst into angry flames, even if he had been very calm all the time, under the assassination, traitor, betrayal, and missile attacks, he had some control. Can't hold my emotions anymore!
"Let him appear now!" Blue sky roared, and the Boa walking combat robot immediately opened fire! boom! ! ! The 120 mm caliber armor-piercing projectile directly hits a large iron gate up to more than ten meters in height, and the powerful kinetic energy immediately tears the iron gate! Immediately afterwards, swish~! ! 21 small rockets set off a series of explosions on the door!
The door was suddenly torn to pieces by powerful fire! However, just before the explosion's smoke had dispersed, a strange and loud sound suddenly came from behind the door!
Woo~~~~~Hoo~~~~! ! ! Two thick laser beams illuminate the shield of the boa walking combat robot instantly with the unpleasant energy storage sound!
Dididi~! The alarm sounded in the cockpit of the blue sky, and the red numbers kept displaying on the screen of the operation platform. "The shield level dropped by 17%! What a laser cannon! The power is so foul!!"
The high temperature brought by the laser formed a whirlwind, blowing away the smoke from the battlefield, and a huge dark gray mech appeared behind the destroyed iron gate! The ten-meter-high gate built by Frank Stick at the core of the Bloody Fortress is enough to be exaggerated, but this mecha is actually not much shorter than the gate! !
What surprised them even more was the large number of weapons on this mech! Sixteen-unit missile launchers on both shoulders, six 30-mm cannons and 120-mm electromagnetic orbital guns on two large arms, small-caliber laser guns on two small arms, and two horrible heads on the head The laser cannon, plus a large number of laser near-defense systems that cover every dead angle of the mech, and the two tactical missile launchers up to 5 meters in length! ! This mech is completely a massive weapon platform!
Compared with this mech, the Boa walking combat robot with a height of more than five meters purchased by Blue Sky from "Walking War Robot (wwr)" is completely incomprehensible! !
"It's just a joke! Is the person who designed this mech a child? So many weapons! What about the energy system? What about the fire control system? What about the central control system? What about the transmission system? Or is this mecha just another? An empty shelf with no weapons?!!!?" Blue sky is obviously an expert, and she can see the foul of this mech at a glance!
She naturally didn't think that Tang Yu used the mechanical field to control this mech, and naturally saved a lot of system components, all used to strengthen weapons and energy. In others, this mech is a static turret, but in the hands of Tang Yu, it is the terrifying at-8 siege mech! !
"Nicole, think of a way! If this mech is not kidding, my boa walking combat robot can't resist it!!" the blue sky shouted with sweat.
The voice was not down, the remaining blood-eye tribe bandits were inspired by the missile just now, and they all showed their heads and tried to fire! Even more terrible is that there are more than one hundred t-600 and more than four hundred g-1 engineering robots mixed in it!
"Silas, you cover up! Han Zhongcheng, Jiang Lin! Take out the stuff at the bottom of your box! Otherwise we will all die here! I'm looking for the flaw of this huge mech!" Nikolai held'Infinite' in one hand Pistol, pull out the rune sword in one hand, and rush forward as a residual image!
Han Zhongcheng pulled out his double knives, turned his head and looked at Jiang Lin, "Blazing wind!" His figure shook and he lost track!
"Blood Giant!" Jiang Lin also immediately controlled the two blood giants he had made before and pushed it up!
The six-barrel 30-mm caliber cannon in the hands of ~~~~-8 produced a gunfire-like gunfire. With the flame tongue more than two meters long, countless large-caliber machine gun shells hit the blood giant! Suddenly the minced meat and blood were scattered like rain, watching the blood giant more than six meters high under this firepower for less than five seconds, it was completely beaten into a pile of smelly rotten meat!
boom! ! At-8's 120mm caliber electromagnetic rail gun also fired! A weightless shellless armor-piercing projectile weighing up to 30 kg hits the boa shield directly!
"Shield booster module is loaded! Balance the reactor output! 63% of the shield system's energy allocation! Give me a counterattack!" Blue sky roared and controlled boa to rush forward. She planned to reduce the distance and prevent the terrible firepower of at-8. Have a chance to play! At the same time, all the weapons in boa fired!
Double-barreled six-barrel 20mm-caliber machine guns, 120-mm-caliber artillery, and 21-barrel rocket launchers fired at the same time!
boom! boom! boom! ! Artillery shells, rockets and countless bullets passed, but only one arm of at-8 was suddenly raised, and a powerful directional energy shield in front appeared immediately! This kind of directional shield technology from Overwatch is widely used in Reinhardt and his crusaders. This shield is more powerful than ordinary energy shields, and it has a greater absorption effect on projectile kinetic energy. Strong!
At this time, the laser cannon at EbookFREE.me~ is also fully charged! Woo~~~~Hou~~~~~ A burst of unpleasant sound came, and two thick laser beams immediately irradiated another blood giant in front of the boa! I only saw this blood giant suddenly swell up and squirm continuously, and the blood in his body boils completely under the high temperature of the laser beam! Numerous blood-red aerosols gushed from the cracks in its body, followed by a bang! A huge blood giant exploded! Countless smelly blood is flying around!
Immediately afterwards, the two 16-unit missile launchers that had been brewing for at-8 for a long time also burst into flames! ! Thirty-two'Meteor' individual soldier missiles swarmed!
"I'm coming!!" Nikolay burst out of the oblique stab with a scream, his'infinite' pistol fired wildly, one shot, and suddenly intercepted more than twenty'Meteor' missiles, but there were still more than ten missiles. Whistle towards the Boa walking combat robot!
Boom! ! ! A series of explosions came! The smoke cleared, and an ice wall stood in front of the boa, and it shattered under the impact of the missile, Silas! !
"Don't be too much! Nikola! You know if you can't rush to cause enough trouble for that big killer, we all have to die!!" Silas said loudly.
"Hidden hunters are the source of chaos! The rebels are a refuge for criminals and robbers in the entire planet of Pandora! In the name of order, all of you will be purified!" Tang Yu's voice came from echo's public channel.
"Let's babble there!" The blue sky control boa shot at the directional shield of at-8. "Don't think that there is a large mech that can be bluffing!"
"Hehehehehe..." Tang Yu laughed suddenly, "Then let me put it another way, in front of me, you have no chance!"
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