Chapter 1: Crossed

Tang Xin was lying on the hospital bed, feeling pain all over her body. Every time I exhale and inhale, my lungs ache. Every time I say a word, my throat hurts.
She has just passed her twentieth birthday, but her long hair is gray.
"Master, hold on, and the pharmacist will come right away. You will be fine." The apprentice who studied medicine with her forcefully held back his tears, while comforting.
Tang Xin raised her hand with difficulty, rubbed the head of her apprentice, and spoke slowly, "Little idiot, the most powerful pharmacist in the entire Federation lies here. If the doctor is not good, I don't know?"
The apprentice pursed his mouth and retorted, "Didn't the master often say that healers don't heal themselves? The second most powerful pharmacist in the entire Federation is invited. Maybe it will work. No! It's not that it may be possible, it will definitely cure you!"
"I still often say that medicine doctors don't die." Tang Xin tried to raise her hand, lightly tapping her stupid apprentice's forehead as usual, but found that she couldn't lift her arm with all her strength, so she had to give up and comfort her softly, "I A problem was brought out in the mother’s womb and was terminally ill. I was able to live to twenty, thanks to my own medical studies and tasted all kinds of herbs. But there are always limits to people. I can continue to develop new prescriptions to make myself live for two more years. You have to die when you it."
The apprentice couldn’t help crying, and cried,
Master who doesn’t know, what should I do if you die? I’m born with a bad gene, only e-grade, and my family thinks I’m ashamed, so I was kicked out at the age of twelve. When I met you, I froze to death and starved to death outside. You are so kind, and you will surely live a long life!"
"I started studying medicine by myself at the age of eight, and I walked around alone at the age of fifteen. You are sixteen this year, such a big person, and you can't take care of yourself? I really taught you for nothing." Tang Xin deliberately scowled. He whispered, "The notebook I left for you, I don’t have time to look at it more. Learn a few more prescriptions, prepare more powder for self-defense. Be smart, be mindful of everything, and don’t trust others."
After a long speech, Tang Xin got tired and stopped to rest for a while. She knew she was going to die, she was calm. The only one who can't rest assured is this stupid apprentice. Obviously the difference is only four years old, but the psychological age is too different.
The genes are arranged from high to low as s, a, b, c, d, e, and f. Most ordinary people are c-class. She was born with the lowest F grade and was terminally ill.
The parents together, this daughter must be short-lived, don't spend too much affection on her, so she won't be too sad if she died later. So she was sent to other planets since she was young, letting her fend for herself. The couple reborn several healthy children.
Since she was a child, she has understood that her biological parents are unreliable. Who can count on whom?
She has always been cold-hearted, but after meeting a twelve-year-old child who had a similar encounter, she couldn't let go. Not only was she with her at all times, she also made an exception to teach her medical skills.
"My parents have long left me alone. I'm still alive and well. You, I'm so used to relying on me. After I leave, I will gradually get used to life without me and it will get better..." , The eyelids are getting heavier. Tang Xin closed her eyes and gradually released her hand.
"Master!" The apprentice hugged Tang Xin and wept bitterly.
The second most powerful pharmacist in the entire federation hurried over and sighed in vain when he realized that he was late.
The apprentice held back his grief and organized a funeral for his master. On the day of the funeral, countless people heard the news and rushed to see Tang Xin off.
The second most powerful pharmacist in the whole federation wrote the inscription with his own handwriting, "The voice is here and I will always miss it. To my most respectable opponent."
Tang Xin slowly opened her eyes, wondering in her heart, she was clearly a mortal disease, how could she still wake up? Only the neck hurts all over the body.
There is a full-length mirror in the room. Tang Xin walked to the mirror and took a picture, and found something was wrong. Although her face looks the same as hers and her age is the same, the person in the mirror has beautiful black hair and purple strangles on her neck.
Looking again, there was a kicked chair next to where he woke up, and an untied rope right above. Apparently someone hanged himself, but the knot was not tied, and the person fell to the ground on the way.
Ghost upper body? Tang Xin hesitated. Suddenly my head hurts, and there are many memory fragments out of thin air.
Tang Xin sorted them one by one and finally understood what was going on.
The owner of the body is also called Tang Xin, twenty years old. This world is similar to the interstellar environment she is in, but the original owner is luckier than her and is a b-level gene.
The Tang family where the original owner lives is a big family with strict family rules.
Family motto of the Tang family: Either be cruel or die.
Children of the Tang family who have reached the age of 20 will be allocated some resources and will leave the Tang family.
When the Patriarch abdicates, he will pass on all his family property to the best one after leaving home. Others fend for themselves and live for good or bad, depending on their own ability.
But fortunately, all the children of the Tang family, regardless of their bloodline, the next generation of over 20 years old, will also be gifted by the Patriarch, and will have the opportunity to participate in the next round of competition and compete for the position of the Patriarch of the next generation.
The original owner has just turned 20 and is the daughter of Tang Jingnan, the current owner of the Tang family. She was told to pick resources tomorrow and leave home the day after tomorrow.
Although it is a b-level gene, the original owner has always been lazy and neglected to practice. People who are more diligent, even with a c-level gene, have already become a third-level martial artist at the age of twenty, while the original master has a stronger talent and only has a second-level strength.
The original owner knew in his heart that her father was bothersome, and if not dead, there were six wives and a dozen children. She is not out of the crowd, and she has no privileges. Her mother died early again, no one can help her find a way.
The original owner did not want to live a hard life away from home, but the family rule of the Tang family stated that if the offspring were not to leave home at the age of twenty, they must obey the owner's arrangements and lose their freedom.
The thought of someone choosing to stay at home, and the last 20-year-old girl married to a 60-year-old old man, the original owner was terrified. At night, a person hanged himself in the house alone and saw her mother go.
Tang Xin sighed after flipping through the memory. She desperately wanted to live but couldn't do it. Someone lived well, but she wanted to die. If you want to die now, you want to live by borrowing someone else's body to live.
Tang Xin opened the door, it was noon, it should be today to receive resources. After taking a shower, changing into black high-collared clothes, covering the marks on the neck, follow the route in memory to find cheap father.
Halfway through, a person suddenly jumped out and put his arms around her shoulder affectionately, "Sister, are you going to talk to your dad about leaving home?"
Tang Xin tilted her head to see that it was Tang Jing, Xing Nine, c-level gene, third-level martial artist. "Yep."
Tang Jing quietly looked at Tang Xin, her expression was weird, and she patted her shoulders to comfort her, "Sister, from your dress, I can feel your mood at the moment."
Wearing? Tang Xin looked down, isn't it just black clothes, black pants and black shoes? She has been traveling for many years, and she is used to wearing black clothes, which is not easy to get dirty.
"I deeply understand that your leaving home feels heavier than going to the grave. But the cost of staying is too great, it is better for you to consider my proposal." Tang Jing blinked, "My birthday is only three days later than you. You and the old Dad said, let's choose a place to operate together."
Tang Xin was puzzled, "Can the two get together? Isn't it a violation?"
Tang Jing slapped her chest and promised, "No problem, there has been a precedent like this before. Then we will put our resources together, and I will do the chores. Eight sisters, you just need to continue having fun, just like when you were at home. How great."
Tang Xin raised her eyebrows, making good calculations. If she agrees, she will be out of the homeownership competition ahead of time. There are no resources, no manpower, and no manpower. What is the difference between that and being at home? At the same time, Tang Jing will have two resources. Compared with the others, Tang Jing had a big advantage in the start.
On the side, Tang Jing continued to persuade, "Sister Eighth, you don’t know. Although it is said that every child of the Tang family will get a share of resources, but it’s hard to say how much this share is. Like the tenth brother, he is so talented. Yes, the two of us together are about the same as what he got. If we don’t unite, we will lose."
Tang Xin chuckles, "Don't see that Jiu Mei still has the ambition to fight for the Patriarch? I just want to live my little life peacefully, so I won't get mixed up."
"Our sisters can live a peaceful life as a company." Tang Jing opened her big watery eyes, "Isn't it good to have a caring for each other?"
"No, I like to be alone." Tang Xin refused again.
Tang Jing heard the resoluteness in the words, and compromised, "Okay, okay, I thought the Eighth Sister was like me and wanted to stay together. Then I'll ask someone else."
"Father should be anxious and come back to talk." Tang Xin smiled and left.
A trace of doubt flashed in Tang Jing's eyes, the eighth sister was so strange today.
If you are afraid of making a choice, don't you want to see your dad later? I also call my father... I usually call them too much more than her, such as "old immortality", "bad old man", "distressed old man", and all kinds of titles. Is this stimulated today?
Walking on the road, Tang Xin thought to herself that the Tang family's method of cultivating offspring was a bit cruel, but the manpower it cultivated shouldn't be underestimated. Tang Jing was just a little girl who didn't leave the house, but her behavior was unusual.
She acted like a baby on her bright face, like a good sister. But after thinking about it, there is only one position of the head of the house. Two people unite, and in the end there is only one person in charge. What about the other? The best result is that Tang Jing has been raising her. What is the difference between being raised by the Tang family?
In addition, each person gives a resource, but how much one contains is different for each person. Where did the news come from?
Besides, what if Tang Jing makes a mistake in cooperating with Tang Jing and runs out of resources? She has no habit of pinning her hopes on others.
Tang Xin had carefully calculated that although her new body gene was Grade B, she was not interested in fighting, and her talent was medical skills. Find some medical books in the world to study, treat people, and earn money to survive.
Unfortunately, the original owner is not interested in herbal medicine. After searching the memory, there is no knowledge in this area at all.
It would be great if the herbs of the two worlds were the same, and the hundreds of formulas in her mind could come in handy.
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