Chapter 16: Gambling (Part 2)

Tang Xin was slightly startled. Although she shirks her victory to luck, it is only a modest word, a strategy to avoid doubts from the opponent.
She used the perfect shuffle method. She knew that the card was 13, and she knew she would win.
She never believed that gambling was played by luck. Calculating the opponent with an imperceptible strategy to obtain a greater probability of winning is the true meaning of gambling.
How did Boss Wang do it? Tang Xin rested his chin in thought. She has won the first game, and the second game is 11 first. Only 12 and 13 can win her. It can be said that her winning percentage is very high.
But Boss Wang was not impatient or impatient, and even looked like he was holding the winning ticket. It seems that before the flop, he knew that his hand was higher than 11.
What method did he use? It will definitely not be a shuffle.
To prevent her from having a chance to remember, Boss Wang cut the cards and shuffled the cards too fast. She couldn't remember the arrangement, and Boss Wang himself shouldn't remember it unless he remembered it.
In this way, there is only one explanation-Boss Wang judges the card size, not through shuffling. Even, he can know the size by looking at the back of the card.
As long as he can interfere with her vision, and after she makes a choice, she can easily win by choosing a card that is larger than her.
Unless she can draft 13 first, she will lose.
Tang Xin lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes cast shadows, making people unable to see her thoughts.
"I've only lost once, so I'm afraid?" Boss Wang smiled, seeming to be very emotional, "I was lucky. The girl almost won directly."
It's a fierce battle and a temptation to her, just to start the third game as soon as possible.
Tang Xin put away the cards on the table and held it in her hand, and checked it carefully a second time. Whether it is the front, back or side of the card, there is no trace at all.
Boss Wang didn't urge her and let her check.
Old God Yan Hao was there, standing behind Tang Xin with his arms folded, not in a hurry.
He entered the room and checked everyone at the first time, the highest level three martial artist, he was not his opponent at all. If you lose, you will still run away. If you win, you are not afraid that they will not admit it.
After a long while, Tang Xin watched enough, put the cards in his hand away and put them aside, "The third game is the deciding game. I ask for another deck of cards to play."
"Okay." Boss Wang waved his hand, and one of his men immediately turned out another deck of cards and handed it to Tang Xin.
Tang Xin checked it again, "Okay, that's it." Then she began to shuffle the cards perfectly.
When it was Boss Wang's turn, he repeated the last shuffle style. Even this time, the shuffle is more exaggerated and arbitrary.
Tang Xin devoted all his attention to the card.
Finally, after shuffling the cards, Tang Xin thought for a moment, and picked one of them and placed it in front of him.
With a smile on his face, the boss of King King picked a piece at random and opened it casually.
The card was turned over and it was a six.
Boss Wang shook his head regretfully, "I'm out of luck, it looks like I'm going to lose this time."
Tang Xin was expressionless, she completely covered both hands on the cards, without saying a word, as if she could get good luck in this way.
Boss Wang anxiously waited for the flop on the face, and actually laughed inwardly, and kept putting her hand on the card, could she change the fact that she got a 4?
It really was a woman. What about perfect shuffling? At the critical moment, entrust your fate to illusory luck. As everyone knows, he has been calculated long ago.
Yes, from the beginning, he looked at the board and knew what the number was underneath.
The back of the card is marked with a special paint, which is invisible to the naked eye, just feels like a normal card. But there was a film in his eyes, a softer film about the size of a contact lens.
Through the film, he could see the marks on the back of the cards, and he knew exactly what number each card was.
Let customers choose first, not because of hospitality, but to make the game more natural. After the opponent has selected a good card, he picks it again, and can freely deal with various situations.
Occasionally, he will deliberately let the customer win a game.
And for every game that the customer loses, he will try to make the customer feel, ah, if he is lucky, he can win. Just a little bit short.
The first bet is just the beginning.
Customers who lose their eyes seldom accept it and pay more honestly. Most people will choose to start the second and third gambling, until the loser goes bankrupt and even gets into debt.
He made more money from gambling games than he made as a real estate agent.
For example, this time, there was no way in the first game, because 13 had already been selected, so he picked a small card.
In the second game, the opponent is 11. In order to win, he must choose 12 or 13, which is very passive.
So for the third time, after seeing the opponent's hole cards, he directly chooses cards to spread out. The purpose is to create a illusion, "I'm very unlucky, the card chosen is quite small. It seems that I can't win. Hey, your card is actually smaller than me, you lose because you are a little bit unlucky than me."
Customers who lose in this way are especially unwilling.
Boss Wang couldn't help but think to himself that this time the customer is a rare master, who knows a lot of skills and is careful enough to change cards in the third game. It's a pity that she didn't know that there were seven or eight such special cards, and it was useless to change them.
She will certainly not give up, how many games will she play? Although she has little money, after losing all the money, he can provide loans to make her make money.
Boss Wang had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and when he came back to his senses, he found that Tang Xin was still holding the card, amused, "Is this girl doing a specific ceremony?"
People who gamble are often superstitious. They believe that certain behaviors will bring good luck to gambling later, so they come up with endless personal rituals.
Tang Xin said sternly, "Isn't there such a saying? If you are kissed by luckystar during gambling, you have a greater chance of winning." Then, she lowered her head and kissed the back of her hand.
Boss Wang was speechless. He has seen many people's rituals, and for the first time he heard that he is his goddess of luck, and he really kissed the back of his hand.
"It's been long enough, let's open the cards."
Tang Xin had played enough, and opened his hole cards with a smile.
The card was turned over and it was 13.
Boss Wang was holding the winning ticket and glanced casually. At first glance, he was taken aback and stood up "Wh", unable to believe his eyes, "This is impossible. It is clearly 4 in your hand."
Tang Xin was surprised, "What is Boss Wang talking about 4? What I touched is 13."
How can it be? He clearly saw that the catch was 4!
Boss Wang lowered his face, "Are you drunk?" He glanced at the other cards on the table, and it was clear that 13 was still there, but 4 was missing.
Tang Xin sighed, "It was agreed before the game. The rule is that after the cards are shuffled, you and I draw one each, and whoever has the highest card will win. Now I am 13 and you are 6, of course I win."
A coldness flashed in her eyes, and her tone became cold, "Gambling, isn't it about gambling based on their own ability, and the final bet? Whether it is a big deal or cheating, whoever can win the game is the winner. Isn’t that the rules of the game?"
"If it is not secretly cheating and knowing my hole card, why does Boss Wang believe that the card in my hand must be 4? Not the 13 turned out?"
A series of questions stunned Boss Wang, his face turned blue and purple, and finally turned into a smirk, "It makes sense. It's a pity that you are too naive, thinking you can go out safely if you win the game."
He motioned to his men, "Go up together and tie them up."
"If you can't play gambling, you can play gang fights. The gambling quality is really bad." Tang Xin muttered, then turned around and told Yan Hao, "Knock them down."
Boss Wang saw a figure shuttle among the crowd, only felt that his eyes could not keep up with his movement.
When people stood aside again, everyone except him lay on the ground wailing. It seems to have lost the ability to move.
Boss Wang shivered suddenly. He finally noticed that not only the female was a master of Qianshu, but the man was also a master of warrior.
Damn, you can't play gambling, you can't beat and beat, play a fart.
Boss Wang hated him, squeezing a smile on his face that was more ugly than crying, "A misunderstanding."
Tang Xin sat in a chair at ease, and nodded at this time, "I understand. All those who can't play with me or beat my guard say so, it's a misunderstanding."
"It's great to understand each other." Boss Wang said dryly. If he knew it was the two evil stars, and gave him more courage, he didn't dare to mess around.
"In order for me to forgive you, how do you plan to show your sincerity?" Tang Xin glanced over, "I knew it, wouldn't it be over if you just enter the door and just play a game? I have to let it play the game. But I am very unhappy."
People are knives and I am fish. If you can't play, you can only admit it.
Boss Wang humbly asked for advice, "How can I express my apologies?"
Tang Xin thought about it, reluctantly, "The house is 10,000 credits and sold to me in full. I don't care about your rudeness, when this has never happened."
10000! Boss Wang suddenly felt blood dripping. That house is really good. The market price should fluctuate around 550,000. Nowadays, when someone starts bargaining, it is like giving her the house for nothing, and she can't breathe.
"A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem." Tang Xin said meaningfully, "Fate is there, and there is still a chance to continue to make money; when life is gone, what's the use of asking for money."
The seemingly comforting remarks did not make Boss Wang feel at ease, but made him even more creepy. If you don't agree, what does this ancestor want to do to him?
"Okay, I'll sell it." Boss Wang gritted his teeth. Although the loss was big this time, he didn't lose everything. But if he dies, his wife, his lover, his assets... all will be lost.
Tang Xin smiled with satisfaction, and said with emotion, "So, I like playing with bullies the most." Normally, how could there be such a good thing.
Boss Wang gritted his teeth and went through the transfer procedures quickly, passing the house under Tang Xin's name.
The transfer of the house requires a high handling fee, about 3w credit points, Boss Wang didn't mention it, so he paid it out.
He lost nearly 50w all at once, and he didn't care about the scattered points anymore. As long as the plague can be sent away, he still has a chance to make a comeback.
Tang Xin went out for a trip, picked up a big deal, and the task was successfully completed, can't wait to visit her new home.
Before leaving the house, Boss Wang stopped him with a grim expression, "Wait a minute. It doesn't matter if you lose, I want to know how you did it. I clearly saw that you got the 4 with my own eyes.
With that said, Tang Xin suddenly remembered something. She took a card from the space ring and threw it to Boss Wang, "This is the 4 you saw. Before the third round, when I checked the previous deck of cards. , Put the 13 of the first deck of cards in the space ring. No matter how many you take, I'll win."
Picking other cards, 13 is big, she wins; picking 13, she will preemptively slander the opponent for cheating, and the ending is the same as it is now, that is, a fight.
She had already made everything clear.
Space ring? This kind of legend...
Boss Wang couldn't help but burst into tears, such a RMB player, he simply couldn't play.
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