Chapter 20: Chance encounter

Wang Jiao stood aside, holding his breath.
He heard someone say that someone from the Qi family was looking for him and thought it was Shao Qi. He didn't expect to enter the study and found that it was Qi Xing! This joke is a bit big.
The first pharmacist of Huangshaxing, the fifth-level warrior, the treasurer of Qijia pharmacy. The three titles fall on three people, and he can't handle them all, let alone the enhanced version of the three in one...
Thinking of this, Wang Jiao stood in the corner again, fearing that he would inadvertently offend this uncle.
"My son took a box of ointment from you yesterday, didn't he?" Qi Xing slowly said.
Looking for him for ointment? Wang Jiao was startled slightly, "There is such a thing."
"Where did the ointment come from?"
Wang Jiao's face twitched and twitched, and he dared not answer, bit his scalp, "I was stuffed."
Hard stuff? Qi Xing said in a commanding tone, "Tell me the matter from beginning to end."
Wang Jiao was unable to collect protection money from outside the city, so he told him about being blackmailed.
Three hundred credits? The price is very cheap, why should it be hard?
Qi Xing pondered for a moment and asked, "Are people still outside the city?"
"I don't know, it's been a long time." Wang Jiao bit his scalp and replied. Since being blackmailed, he didn't want to go through that city gate even if he took a long detour. Anyway, there are a total of four gates, so travel is very convenient.
"You stay in Qi's house these few days, including food and housing, and pay your salary every day. I want you to take people around the city and out of the city until you find someone who is blackmailing you."
Wang Jiao was delighted when he heard this, he had long wanted revenge!
But after a while, he began to hesitate again, "It's a man and a woman who sell plasters. Women are only second-level, but men are very powerful, and it immediately subdued me. It should be fifth-level."
Qi Xing frowned, and the tallest Huang Shaxing was a seventh-level martial artist. From level five to level seven, he knew everyone, and he had never heard of anyone in level five who made medicine without authorization.
"Don't worry about this, I will send a fifth-level warrior to follow you."
"There is no way to pay you the ointment, but you can get five bottles of Zhixue San as compensation at the Qijia drugstore. Also, if you can help me find the pair of men and women," Qi Xing stared at Wang Jiao closely, saying every word, "Sure , Yes, heavy, reward."
When Wang Jiao heard it, he became excited instantly as if he had been beaten with blood. As long as you have money, go to the others!
Immediately take a chest and promise, "I will find them."
After a few days of stepping on, Tang Xin chose a good location for the stall. The distance from home is not far away, the flow of people is quite a lot, the people around are two or three levels, all aspects are quite suitable.
Early in the morning, she rushed over to seize the position with a guard and ten boxes of ointment. Fortunately no one was there when he arrived, and Tang Xin quickly spread the cloth.
"Are you new here?" a young girl next to her looked for a while, then suddenly asked.
"Yes, novice, take care of you in the future." Tang Xin replied with a smile.
The girl sighed, "The newcomer is ignorant, so quickly put things away and stand. The guards will come to collect taxes soon."
Tang Xin was dumbfounded, "Isn't tax payment based on transaction volume? If it doesn't open early in the morning, you have to pay?"
"I just reminded you because everyone is a girl. You have to be too lazy to talk. The name is tax, which is actually a booth fee. A booth is 20 credits a day. After you hand it over to the guards, they will give you one. The voucher has a date on it to prove that you paid today's expenses. Otherwise, it would be too easy to set up a stall in one place in the morning and another place in the afternoon." The girl said.
"There is no need to put things away specially? Anyway, I will pay the booth fee." Tang Xin was puzzled.
The girl snorted coldly, "Isn’t it because someone relied on their own money to pay more for the escort? If someone fancy your position, in addition to the booth fee, secretly give the money, even if you paid twenty Credit, people won't let you set up a stall here."
Tang Xin swallowed silently, and set up a stall with tricks.
No way, she honestly put things away, stood and chatted with people, "Isn't it said that Huangshaxing is a small place, there is no federal power? What is the situation of the guards?"
The girl glanced at her strangely, "Is it from outside? Huang Shaxing is a federal army, but no one collects a large amount of tax each year. Isn't this worrying? So, several capable companies joined forces. A guard was formed. It sounds like the Federal Guard, but it's not the same thing at all. The money is taken care of, and it doesn't matter. Some people fight on the street and let them fight. When the fight is over, the guard will come forward to clean up the mess."
You know, the regular federal guards are really in charge. Whoever fights in the street will be arrested.
"Thanks." Knowing these things is very helpful to her. Tang Xin thanked him and threw a twenty-credit coin to express his thanks.
The girl caught the coin, looked at the face value, her face relaxed a little. Unexpectedly, the newcomer is very witty, and it is worthwhile to remind her.
"The vouchers that the guards give you must be kept. The escorts have to go around seven or eight times a day. They don't recognize their faces, but only recognize the voucher. If the voucher is lost, you have to pay for it again before you can continue to set up a stall, otherwise You have to get out."
Tang Xin was speechless, "If I lose my voucher several times a day, do I have to post a lot of money a day?"
The girl sneered, "Isn't it just greedy for money, or such a bad idea."
After doing it for a long time, it is the boss who still has a hard fist.
At this moment, Tang Xin was especially fortunate to find a fifth-level warrior as a guard, "I'm counting on you."
"Don't worry." Yan Hao said lightly.
Although there are not many words, a sense of security emerges as a stop behind her.
However, Tang Xin was lucky, and the guards gave a stamped paper to 20 credits and left without saying more.
Tang Xin guessed that probably no one could appreciate her position.
After the guard left, she re-spread the cloth and started to set up the stall.
After a while, Yan Hao couldn't help but ask her, "Aren't you afraid of getting people's attention?"
After all, reality is different from Starnet. Starnet can hardly know the true identity of the owner, but in reality it can catch people. Since knowing that his master is a genius doctor, he has faintly worried.
"Fear." Tang Xin replied without hesitation, "So I only sell one medicine, but I didn't dare to take out the other medicine. What if people are jealous and want to catch me back to torture and ask for prescriptions?"
Yan Hao lost his temper. The master probably thinks that only selling one kind of medicine will not attract much attention.
"Perhaps someone wants to come to the door when they find hemostatic cream."
"You only need to sell one kind of medicine to trouble me. They will panic when they are full. How shallow are their eyelids?" Tang Xin's eyes widened, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. They all have their tails shrunk and only sell the most basic healing medicines. If you don’t sell medicines, don’t we both drink Northwestern? It’s okay to queue up to buy medicines. If someone dares to come and ask for trouble, I won’t be troublesome.

"Sell your medicine, I am here." Yan Hao said lightly.
He began to feel that it was probably a blessing in disguise to settle in Huangshaxing. Huangshaxing is remote, the economy is poor, and there are many fewer experts.
Tang Xin muttered. Now it sounds good, and I hope that when you encounter danger, you can do what you say.
In view of the miserable experience of setting up a stall outside of the city, Tang Xin was prepared for a long-term war of resistance in his heart, and did not expect anyone to come home in a day or two.
So when someone stood in front of her and consulted the ointment, she was shocked and speechless.
Seeing that she didn't answer, the man asked again, "What is this?"
Tang Xin reacted and quickly replied, "Hemostatic cream, it works very well."
The man continued to ask, "Can I take a box and open it?"
Tang Xin nodded, "Take it."
The man randomly selected a box and opened it carefully. At a glance, he was immediately stunned.
Why is the color and smell of this ointment so similar to the Tangmen Hemostatic Ointment on Starnet?
This person is Lan Yuan.
Sitting in front of the light curtain for several days, it will be refreshed soon, even if he saw the light curtain, he almost vomited.
Hearing that my brother and another buyer had reached an agreement to put half of the ointment on the shelves, Lan Yuan cheered. He never wanted to sit in front of the light curtain anymore!
My brother saw that he worked hard for several days, and he did help a lot. He rarely showed kindness and gave him five thousand credits, which was regarded as a reward.
Lan Yuan took the credit and didn't want to continue browsing the light curtain, fearing that he would spit it out and simply go out shopping.
He happened to pass by Tang Xin's stall. When he passed by, he just glanced at him and couldn't help but stop. The bamboo box looked so much like it was completely printed in a mold. Then he asked.
"How much is a box?" Lan Yuan asked.
"Three hundred credits."
Strange, why is it cheaper than the ones on Starnet? Do you want to buy it? Lan Yuan's chubby face was full of tangles.
"The price is affordable, don't miss it when you pass by." Tang Xin worked hard to sell.
If things are real, they are not expensive. But if he buys all the ointments together, will he scare the stall owner away?
Lan Yuan has been caught by his elder brother these few days. From time to time, he listened to his brother's remarks that the shopkeeper of Tangmen is like a fox. He hid them well, leaving no trace.
Yes! Lan Yuan thought of a good idea. Is he acting like, "I really want something, but I didn't bring that much money. Is this okay? I will buy a box first and go back to get the money right away. You are waiting here, I'll be back in a while."
Lan Yuan thought to himself, first buy a box and go back for inspection. If the things are the same, bring his brother with him. If it is not the same thing, it depends on the effect. If it's useful, buy two more boxes, and if it's useless, buy another box. Big deal to waste some money.
Since he accidentally found Tangmen Hemostatic Ointment, his brother never said he was a prodigal. Instead, he praised him, saying that if you can find good things, it is worth spending a little money.
Right now, isn't it just when you have a chance to get a chance to spend a little money?
So smart! He admired himself, how could he come up with such a great idea? It will not be noticeable yet.
Tang Xin looked at him weirdly and agreed, "Yes. But I won't be here for too long, hurry up."
"Okay." Lan Yuan agreed, quickly took out the money, took the ointment and started running home.
"The expression was wrong from the very beginning. Who do you want to deceive?" Tang Xin muttered to herself, looking at Lan Yuan's leaving back, "No bargaining, like knowing ointment, I don't mention it, just me. Speaking of hurrying, you didn't refute, and you dashed away. How much do you want this ointment?"
"It should be someone from," Yan Hao reminded.
Tang Xin was at a loss. Could it be that Yan Hao really said that she only sells hemostatic ointment, and everyone wants to talk to her?
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