Chapter 65: Extra — Zhao

In the afternoon, a few elderly people were sitting in the teahouse drinking tea, tasting Longjing before the rain, and chatting together by the way.
"You said you don't really enjoy it. There is no good tea at home, so you have to go outside to drink it." One of them laughed.
An old man next to him immediately blew his beard and stared, "Why is that the same? Drinking tea alone at home is not tasteless. Find a few people here to drink tea and chat, feel comfortable."
"By the way, I heard that your kid is quite successful, and he actually applied for employees from Tang Sect. That's Tang Sect. How many people are squeezing their heads and lining up to compete? Not to mention the others, just each employee every month. The benefits of two boxes of hemostatic cream make people look greedy. "You know, most of the time people rush into the shop with credit points, but they often can't grab the medicine.
"Hey, brat, who thought he could really go in?" The old man said with humility in his heart, "If he didn't really make a trick, I would have to smoke him. By the way, do you know? Do you know why things in Tang Sect are so useful?"
Most people shook their heads.
One person chuckled and said, "Why? Because the chief pharmacist of Tang Sect is very good. Who doesn't know that the chief pharmacist of his family can make gene purifiers? Only this one, no one else can do it. Someone has tried to do it. Gene purifiers, but with several times the amount of medicinal materials, I still can’t make them.

The old man patted his thigh and he laughed, "Yes, it's the chief pharmacist's credit! The stinky boy is not very capable, but he will come. Knowing that the old pharmacist in the shop loves to drink, he bought a bottle of honor. Never Thinking, the old pharmacist was drunk and leaked. It turns out that the owner of the Tangmen store, Zhao Min, became prosperous because he climbed up to the chief pharmacist!"
Some people don’t believe, "Don’t talk nonsense. How powerful is the Tang Sect, the medicine has been sold throughout the interstellar, right? Just because Zhao Min climbed a person? No matter how powerful that person, he can make medicine 24 hours a day, it is impossible to make so many. Nonsense It's not a bit of a level."
The old man was anxious and said hurriedly, "Opening a pharmacy, of course, is the most important thing for medicine. Zhao Min became a powerful pharmacist, relied on other people, and got a lot of powerful formulas. Zhao Min will find someone to train and train new people to become mature hands. Just do some mechanical work."
One person sighed faintly, "If this is true, Zhao Min just casually climbed a person and made a fortune that ordinary people would not dare to think. It is really good luck."
"Who said no." Someone next to him echoed.
Zhao Min closed his eyes comfortably, recalling the taste of the tea in his mouth, which is slightly sweet after bitterness and endless aftertaste. Hearing a bunch of people talking about him, I couldn't help laughing.
"What do you think?" On the side, someone looked at him with a weird smile and asked him for advice.
Zhao Min did not hesitate to say, "I think what you said is too reasonable and the analysis is too thorough. Zhao Min is just a guy who has stepped on dogs and shit."
The man was content, turned around and muttered, "I feel so too."
Zhao Min did not argue or refute, only smiled faintly.
Many people who know his details envy him for good luck. But a few people know that there are many people holding the thigh of a genius doctor, and he is the most successful.
Others said things very simply, and seemed to think that he could succeed only because he hugged the genius doctor's thigh and completely negated his efforts. It seems that if you change someone and meet a genius doctor, you will definitely be as successful as him.
Except for a smile, Zhao Min couldn't think of what else he could do. Isn't it inevitable to see a good opportunity and rush to seize it? If you have no ability, you will only be abandoned by the genius doctor.
Most people are naive, and they always feel that if they encounter such an opportunity, they will definitely grasp it.
Just like Huang Shaxing ten years ago, a house cost 70 to 80 thousand yuan, and very few people bought it, and it was always a good idea to rent a house. After five years of waiting, more and more people are buying houses, but there are still some people who firmly believe that it is not worthwhile to buy them now, and they will buy again later.
Until now, housing prices have been rising for more than ten years. Everyone knows that buying a house more than ten years ago will definitely make a profit. So many people are annoyed when they pat their thighs. By the way, those who bought a house more than ten years ago are jealous. They said bitterly, didn't they just bought the house early, just good luck.
Zhao Min thought, is it true that people who misunderstand him? Standing when things are a foregone conclusion, analyzing problems and talking endlessly, if they really erase their memories and go back in time, how many people dare to buy a house?
It's all an afterthought, it's not worth worrying about.
Therefore, Zhao Min never disputed this. Every time he listened carefully to the analysis of others, he always agreed and said, "It makes sense."
Anyway, no matter how much he said, it wouldn't affect him at all.
Ma Ruiming watched Jupiter's shop, and Zhao Min simply took the time to return to Huang Shaxing.
Since the genius doctor left the planet, he has not bothered to go back. The medicine was almost sold out, so I directly called a reliable subordinate to drive the spacecraft back to Huang Shaxing.
After Qu Index came, he hadn't returned for a year.
Seeing the grass and trees that are accustomed to Jupiter, I just got off the spacecraft and saw the yellow sand rising in the sky.
Zhao Minlue was a little uncomfortable, and quickly covered his mouth and nose with his right hand to prevent wind and sand from entering.
After the wind and sand stopped, he couldn't help sighing, "I haven't come back for a year, but here has not changed at all, the sand is still the same."
Pace slowly and wander around. Suddenly, an excited shout came from behind, "Amin!"
Zhao Min looked back and raised his eyebrows. He was one of his brothers, "A Qing, long time no see."
A Qing rushed over and said repeatedly, "Didn't you say that you left the planet and went to other places to do business? I just saw the figure from behind, and I thought I had mistaken the person. How about it, is it okay?"
Huang Shaxing is inconvenient to communicate with the outside world, so Ah Qing doesn't even know that Zhao Min is in trouble outside.
Zhao Min vaguely said, "It's pretty good. I'm doing some small business, and it's not a problem to eat a lot of food."
Ah Qing is both envious and jealous, "A few brothers in the family, except for A Liang, you are the one who has the best luck! Climbing up to Tang Xin's thigh, now I don’t have to worry about food and clothes, and I don’t have to look at other people’s faces. We stay here. Huang Shaxing’s brother is miserable."
"You have been outside for many years. I'm afraid that you don't know. My father got a sudden illness. He really gave most of his fortune to that idiot Aliang before he died. Other people can't drink the soup even if they eat meat. , I saw it for the first time."
"My father had good luck during his lifetime, and he often turned bad luck, but Aliang was stupid and incapable, and his luck was not very good. Several brothers contacted privately and planned to join hands against him. You are always smart, do you want to join us? After that, everyone divided the family business equally and went to different things."
A Qing continued to talk and persuade Zhao Min to work with him.
Zhao Min smiled without saying a word, sighing in his heart. With his current wealth, the entire Zhao family combined, probably only a fraction of his assets.
He doesn't need to deal with anyone for money.
Zhao Min couldn't help thinking that if he hadn't met Tang Xin, he would probably be like A Qing for the rest of his life. Dissatisfied with his father's decision, complained, stared at the piece of meat in front of him, but ignored the vast sky outside.
Even today, Zhao Min began to change his original idea.
Most of the property is left to one person, and it is indeed unacceptable for others. But since the Zhao family's family business was created by his father, he naturally has the right to dispose of it. Father should decide who he wants to give and how much to give.
Zhao Min interrupted A Qing's endless talk, raising a polite smile, but his tone was unbearably strong, "I won't mix things up, you guys come on."
After speaking, he waved goodbye to Ah Qing and turned to the shop, planning to take the inventory and leave. Huang Shaxing has nothing worthy of his nostalgia.
"Zhao Min?" An uncertain shout came from the side.
Zhao Min was taken aback, why was someone calling him again?
Following the reputation, he touched his chin, a little surprised, "Blue Seal? What a coincidence."
"It's you." Lan Yin looked up and down Zhao Min carefully. Although he had known each other since childhood, he suddenly felt that he didn't know this person anymore.
Dressed casually, with a relaxed, self-confident and gentle temperament, he is totally different from the gloomy and gloomy him before.
"Gene level? Martial artist level?" Lan Yin continued to ask.
"Level A, Level 6." Zhao Min smiled.
Lan Yin sighed, "It's a good mix."
They had the same genetic level before, but he worked harder and more motivated, and his strength always overwhelmed Zhao Min. Now, Zhao Min's genetic level is higher than him, and his martial artist level is the same as him.
Lan Yin secretly inquired about Zhao Min's news and learned that Tang Sect's business was getting better and better, and that the supply of medicines would never exceed demand.
He was in a daze and found that the gap between them seemed to grow bigger and bigger from the moment Zhao Min left the Zhao family and hugged Tang Xin's thigh until he could no longer catch up with Zhao Min.
What's the use of practicing martial arts hard? Zhao Min took a fancy to someone and chose to follow closely. So I had the opportunity to drink the gene purifier, and easily did what I had done my best.
And he? Once there was a good opportunity in front of him, he was scrupulous about this, scrupulous about that, and lost the opportunity.
Who is to blame? He didn't dare to risk himself and walked out of the safe zone, so he was destined to be smooth and ordinary.
Lan Yin looked at Zhao Min and said with a sincere heart, "You deserve everything, congratulations. Zhao Min, I will serve you."
Zhao Min raised his eyebrows, and along the way, it was rare for someone to calm down and face his success and congratulate him sincerely.
He smiled from the heart, "Thank you."
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