Chapter 67: Extra — Yasunan Kara

"From today, Tang Jing will take over as the head of the family. You have to take your wife and children back to the previous planet." The third elder informed Tang Jingnan.
Tang Jingnan was in a trance.
Twenty years ago, he watched the previous Patriarch received such a notice with his own eyes, and then left the Tang family unwillingly, full of hatred. And he sits on the throne of Patriarch vigorously, with boundless scenery.
Twenty years later, he became the one torn from the horse.
How could it become like this? Why can Yan Hao easily subdue him? Why did the elders face Tang Xin and choose to compromise? Tang Jingnan couldn't figure it out and asked the three elders.
The three elders hesitated and chose to tell Tang Jingnan the truth.
"I was dizzy when I went in that day, and the elder elder negotiated with her. The elder meant that he didn't want everyone in the family to get a strange illness, and he didn't want to wake up and the Tang family was wiped out. The compromise is It's a little wimp, at least the Tang family is still there."
So, is he abandoned? Just like he chose to abandon the housekeeper after the evaluation.
Tang Jingnan was dumb and thought of a word inexplicably, "retribution."
Originally, he planned well. Focus on cultivating Lao Shi, and when Lao Shi will succeed the Patriarch in the future, as long as Lao Shi is willing, he, his wife and children can still stay in the Tang family.
But now, Tang Jing took over, her first order was to let them move out of Tang's house within three days.
Tang Jingnan's mind was completely empty, he lost, and he lost in the hands of someone he had never looked into.
Even, he ridiculously treats people as whetstones.
With the Tang family, he can feed a lot of wives and children. After leaving, there were only a few properties. For ordinary people, living is enough, for him who is accustomed to it, it is certainly not enough. How should I live the rest of the year?
Tang Jingnan was at a loss.

In the past month alone, Tang Jingnan has grown a lot older. His face was covered with wrinkles, with indescribable fatigue.
He sat in the shop and sighed for the nth time.
The level he had worked so hard for was gone, and he changed back to level four, his strength was average.
More importantly, there is not enough money.
The first thing Tang Jingnan opened his eyes every day was to wonder how he could make more money.
He considered that when he was the owner of the house, he used to collect money overtly and secretly, and even solicited customers directly to his own shop, which was kind of solid. If you work hard, take advantage of the trend to rise, and make the store bigger and stronger, you may have a chance to stand up.
With this idea in mind, Tang Jingnan made up his mind to fight hard.
However, before he had time to fight like a young poor boy, the family dissatisfaction broke out.
Everything actually had a warning, but Tang Jingnan didn't expect it would come so fast and so violently.
The first eruption was the fifth wife who had saved his life.
Tang Jingnan was rescued by her when she was in danger as the head of the family, and the two got married.
This wife met after Tang Jingnan's fortune, and likes to buy and buy after marriage. Tang Jingnan didn't care, he thought this hobby was pretty good.
And the five wives are well-behaved and obedient, which deserves praise.
Occasionally, Tang Jingnan even took the initiative to give her his Federal Card, generously paying the bill.
But after Tang Jingnan moved to the planet where he started from scratch and informed everyone that he wanted to cut expenses, the fifth wife changed her attitude.
"I was willing to marry you when I thought you were good to your wife. Otherwise, if you marry so many people, ghosts will be attracted to you."
"Please, don't learn how to marry so many wives if you don't have the skills. Can you afford it after you marry?"
"Is marrying you to endure hardship? I don't have any money to buy a new dress, poor ghost!"
It was okay once or twice, but Tang Jingnan just didn't hear it.
Probably because he didn't respond and didn't refute, the fifth wife became more fierce as she spoke, almost pointing to Tang Jingnan's nose and cursing.
"Enough." Tang Jingnan started angrily, "When I was the head of the house, you didn't enjoy it? Since I'm a husband and wife, of course we should share adversity."
The five wives sneered, "Spouses who are willing to share adversity are of course monogamous in technology inheritance. Is there any wife who is willing to share adversity with the old public and sees her husband marrying one woman after another, but can still maintain the original intention? I know you have several Wife, I still want to marry you, of course for Qian Luo, do you think you are handsome?"
Tang Jingnan was so angry that he couldn't speak.
The fifth wife put her hair together, "Since I don't have the ability to provide me with a better life, let's get a divorce."
According to the federal law, in the case of polygamy, divorce, the family property shall be taken care of.
Tang Jingnan also counted on relying on his assets to turn around, and he was even more reluctant to reduce his assets.
However, she was not alone in the trouble.
Fourteen children, except for the few who can't speak, quarrel at home every day.
It’s not fair to say that everyone secretly cooks bird’s nest and eats alone. That said, so so so often beat her secretly.
Everyone pulled Tang Jingnan and asked him to be fair.
The wives bit their tongues with Tang Jingnan. Whoever bought a mink coat or expensive skin care products would definitely be too expensive, so go and punish her.
Tang Jingnan was struggling to cope. I'm exhausted just by dealing with housework, and I don't have any extra time to fight for my career.
When he first returned to the planet, Tang Jingnan was very repulsive in his heart when he changed from the superior Tang Patriarch to the small boss who needed to cater to others in order to win the business.
But after being entangled in all sorts of things at home, Tang Jingnan would rather sleep in the shop instead of going home.
However, there are certain things that he can avoid because he wants to hide.
The fifth wife wanted to get a divorce, but when she saw Tang Jingnan she avoided talking, she simply talked to the people of the Federal Civil and Political Bureau.
People from the Federal Civil and Political Bureau found Tang Jingnan again, and the two sides sat down to discuss.
From beginning to end, the fifth wife had only one sentence, "I must divorce and divide the property."
Tang Jingnan closed his eyes tiredly. He didn't want to struggle with the woman in front of him for a little money, "If you want a divorce, then leave."

This divorce is just the beginning.
Seeing that the fifth wife was divorced, the other wives got the money smoothly, and spent time outside happily. They didn't need to live together anymore, and they all expressed their intention to divorce Tang Jingnan.
There was a hesitant daughter, her daughter pouted and persuaded, "Hurry up, I can't stay here anymore. Every day I eat, wear, and buy, people are secretly staring at them, and I have to give a small report to my father. Take it. After we paid the money, we stayed outside for three years."
"When I reach the age of eighteen, I can go back to the Tang family to get a sum of resources. At that time, I will ask if I can give credit directly. If not, I will take some good things and sell them for money. I will have money to buy later. Houses or shops are rented out. The rent is enough for us to live a good life. Why bother to be angry here?"
At that time, this man was moved by the bright future described, and insisted on asking for a divorce.
"Let's go, let's go one by one." Tang Jingnan gave up on himself, hiding in the study and drinking alcohol, feeling very uncomfortable.
In the most difficult time, no one wanted to stay with him, but one by one rushed to escape from the producer.
Suddenly, the study door was knocked, "It's me."
There was a glimmer of hope in Tang Jingnan's heart, and he heard that it was the voice of the old ten's biological mother, which was his true love.
In the most difficult moment, after all, is she the only one willing to stay with him?
"Come in." Tang Jingnan closed the bottle cap and put the wine away, his face slightly sullen.
True love entered the door and looked at Tang Jingnan quietly. For a long time, she said, "The others have already left. After a while, the people in the civil and political affairs will handle the divorce one by one. I will leave soon. Before I leave, I Come to see you."
"You want to go too?!" Tang Jingnan was shocked and angry. He has so many wives and children, is he really reluctant to stay alone?
True love pouted and mocked, "When you competed for the position of Patriarch, I did not accompany you to endure hardships? After you succeeded in becoming the leader, how did you return me? Women married in, always telling me that you have difficulties. , I was forced. Then you just assume that I am leaving this time because I have a hard time, and I am also forced. Goodbye, never again."
After speaking, True Love closed the study door without reluctance.
Tang Jingnan angrily threw the wine bottle at hand to the door. Immediately, the wine bottle broke to the ground.
When he needed the support of his family the most, everyone desperately fled from his side, even trying to get a piece of his body and drain his blood.
Tang Jingnan burst into laughter suddenly, like crazy, bleeding and tears in the corners of his eyes, "So many people, no one wants to live with me. Retribution, this is retribution!"

Tang Jingnan was crazy.
According to the doctor's analysis, the patient was too irritated and had mental problems and needed special care.
For this reason, people from the federal government and government specifically sought out his family members and asked who would take care of him. Those who take care of him can get his share of property.
As a result, no one wanted.
Even someone was scared to leave the planet overnight.
Someone coldly reported the addresses of True Love and Tang Ningyi, "This is his favorite wife and son, send them to take care of them."
The federal government and the government have no way to send people to mental hospitals, and their property is paid to mental hospitals as accommodation.
People in the mental hospital saw that Tang Jingnan had no relatives and no one cared, so they arranged him in a small remote room.
Usually the door of the room is locked, only in the morning, noon, and at night when the food is delivered, the door is opened, and people are taken out to the toilet and fed.
Every week, the mental hospital will change his clothes and tidy up his appearance. The rest of the time, let him go crazy in the room.
Occasionally, Tang Jingnan drank too much water and wanted to go to the toilet. He knocked the door and made strange noises. No one took care of him. In the end, he could only pee on his body.
Filthy, dirty, delirious, more and more mad, no longer the previous style.
Occasionally, he would start crying out of nowhere, or laughing wildly, but he never paid attention.
Tang Jingnan lived like this until the end of his life.
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