Chapter 41:

Spring has already begun at this time, and many dormant beasts have begun to move out.
Jiang Chaoge saw more strange and strange beasts, and occasionally saw some normal mountain beasts. It felt particularly kind and tasted extra special.
These Tianjiang Chaoge couldn't help sighing, remembering the long snake corpses they stayed in Shuangzifeng, and the pain was tight. Before he left, he didn't discuss with Yu Renshu and Tian Rong about getting back, but he got his eyes closed So I had to give up. Qi Lingfeng must have received the news, everything is cheaper for them.
However, there is something that makes him more headache right now. That is, recently, Sun Xuan and Zui You suddenly got closer, hiding from time to time and whispering something. Not only did he feel alarmed, but even Long Ling also felt It's awkward, but Long Xi's words are like gold. He always feels that drunk you will destroy Zhi Xuan. Later, when he saw them together, he took away Zhi Xuan.
The Great Cool City is still clearly visible and can be resisted as long as it is over a small hill.
At the middle of the mountain, they encountered a little girl who was hunting alone. The girl was only about ten years old, her body was dirty, her face was tanned, but her eyes were particularly bright. She was holding a bamboo bow. Riding a burly black dog-dog soul than her, she was chasing a deer, whizzing past them not far.
Jiang Chaoge sighed, "Such a young child will be out hunting."
Long Yan said coldly: "A poor soul soldier was born with a lot of responsibilities. If he had signed a contract with the aristocracy since he was a child, he would have to be a horse and a horse for the aristocracy all his life. , It's completely 'usable' by this age. "
Jiang Chaoge curiously said, "Where did you learn your soul power and martial arts?"
Long Yan turned his head silently, apparently did not intend to answer this question.
Jiang Chaoge was also used to the child's indifference and didn't ask much, but he probably guessed that after he was sold to the Tianling continent, the buyer found that he had a sense of soul. The "red-haired monkey" used was valuable, so he began to train him. After his wings hardened, he fled. After all, he was not a person on the Tianling continent. He himself was somewhat hostile to it, so naturally there was no contractual spirit.
A moment later, a mastiff growl hurriedly in the distance, and a row of trees in front swayed violently, as if something was coming. Then came the howling and hissing of the mastiff.
Yu Renshu frowned: "They may have run into something, Tian Rong, look over."
Tian Rong speeded up, and a few ups and downs entered the forest. At this time, I saw the mastiff dogs who just ran past them, holding the little girl and started to run back. It was injured in many places, with white hair and blood. Behind, there were seven or eight large white-headed red-footed ones. Ape-type alien beasts chasing them between branches, very fast.
"That's Zhu tired." Yu Renshu said: "Tian Rong, drive them away."
Suddenly, a Zhu Yan slammed on the mastiff with the force of a tree branch. The little girl barely wanted to raise the bow, but it was difficult to maintain balance on the escaped mastiff. I flew out!
When the crowd arrived, it was too late. Ruan Qiansu threw out the Zheng Chen, shot down Zhu Yan from the dog, Tian Rong rushed to his throat and yelled, and those Zhu Yan were scattered as birds and beasts.
The mastiff got up from the ground, ran to the little girl with a body of blood, arched her motionless body with her nose, and stepped on the ground with her paws impatiently, making a humming, helpless and sad voice.
Everyone ran over to see, the little girl was thrown to a dozen meters, her head was covered with blood, her eyes were closed, it looked shocking.
Ruan Qiansu squatted down and watched it. "I'm still alive, and I'll rush to the city." She carefully lifted the little girl from the ground, and the dog walked around her nervously, barking the dog. She simply retrieved the dog That bow.
The crowd accelerated and rushed to Daliang City. As soon as they entered the city, someone recognized the little girl, saying that it was a child in the suburban courtyard, and they sent her to the suburb.
The so-called suburban courtyard was originally equivalent to an orphanage. They only knew when they arrived there that more than forty children without parents were living in the courtyard.
As soon as they entered the door, several children gathered around, screaming "sister-in-law" in a rush, crying anxiously.
At this moment, a shabby old man walked out of a shabby bungalow. He was surprised and said, "Hey? What's wrong?"
Jiang Chaoge explained: "She encountered Zhu Yan when she was hunting and was injured."
"Hurry up, get her in."
Yu Renshu was surprised: "Are you a soul guide?"
The old man glanced at him, and didn't have time to bother him, and he greeted a few older children to prepare things for him.
Jiang Chaoge was also surprised. Because of the scarcity of the number and the great role of the soul guide, he is highly respected in the world and generally rich. However, the old man has old clothes and lives in such a rough place. He is a group of street children. Somewhat strangely, even if they are kind-hearted and want to help these children, there is no need to eat and sleep with them.
After Ruan Qiansu put the puppet into the room, the old man took out a pile of herbs, first disinfected the puppet, stopped the bleeding, and then applied the herb to the puppet's wound, covering her head with her old hand and closing There are words in the eyes and mouth, and the palms glow slightly.
This is the first time Jiang Chaoge saw a soul mentor healing someone. It is said that the best soul mentor is to understand both human medicine and strong soul power. Such a soul mentor needs only one breath Now, even if you lack arms and legs, you can completely repair a person.
However, the more serious the injury, the longer it takes. Sometimes it may take up to several months to save a dying person. The soul guide spends countless energy and soul power. The mentor can be ruled. If there is a serious injury, it depends on the soul mentor's refusal to rule. Most of this involves money and prestige, so the status of the psychic can be seen. I'm afraid Yu Renshu has never seen such a stunned soul mentor, so he was extra surprised.
Their luck was really good. As soon as they entered the Great Liang City, they met a soul mentor. They looked good. They didn't have to look for it anymore. They just waited outside.
Three hours later, the old man came out with some tiredness.
Jiang Chaoge said: "How's your grandma?"
"It's okay, just a few days of cultivation." The old man wiped his sweat and bowed slightly. "Thank you for your help."
"We are not adults, but travellers passing by here." Jiang Chaoge pointed to Yu Renshu. "Our friend was hurt, and he came to Daliang City to seek a soul guide."
The old man said: "No problem, but my soul strength is not high. This time I treat my aunt, I have to rest for at least three days. There is also a superb soul soul guide in the east of the city. Go to him. "
Jiang Chaoge thought for a while, they thought that the lower the key, the better, too much movement, and the tracks were easy to be exposed. He and Yu Renshu looked at each other and found that Yu Renshu agreed with him, so he said: "No, we still Wait for you to recover, don't know what you call it? "
"Just call me Hebo."
"Hobo, your yard is so big. Could you clean up a few rooms for us, we will pay you."
He Bo waved his hand, "No need, you saved me, I should thank you, please, adults, please wait." He immediately arranged for someone to clean the room.
The children in the yard looked at them curiously and whispered, but did not dare to approach.
In order not to be noticeable, Tian Rong and Zui You both returned to their weapons. Only Zhi Xuan resolutely refused to go back. He nestled in Jiang Chao Ge's arms and played with his hair. Since Zhi Xuan was not allowed to cut his hair, Jiang Chao Ge had to secretly After a little cut, after all, he is still not used to long hair, but that's the case, the hair is also about to shoulder, Yan Xuan lying on his shoulder, just to bite his hair and drag. Jiang Chaoge had the illusion of holding a cat with him, "Little ancestor, why do you always bite my hair?"
Zhixuan said, "I'm happy."
"Don't I let you talk to Drunk You, and you're upset again."
"Crap, you're a servant, don't take charge of me."
"Don't you hate the fox?"
"then you……"
"But he knows a lot."
Jiang Chaoge squinted at him: "For example?"
"I'm too lazy to tell you." Zhi Xuan tilted her head to the other side, resting on Jiang Chaoge's shoulder.
"He can know what works. You want to hear stories. I tell you about my world."
"No, you can't even kiss."
Jiang Chaoge was stunned. "How do you know?" He thought to himself that Lao Tzu would not need to be on you.
"If you can, then it should be comfortable," said the fox. Zhixuan Leng hummed. "Waste, even if the soul is weak, why don't you have what humans should."
Jiang Chaoge was speechless.
At this time, I walked out of the room. She had no blood on her face except for her face. The whole person looked fair, and the wound on her head was healed.
A child called, "Sister Sister, Grandpa won't let you up."
"It's okay." He touched his head and walked towards Jiang Chaoge and others, saying weakly and a little shyly, "Some adults, did you save me?"
Jiang Chaoge pointed to Ruan Qiansu, "It's her."
He looked at Ruan Qiansu without blinking, and smiled, "Sister, thank you."
Ruan Qiansu looked at her bright eyes and couldn't help but also tickled her lips. "You're welcome."
Yu Renshu asked, "You courtyard, can you rely on hunting to feed you?"
He shook his head and sighed: "It depends on grandpa, but grandpa's soul strength is not high, he can't afford too many auxiliary medicines, and he doesn't want to sign a contract with the aristocracy.
"It's the first time I've seen such a poor soul guide." Yu Renshu frowned. "Even a weak soul guide can live a very rich life."
I opened my mouth and finally said nothing, paused, and said, "Some adults, please take a good rest here, I will surely remember your life-saving grace."
Jiang Chaoge suddenly thought of Lao Meng. Lao Meng was always very poor, but at that time his soul mentor's practice was very weak, and he could hardly practice medicine. This Hebeco was more than a star taller than Lao Meng. This taciturn and unstoppable expression obviously had inside information, but it had nothing to do with him. Thinking of Lao Meng, he immediately thought of another purpose for him to come to Daliang City, to find the man named Wang Qin. He immediately asked: "Well, can there be a man named Wang Qin in Daliang City? Most of them are soul-conscious."
I thought about it, "Wang Qin ... I haven't heard of it."
Jiang Chaoge never thought that he could find it all at once. He planned to take a break and investigate again.
After He Bo prepared the room for them, he also entertained them with decent meals. Jiang Chaoge watched Yu Ren's frowning frantically and took out a few silver coins to He Bo so that he could do it these days. Ok.
They found a place to stay in Daliang City for the time being.
The author has something to say: Excuse me, participating in the exhibition these days is too busy, and this month's updates cannot be too stable, because I have to play around this month, and only go home at the end of the month. . . . However, as long as I have time, I will definitely try to update it! Really! Please see my eyes dripping sincerely! 2k novel reading network
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