Chapter 57:

After converging with Zhixuan, the killers of the Puppet Association really disappeared, and the three were able to heal, rest in the inn, and plan to enter the Kunlun Wonderland.
After Yunxi cured their injuries, they asked Jiang Chaoge to ask for the half piece of emerald.
Jiang Chaoge then remembered that he promised Yunxi to accompany him to Kunlun City and give it back to him, but he was really reluctant to let it go and pressed Yunxi in his chair. After the jadeite, where are you going to return the money to the city? Or the British city? "
"Go back to my teacher." Yun Xi said, and then turned his eyes to the side. He was not used to looking at other people's eyes, he would be nervous and anxious.
"Your teacher is hard to protect himself, and you are still looking for him? Don't you understand? Your teacher gave me half of the Arowana Jade, which means that you follow me."
"He didn't say that."
"Then what did he say."
"He said that the emerald is in your hands, you can get it."
"that's it?"
Yunxi nodded.
Jiang Chaoge rubbed his hands: "Do you still understand what your teacher said?"
Yunxi frowned: "Nothing else."
"Why didn't he give me the emerald? Isn't it for you to help me?"
"I've helped you, you guys." Yunxi lowered his head. "Give me the emerald."
"If I don't," Jiang Chaoge asked tentatively.
Yunxi whispered aggrievedly, "Rogue."
Jiang Chaoge shook his shoulder and laughed: "Oh, how can I not give it to you if it's funny. But you just left like this, how can I tell you about things in the other world, I have a whole world story And strange and weird things want to tell you that you can't listen to it all your life, you can make things that other Horcruxes can't. "
Yunxi was a little emotional, but hesitated, looking at him doubtfully.
"So, I'll make two new things for you in these days."
Yunxi's eyes lit up: "Okay."
"If you think it's fun, just accompany us to Kunlun Wonderland, I will tell you everything I know, and we can make a powerful hot weapon together."
"What is a hot weapon?"
"I'll tell you later." Jiang Chaoge patted his shoulder and dragged Zhixuan out to go shopping.
He bought magnets, needles and other materials for making compasses, as well as materials for making gunpowder. Sulfur and charcoal were readily available, but Tianling continent had not mined the saltpeter mine, and he did not know that it existed , But this is not difficult to beat him, he took a broken bowl from the inn, sneaked into several pig owners at night, scraped a layer of white material on the dirt wall around the pigsty, and collected a small one overnight Pick up saltpeter. This saltpeter is only enough to be a firework, but it doesn't matter, he just wants to show Yunxi.
Back at the inn, Zhixuan crouched at the door like a puppy and waited for him. When he saw him, he greeted him: "Why are you so stupid! Where have you been?"
Jiang Chaoge laughed: "I went to the pigsty, so I won't let you go."
Zhi Xuanbai gave him a glance: "You don't hold me so stinky."
"I didn't want to hug you either, walk around, enter the room."
Zhixuan wore two short legs behind him. The threshold of the inn was too high. He couldn't get over. Jiang Chaoge took his arm up and lifted him up. His body went straight forward, and he seemed to feel very fun. She smiled, but immediately straightened her face: "You're going to take a shower, you're smelly."
"Okay, I'll go now." Jiang Chaoge organized the things he bought, and went to the bathroom with the changed clothes.
The best thing about this inn is that there is a separate bath room, and there are several bathtubs of different sizes. At this time, it is still a bit cold at night, and it is just right to burn the fire. He had just beaten the water and set the fire on, and Xuan Xuan came in: "I want to wash too."
"I did n’t just wash it for you yesterday. Now it ’s cold and your hair is not easy to dry. Do n’t wash it every day.

"No, your smell must have spread to me." Sun Xuan sniffed, wrinkling her nose, "It smells bad."
Jiang Chaoge smiled helplessly: "Sometimes it is not good to smell too sensitive." He put Zhi Xuan into the shallow bath and gently bathed his ancestors when he was familiar with it.
Zhixuan raised her face and looked at Jiang Chaoge intently.
Jiang Chaoge said: "What are you looking at?"
"look at you."
"Look what I do."
"I want to see it."
Jiang Chaoge smiled.
Zhixuan asked, "Why don't you take off your clothes?"
"Don't I wash you first."
Zhixuan Xuan poured water on him.
Jiang Chaoge couldn't escape, his front was so wet that he frowned and looked at Zhi Xuan: "What's crazy?"
Zhixuan's bright golden eyes were still staring straight at him, with a command in his breath: "Take off."
Jiang Chaoge narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "I'll bathe you first."
Douding Zhixuan suddenly turned into an adult's appearance without any precaution. The water beneath him scrambled to escape from the tub, spreading the ground, and Jiang Chaoge was also splashed with water. On the ground, he stared gazing at Sun Xuan's exquisite, red-naked chest, his thin waist, and ... Jiang Chaoge was so nervous that he said, "What are you doing, I managed to boil water. "
Zhixuan stood up from the bathtub, dragging a body of water and wet hair two steps forward, her tall body squatted in front of Jiang Chaoge, her long fingers picked his collar, and said softly, "Undress."
Jiang Chaoge grabbed his hand: "Sunburn, don't bother."
"I'm not upset, I want to wash with you."
"We have been washing together."
"I want to look like this and wash with you."
Jiang Chaoge's scalp was numb and there was an urge to run away. He has never met this kind of Sun Xuan frankly, although they are all the same person, but facing a small child and facing an adult man, this feels like a world of difference.
Zhixuan didn't wait for him to respond, and reached for his clothes.
Jiang Chaoge pushed his hand away, struggling to get up from the ground, and Sun Xuan was unhappy, and flung into Jiang Chaoge's body. His wet body suddenly wet Jiang Chaoge's clothes, and he pulled Jiang Chaoge's clothes forcefully.
Jiang Chaoge was anxious, pushed Yan Xuan hard, and sternly said, "Don't make trouble!"
Sun Xuan stunned her hair, draped her hair on her forehead, and with that expression of momentary loss, there was a hint of embarrassment.
Jiang Chaoge thought Zhixuan would get angry, but Zhixuan said in a very light voice, "You are my female-beast."
Jiang Chaoge said stiffly, "I am not."
"you are."
"I'm not."
"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Zhi Xuan looked at him without blinking, "Yinchuan said that my female-beast may not really exist, and not every strange beast has luck. When it came to my female-beast, I once felt that he didn't exist, but I think you are. "
Jiang Chaoge said a little bit hard: "I really ..."
"How do you know you are not."
Jiang Chaoge didn't even know how to answer.
Zhixuan gathered in the past, held Jiang Chaoge in his arms, and whispered, "Aren't you willing to be my female-beast?"
Jiang Chaoge felt that his heart was slammed a bit, trembling and trembling, and there were some chaotic voices in his head that made him grow bigger and bigger, and the lonely tone of Zhi Xuan made him feel that everything was wrong. This straightforward, primitive, and undisguised way of asking for happiness can only be achieved by Zhi Xuan, who is still a beast in nature. There is no human etiquette and morality. Do whatever you want. On the one hand, it is also sincere and never hides, which makes Jiang Chaoge's smoothness and sophistry useless, it is really difficult to parry.
Zhixuan tightened her arms: "Be my female-beast, I will protect you forever."
Jiang Chaoge felt that his throat was blocked by something. No matter he refused or promised, he couldn't tell. He had heard all kinds of true and false confession in his life, and the only thing that he heard was unheard of. But sincerely outside.
Zhixuan couldn't get a response for a long time, and was anxious: "You promise! Anyway, you have to mate with me, then you will not only be my soul soldier, but also my female-beast."
Jiang Chaoge sighed, "That's two different things."
"It's the same thing."
"If mating and mating is counted as females and beasts, how many females and beasts should there be in the cold."
Zhixuan said, "Don't compare me with that kinky-beast!"
"Hey, you've learned another idiom."
"Don't change the subject!"
Jiang Chaoge reluctantly said, "Zixuan, otherwise we will wait until we see Yinchuan." He had no choice but to "superstitious" Yinchuan that stick, I hope Yinchuan has read 10,000 books, can order Xing Zhixuan, he and Zhi Xuan are not only the same species, they are even male. What kind of female-beast is he?
Zhi Xuan snorted, "OK, let Yinchuan tell you."
"Then you can let go of me now."
Zhixuan let go of him reluctantly.
Jiang Chaoge glanced at the bottom of Zhi Xuan, and it was so tall and scary that Zhi Xuan didn't have any human shame, so he let Jiang Chao Ge look so generous, Jiang Chao Ge ran away in a hurry.
Zhixuan looked down and murmured: "I reacted to him obviously."
The next day, Jiang Chaoge made the simple compass and gunpowder, and called others to the patio to watch.
He used that gunpowder to make two small firecrackers. After all, the materials are limited, but it should be enough to fool those who have never seen the world. He lit the wick, threw the firecracker into a straw box, and slammed it. The firecracker blasted the straw box into a big hole, and it also frightened the onlookers, especially a few hearing-conscious people. Strange animal, almost frizzled.
Yu Renshu was surprised: "What kind of hex is this?"
"It's not a black magic. This is one of the hot weapons in my world. It's called gunpowder. I don't have enough materials. I just made a small one. If there is enough material, I can blow through the one-meter-thick city wall."
Yunxi's eyes widened: "Really?"
Yu Renshu's expression was a little terrified: "Is this magic trick only you know?"
"A lot of people in our world know this. As for other aliens, I don't know." It is relatively easy to make simple gunpowder, but many ordinary people will not pay attention to it, so there should not be many people who will This hand, and if you have not done it, it is easy to hurt yourself. He was trained by a real bomb expert. If he has enough materials, he can make a time-controlled remote bomb, but unfortunately it is something else in this world. I thought.
Yu Renshu looked worried: "If this magic is learned by overseas aliens, wouldn't it be to the Tianling continent ..." He suddenly remembered something and looked at Long Yan.
Long Yan glared at him: "I've watched anyway, or should you kill me?"
Yu Renshu said: "I won't kill you, but I hope that one day you will return to your hometown and don't spread this magic."
"I don't even know where my hometown is. I really want to spread it, and it won't be me."
"Don't bother you," Jiang Chaoge said, "I won't tell you how to make this gunpowder."
Yun Sidun approached him, staring at him intently: "Brother, would you tell me."
Jiang Chaoge took out a simple compass and another small firecracker, held it in his palm, and said with a smile: "If you accompany us to Kunlun Wonderland, I have more useful and fun things to tell you."
Yunxi slowly stretched out his claws, grabbed the compass and the small firecracker, quickly retreated into the corner, and then cherished it in his hands and looked at it.
Jiang Chaoge took the emerald from his arms again and threw it to Yunxi: "I'll talk to you, and this will be returned to you. If we leave tomorrow, we will go to Kunlun Wonderland. If you don't leave, then you will follow us."
Yunxi held the emerald and nodded.
Jiang Chaoge got up and left, and Yunxi suddenly grabbed his clothesline: "How are you going to Kunlun Wonderland?"
"Where we come all the way, let's go."
"Kunlun Wonderland is extremely cold all year round, and the mist is lingering. It is easy to get lost in it and never get out again."
"So I have prepared enough supplies. We are one god-level alien beast and two sky-level alien beasts. Why not get lost?"
Yunxi stared at him blankly for a few seconds: "Actually you don't understand anything. You have no plans at all."
Being ruthlessly pierced, Jiang Chaoge was somewhat annoyed: "We haven't been here again."
"Do you never read?"
"what do you want to say in the end."
Yunxi stood up and patted his clothes: "I'll go home."
Jiang Chaoge grabbed his collar: "Give me back. Don't cover up what you say, and help us if you know anything."
Yun Xi pushed Jiang Chaoge's hand back, "I'm still young, I don't want to die."
Ruan Qiansu interjected: "You are worried about the fog of Kunlun Wonderland. It is said that the fog can not only disorient people, but also produce hallucinations, and eventually be trapped inside."
Zhixuan yawned: "It's just fog. I've been in it for hundreds of thousands of years and I haven't lost my way."
Jiang Chaoge said happily: "Yes, we have Sun Xuan leading the way, we certainly won't get lost."
Yunxi's expression was slightly slower, hesitating slightly, and said, "Well, I'll go with you."
Jiang Chao Gohaha laughed: "It's great."
Yunxi held out his hand: "Give me the whale bag, I want to count the supplies."
Jiang Chaoge handed it to him.
Yunxi summoned the cashier bag, drilled one end, and jumped out frantically after two seconds: "What's so messy inside!"
"There are so many things."
"Take care! Get rid of it!" Yunxi's face flushed, and he rolled up his sleeves and started moving things out.
The others looked at each other, and after standing for a while, they had to help him with things.
Yunxi organized the materials and counted them, and purchased some items that he felt needed, and recorded everything in different categories, and summarized it. If the personal items are to be stored separately, confirm it three times, and spend a whole day working. The others were so tired to go back to sleep, he was still working tirelessly.
Jiang Chaoge slept until midnight and was awakened by Yunxi twice, just to ask him who some things were, and Jiang Chaoge took him out the second time.
Due to Yunxi's persistence, their schedule was delayed for two days before they set off.
Exiting from the west gate of Kunlun City, you enter the endless Kunlun Mountains. Someone said with a smile that the west gate of Kunlun City is the gate of the west sky. It is difficult to come back when you go out. Generally, only hunters come in and out, but you won't go too far into the mountains. If anyone knew they were going to Kunlun Wonderland, I'm afraid they would think they were crazy.
Yu Renshu sat on Tianrong's neck and looked at the Kunlun Mountains surrounded by mists: "Kunlun Wonderland has always been a sacred soil on the Tianling continent and one of the most mysterious places. No one has ever really explored this area. Mountains, entering the Kunlun Wonderland, may be entering another world, what is inside, what will happen, no one can predict, we may have luck to find Yinchuan soon, or may have gained a year and a half, and more Maybe he won't be able to come out all his life. "He looked at the crowd." Are you all ready? "
Yunxi blinked: "I, I should go home."
Jiang Chaoge knocked him back: "Now say it's late."
Long Yan said: "I will follow Brother Jiang."
Ruan Qiansu laughed: "I have no hesitation."
Yu Renshu smiled: "Yes, I didn't retreat. When I entered Kunlun Wonderland, I could at least evade the Pursuit of the Nun and Huixue."
Jiang Chaoge took a deep breath: "Let's go."
Tian Rong and Zui You jumped up and ran towards the towering, stretchy Kunlun Mountain in front of them.
"You don't know where Baize is?" Yunxi's eyes widened, his face unbelievable.
Jiang Chaoge shrugged: "Just find it if you don't know."
"The Kunlun Mountains are endless, and most places have never been explored at all. I am afraid that they are no longer part of the Skyland and have entered an unknown foreign country. You have no goal, how do you find a weapon?"
Zhi Xuandao: "If it's close, I can smell it."
"How close?"
Zhixuan thought about it: "Within dozens of miles."
Yunxi's voice changed: "That's tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack."
Zhixuan stared at him fiercely: "Human, don't you dare speak to me."
Yunxi curled up and said gloomily, "I want to go home."
Jiang Chao Gohaha laughed: "Don't be so pessimistic, I believe we can definitely find it." He didn't even know at all. Yunxi was right, they were hunting needles in the haystack, but they were fishing for hope, and they couldn't give up easily. .
The next day, Yun Xi didn't speak. When he didn't say a word, it was easy to be ignored. Although he was aggrieved, he didn't get enough sympathy.
After the sun went down, they entered the misty mountains that are legendary to eat people without spitting their bones. Adding dense fog at night, the visibility was extremely low, and it was almost impossible to walk. They had to rest in place.
"Why is this mountain so quiet?" Tian Rong said anxiously: "Since entering the mist, no other beast's voice can be heard."
"Mist also affects hearing."
"It's really nothing." Zhixuan said, "No strange beast is moving nearby."
Long Yan frowned. "Some things are abnormal. Be careful at night."
Jiang Chaoge said: "Zhixuan, haven't you lived in Kunlun Wonderland and Yinchuan for a long time, don't you remember this place?"
"I traveled thousands of miles in those days, and the path you took, I could do it in one step, how could I remember."
"Then how do you lead the way?" Yunxi said quietly.
Zhixuan thought about it: "I used to run towards Kunlun Wonderland, then I could smell where Yinchuan was, and I could find him along the scent. Now I can't run, I can't smell him ... then I don't Lead the way, find it yourself. "He finished drinking and drinking.
The crowd was stunned by his righteousness, and the scene was so quiet that they could hear the needle. They looked at each other and found a hint of confusion in each other's eyes.
Yunxi clenched his knees and sucked his nose. "I want to go home."
Long Yan said softly, "Is it possible that we are lost?"
Ruan Qiansu rubbed his cold face: "No." She sighed. "We didn't have a route. How could we get lost?"
Yunxi buried his face in his knees, and the whole person shrank into a ball.
Yu Renshu said arrogantly: "Don't be afraid, there is no way for men to be in the Quartet. We can all go out of one way."
Jiang Chaoge likes Yu Renshu's stupid hero Fan, who can produce inexplicable self-confidence and encourage everyone.
Drunk You poked at Long Yan's face: "If we can't get out, I'll be here with you to the end."
Long Yan shook his head: "No, I want to go out, I want to find my hometown."
"Then you will grow up soon." Drunk You looked at him expectantly.
"What does this have to do with my growing up?"
Zuiyou licked her lips and laughed without saying a word.
After a few conversations, everyone except the shift vigil returned to the tent to rest.
Jiang Chaoge whispered to Zhixuan, "What do you really don't remember about this mountain?"
Zhixuan glanced at him, and some words stopped.
Jiang Chaoge said: "Zhixuan, you won't lie, I can see that you just don't want to say, it doesn't matter if you don't tell them, tell me."
"I don't tell you, I'm afraid you're frightened."
"Am I so timid."
"Kunlun Mountain, 10,000 years ago, is known to have thousands of different kinds of beasts. Because of the long-term snow accumulation here, hunting is not easy, so every bloodthirsty bloodthirsty. There are several human aliens in Kunlun Mountain, which can be used for witchcraft and some magic Kunlun Mountain is relatively peaceful because it is guarded by Yinchuan for many years. Once he leaves, the mountain will be rainy and bloody. After thousands of years, I do n’t know what it ’s like here. I only know that Kunlun Mountain, definitely more dangerous than the outside world. "
Jiang Chaoge nodded: "Since we have come in, we are ready. Besides, we are still with you, what are you afraid of, right?"
Sun Xuan frowned slightly: "Although the so-called twelve alien beasts in ancient times are the most powerful alien beasts, there were also many powerful alien beasts that had been cultivated for thousands of years. The power of war, I hope that thousands of years have passed, they have been transformed, otherwise ... "
Jiang Chaoge's heart sank, and he suddenly had a sincere fear of this mysterious mountain range.
The author has something to say: I accidentally made a deposit box yesterday, but when I updated it, I forgot the deposit box chapter and sent out 58 chapters directly. The new content is here. I bought 58 chapters yesterday. Do n’t worry, you will fill 58 with new content tonight.
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