Chapter 6:

After escaping from Tian'ao City, they did not dare to slow down and ran all the way to the south. Because the horses summoned by the Horcrux can eat, drink, and rest, as long as they have the support of the soul, they can run endlessly, so they galloped more than 400 miles in three days.
On the way, through talks with Meng Sheng, Jiang Chaoge roughly understood the distribution of power in Tianling Continent. In addition to the ruling family Yuren of Tianling Kingdom, there are hundreds of nobles of all sizes on this continent. Among them, the four major families are the most powerful, namely the Eastern Clan, the Southern Clan, the Western Clan, and the Western Clan. The Qi family in the north, and Tian'ao City, the capital of the emperor, are located in the southeast, which is the most prosperous area in the entire Tianling continent.
"The four families are famous on Tianling because they each have their own expertise." Meng Sheng drew his own cigarette bag. "Dongfang Que's is good at making all kinds of Horcruxes, especially soul weapons. Hehun armor is the most prestigious, and the quality of daily Horcruxes produced by their families is also well-known. The family has produced top-level Horcruxes. The Southern Su family is the most financially rich, but they are involved in any industry you can think of. The royal family has money and is the only noble who deals with strong overseas state-owned companies; Western Fans are good at making strange Horcruxes using strange and strange things, especially good at hidden objects, poisonous objects, magical objects and soul medicine. Generally no one dares to provoke Fan ’s people; Northern Qi ’s are the most powerful aristocrats, with the most high-level soul soldiers and heavenly-level soul weapons. Qi ’s men are brave and warriors, women are not allowed to men.

"Then where is your house?"
"The central area is more than 700 miles away from Tian'ao City. It is a trade city close to the inland canals. There are a large number of floating people. If you go there, it will not attract attention. You will hide there for a while while practicing soul power and swords. Surgery. "
Jiang Chaoge nodded, "Meng Meng, I haven't officially said this yet, thank you." Although he started to be very alert to Meng Sheng, if there was no Meng Sheng, his fate would be almost imaginable. He is a grudge. It is clear that there is ten times the reward and one hundred times the revenge. He will one day repay Meng Sheng.
Meng Sheng smiled, "I'm old, I'm homeless and tired here, I can live and die without fear, I will give my life to see if you can fight with the Great Teacher and let us go home."
Jiang Chaoge clenched his fists, his eyes were like a torch, "I will definitely go back."
Zhixuan was leaning against the tree comfortably to bask in the sun, and he squinted halfway, "What is your world like?"
Jiang Chaoge thought about it, "Our 'horse' is several times faster than the horse here. Our 'bird' flies from the south to the north of Tianling continent. As long as two hours, our palace can be built several hundred meters high." , As long as I move my finger, I can immediately talk to overseas aliens. "
Zhixuan listened, his eyes became brighter, but he blinked finally, "You bragging."
Jiang Chaoge gave a lip smile, looked at Meng Sheng, and Meng Sheng gave him a look full of longing and nostalgia.
Zhixuan leaned over and looked up at his neck, "Your world, is that really strange?"
"Really, it's completely different from here."
Zhixuan pursed her lips. "Take me to see."
Jiang Chaoge smiled bitterly: "If I can go back, what are you still doing here?" Jiang Chaoge scolded who would serve you as a little beast.
Zhixuan froze, "waste."
Jiang Chaoge squeezed his little tender face, "Master, I can take you to play in my world, but you have to help me."
Zhixuan patted his hand away, "Don't touch me casually!"
"I must have great power to get close to the Great Power Division. The Great Power Division is the only person who knows how to return to my world."
Sun Xuan rolled his eyes, "I have been dead for thousands of years. My strength depends on your soul power. The stronger your soul power is, the more power I can release. You can only let me This posture is now alive, any face wants me to help you. "
Jiang Chaoge sighed, "You are right, ancestor."
Meng Sheng laughed and said nothing.
Jiang Chaoge glanced at the knife. He just knew that the name of the soul weapon was named after the soul beast, so this knife was called Zhi Xuan Dao. He was not satisfied with the name at all. It sounded like this knife. Become a bear child. But this knife was his only hope.
Meng Sheng smoked another cigarette and put it out. "Sleep. I have to hurry tomorrow morning."
At this time, it was the season of alternating summer and autumn. At night, it was a bit cold. They did n’t have the money, and they did n’t dare to stay in the hotel. They could only sleep in the wild.
He opened his eyes and saw Zhixuan sitting beside the fire, his little hand actually stuck into the fire! He grabbed Sun Xuan's hand and pulled it out.
Zhixuan frowned: "What are you doing?"
Jiang Chaoge put that little tender paw in front of his eyes and his skin was fine.
Zhixuan withdrew his hand, disdainfully said, "Fools, how many times have you not allowed to touch me casually, you are so stupid, no wonder the soul is so weak."
"Aren't you afraid of fire?"
Zhi Xuan hummed slightly, and the small paws twitched softly on the fire. The flames shook with his movements, but the amplitude was very weak. He pulled back his hands in depression and glared at Jiang Chaoge.
Jiang Chaoge waved his hand, "I know, I understand, I'm waste, and you can't let your ancestors exert your true power."
Xuan Xuan gave him a glance and turned his head away. From the angle of Jiang Chaoge, he could only see his half face reflected by the fire, and his low eyelashes and slightly flat mouth made him look a bit lonely. .
Jiang Chaoge said: "You don't sleep."
"Why is your body so hot?" Zhixuan's body is about the same temperature as a fevered person, and the skin is always hot.
"I'm not human."
Jiang Chaoge stared at his back with the same air bag for a while, then suddenly reached out and hugged him.
Zhixuan said, "What are you doing!"
"Sir ancestor, I'm too cold to sleep, I can hold you warmer."
"You such a low-level human ... let go of me!" Zhi Xuan slaps on Jiang Chaoge's face politely.
Jiang Chaoge was stunned, and he was so angry that he didn't dare to attack. He thought to himself that this was his son, but then he thought for another time, that ’s not right. If this is his son, he is so rebellious. Forget it, be an ancestor. He didn't care how Zhixuan struggled, he took the warm body into his arms, and immediately felt close to a small stove.
Zhixuan opened her mouth and bit Jiang Chaoge's collarbone, and the two rows of small fangs secretly helped.
Jiang Chaoge sighed painfully, raised his palms to try to slap him, but still held back, only after Zhi Xuan's teeth loosened, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you happy?"
Zhixuan gritted his teeth and his bright golden eyes resembled a burning flame. "Sooner or later I will eat you bones."
Jiang Chaoge taunted, "I will work hard to cultivate my soul power, summon the true body of the ancestor, and let you eat me without bones."
Sun Xuan gave him a glance, turned and took his and rushed towards Jiang Chaoge.
Jiang Chaoge held a soft heater and suddenly felt sleepy, and soon fell asleep.
As soon as he opened his eyes the next day, Jiang Chaoge faced a pair of bright golden eyes, he was startled, and leaned back, and saw Zhi Xuan sitting beside his head, staring vaguely at him, Meng Sheng was sitting aside, steaming his head with pickles.
Zhixuan Road: "The soul power you call on me will disappear soon."
Jiang Chaoge got up, he shook his head, "What?"
Zhixuan increased his tone, "I, soon, will disappear."
Jiang Chaoge almost laughed when he thought he didn't have to face his ancestor. He coughed, "Oh, you sleep for a while, wait for me to practice ..."
"No," Zhixuan said politely, "when you reach the old man's house, you will summon me."
"But you don't want to look like this ..."
"Dare you talk back?"
Jiang Chaoge shouted, "I have no soul power. I borrowed it from Meng Lao."
Sun Xuan turned to look at Meng Sheng. Meng Sheng busy said: "It must be, Master Xuan Xuan, please rest assured."
Zhixuan lowered her head, her little hand stroking the knife made by her horn, she no longer spoke, but her body disappeared a little.
Jiang Chaoge watched his little body gradually become transparent, and suddenly felt a little sympathy for this little strange animal.
At the moment of disappearing, Sun Xuan raised his head fiercely and said fiercely, "If it is more than five days, you will be dead!"
The sympathy in Jiang Chaoge's heart suddenly disappeared, leaving no residue.
After Zhixuan disappeared, Jiang Chaoge exhaled a long breath, feeling like a serf who turned over.
Meng Sheng said with a smile: "You can relax for a few days."
Jiang Chaoge wiped his face. "I really want to summon him up? He has no use other than playing tricks and calling me 'waste'."
"Because you are useless, he is useless." Meng Sheng threw a to Jiang Chaoge. "If he is not summoned, he will not be as sleepy as before. If you wait too long, call him again. , He will avenge. "
"But I have no soul power." Jiang Chaoge bit his mouth fiercely.
Meng Sheng said helplessly: "I'll borrow you again."
Jiang Chaoge frowned. "When I get to you, I will start practicing immediately."
Meng Sheng nodded, "Let's go."
Without Zhixuan, they were hurrying faster, less than two days later, they arrived at the city of Juan in the central part of Tianling continent. Juan City is adjacent to the largest inland canal, the Zhouqu Canal. The city is prosperous and bustling. It is one of the richest cities in central China.
When the two entered the city, Jiang Chaoge was shaken by the bustling street scene of Juan City. The outer gates of Tian'ao City were compared with here, which is not enough. The streets are full of crowds, crowds of people, small merchants and hawkers everywhere, what to sell All of them. There are blatant soul soldiers on the streets to make strange monsters with their own summons roam, and the citizens seem to be accustomed to it.
Meng Sheng pointed to a three-story bamboo building in front of his eyes. "This is the largest soul weapon shop in Juan City. You can buy very good black soul weapons and soul armor."
"What about the soul weapon that day?"
"Where did you buy the heavenly soul weapon? Generally speaking, there are two types of heavenly soul weapon. One is passed down by the ancients. This kind of heavenly soul weapon is mostly used as a heirloom and is passed down from generation to generation. For some reasons, they are inhabited by the people, or they are acquired by the aristocratic sky-high price. Anyway, ordinary people don't want to get it. There is a new one. Sky-level soul weapons are extremely powerful because they are made of strange beasts that are more than 1,000 years old. They are not super strong. Soulpower and technical Horcruxes, even if there are raw materials of the beast, they dare not do it, and they will be drained by a little carelessness, so usually only those Horcruxes who have a good reputation can have a chance When you come into contact with the corpses of the millennium strange beasts sent by various channels, some Horcruxes may not have the chance to touch the millennium strange beasts in their lifetimes. Heaven-level soul weapons are not something you can get with money or soul power. You still have to Right, generally found a sky-level soul weapon, first for the royal family, big nobles to choose, if the soul consciousness does not match, it will expand the scope to find a matching soul soldier, a sky-level soul weapon can buy a city-state, A nation, I'm not exaggerating. So how good luck you, to think of it. "
Jiang Chao's mood suddenly surging, and thinking about the value of this broken knife on his back was really mixed, so it seems that the prince will never let him go.
Meng Sheng saw his mind: "The prince was originally the highest in all princes, and he received the heavenly soul weapon last year. Now he is like a prince, and his status is close to that of the prince. Unfortunately, this little prince is too personal. Too proud, not the material of the emperor. "
"How do you know how much gossip?"
Meng Sheng glared at him. "This is the city of Juan in which businessmen from all over the world come and go, and news from all over the country can be heard here."
The two walked and walked into a dark alley. Meng Sheng stopped in front of a dilapidated cottage and unlocked the wooden door.
Jiang Chaoge took a deep breath and said, "Is this still locked?"
"There is no five-star hotel treatment, I'm so embarrassed to boss Jiang." Meng Sheng opened the door, and the door squeaked, as if it would fall off at any time.
Jiang Chaoge stepped into the courtyard and looked around for a week, thinking about putting people under the fence, and he had no temper.
Meng Sheng pushed open the door of a small house, covered his nose and fanned the dust flying around his face. "You clean it yourself, live here."
Jiang Chaoge couldn't help but ask, "Can you sell my ring and watch for a few dollars?"
"Have you got water in your head?"
Jiang Chaoge shrugged. "I'm just kidding."
Meng Sheng scratched his back. "I have to go to sleep. Don't run around, I will wait until I wake up."
Jiang Chaoge stood in front of the hut that was not much larger than that of the latrine, and he paused for a while. His head was blocked for a moment, and he couldn't figure out how he had fallen to such a field from the 700-square-meter villa with pool in Dongping.
He drove a bucket of water from the well in the yard in depression, took a broom rag, and cleaned the broken house again. There was barely a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and he had no choice.
After cleaning, it was night, and he was clearly tired for a day, but he was not sleepy.
After lying on the bed for a while, he got out of bed, took apart the layers of cloth, and took out the Sunburned Knife.
The knife is still that mottled, shabby, and lifeless, but the heavy texture in the hand is strangely reassuring.
Jiang Chaoge came to the yard with a knife, held the handle with both hands, squatted a steady horse step, and even made several chopping moves.
After a few years of wandering the streets, he was forced to join a local organization. The second brother of that organization is a traditional martial arts enthusiast. He especially likes to use swords and knives. The level is far beyond the amateur level. His fists, swords and swords, but mainly daggers at that time, his daggers were very handy. With a wide-handled sword like this, he was not skilled, but this did not prevent him from recollecting the memories of his youth. How to practice chopping, chopping, picking, and stabbing with a wooden knife.
He danced a heavy sunburning sword, and the sound of the blade breaking through the air revealed a cold taste under the quiet moonlight. Jiang Chaoge's focused and quiet eyes had an unshakable firmness. The firmness transcended the limits of time and space and will eventually Brilliant. 2k novel reading network
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