Chapter 96:

Zhi Xuan's warm, soft and boneless body was tightly held in his arms by Jiang Chaoge. He hadn't changed into this for a long time. He was a little accustomed and twisted subconsciously, but was held tighter by Jiang Chaoge.
Zhi Xuan looked at Jiang Chaoge's undulating shoulders, and seemed to feel the uneasiness and sadness in his heart. He smoothed his hair with his hands, then pinched his neck, and said softly, "Okay, I will And accompany you home. "
Jiang Chaoge looked up and smiled reluctantly, "Really, how can you accompany me home?"
"I took a few more witches and sent us back, and then sent us back, and in the world we want to go to in the future."
Jiang Chaoge smiled and kissed him on the cheek: "Okay."
Xuan Xuan Le, and Jiang Chao Ge's face stunned several times.
Jiang Chaoge stood up holding him. The water of the Oujiang Lake had already formed a thin layer of ice. Judging from the current climate, if they were still in the same year, they would have left Tianling continent for two or three months. It is now about the end of autumn.
"Ah, hey, here are the words they left!" Sisi didn't know when he had run to a stone and screamed at it.
Everyone walked over, and sure enough, the stone had a handwriting carved with a sharp dagger: heavy weight.
"Chongyi? Is Yinchuan asking us to find Zhongyi?"
"It seems to be." Jiang Chaoge stroked the score with his hand. "This trace is left for a short time. It's great. We should leave no more than three months."
Everyone was relieved. If it really happened after many years, they would be afraid they couldn't afford it.
Temple said: "Then let's go find Zhongyi and meet with them now. I brought them a lot of gifts." Temple Si Xian put on a mountaineering bag that he stuffed, "This bag is really good, It can be fitted, waterproof, and sturdy. 'Science' is so powerful that it has created so many incredible things. "
Jiang Chaoge said with a smile: "Next time you return to the Er Dai, you have a lot of things to brag."
Temple said with a smile: "What bragging, I never brag."
"Let's go and find a cricket."
When Sisi suddenly remembered something, he turned his head to look at Riyu, and stopped talking.
Li Yu also looked at him for a moment, his gaze drifted towards the smoke.
Yan Yan turned his back on them, watching the rivers and lakes motionlessly, with a spirit unwilling to give up. He had thought that he could bring his wife and children back in a trip to the realm, but in the end he failed. I'm afraid I can't let it go.
Jiang Chaoge said: "Sis, you have to follow us. The split feather is your soul weapon, and naturally you must follow us."
The Great Master looked at Jiang Chaoge and looked at Yan Yan again, without speaking.
Sisi gritted his teeth: "Yes, split feather, you have to follow me."
Fei Yu clenched her fist, her lips trembling slightly.
Yan Yan turned around and looked at Riyu lightly: "You make the decision yourself." He looked indifferent as if he was silent, and didn't care about anything.
The split feather paused, and Hao Yan made a deep sigh, then turned toward Sis.
Sisi was overjoyed, ran over and held the split feather's hand, holding on tightly.
Jiang Chaoge let out a sigh of relief. It is absolutely impossible for Yan Yan to go with them. If Yan Yan does not let people go, he will have to fight.
"Crack Feather." Yan Yan whispered in the back.
The split feather paused.
"I do n’t know how many days you can remember, and when will you forget, while you still remember, write it down, remember that the soul of you and your mother can never be found, remember that I will spend my entire life Look for."
Li Yu took a deep breath: "I keep writing."
Yan Yan whispered softly, "Let's go." He turned to the rivers and lakes again, as if as long as he kept watching, there would be a result.
Jiang Chaoge said to the great powers: "I have a question. I hope you will answer me honestly."
"You said."
"You framed Yu Renshu. Your reasons are too far-fetched. I ask you, who else is involved, the great prince, or the second prince?"
The Great Teacher smiled slightly: "Is it important today?"
"Of course it matters."
"If I say that they all share, how do you plan to reply to His Royal Highness?"
Jiang Chaoge narrowed his eyes: "Then what role do you play in it? It is said that Yu Renshu is your favorite emperor, but it is the murderer who framed him."
"His Royal Highness is very revealing and easy to be jealous. It is not a good thing. At the same time, he is too affectionate. Sometimes, it is impossible to achieve the goal without using special methods.
"The two princes and princes, do you know where you went?"
The Great Master shook his head.
"Or do they know you are not dead?"
The Great Master shook his head again: "Maybe I know, maybe I don't know."
"You know You Zhun were expelled by Yu Renkui?"
A sneer flashed in the eyes of the Great Teacher: "Really."
Jiang Chaoge captured some unusual flavors: "It sounds like you're not surprised or nervous at all, especially not the heir you chose."
"You Zhun is young and can't bear the heavy responsibility."
"This is really ridiculous. If you did not hesitate to frame Yu Renshu at the expense of false death, you would have to leave the imperial capital, especially where the great responsibility comes from."
"It is not a bad thing for him to leave now. If Tianling can survive this catastrophe, I will return to the imperial capital. If it cannot, the country will not be a country, and what is the need for a national division.
"Then what are you going to do next?"
Da Guoshi glanced at Yan Yan: "I think looking for Yuan Ji and Li Yu's spirit of wisdom may also answer many of my questions. If the world is born, we will see you again."
Jiang Chaoge said nothing, and sat on the back of Zhixuan with Sisi and Li Yu, and walked out of the mountain.
In the distance, Yan Yan's tall back is still standing by the rivers and lakes, as if he had been frozen there forever.
Zhixuan's spirit was alive, and he ran for hundreds of miles at a stretch, until the people lying on him could not stand it, and then slowed down.
"At this rate, we can go to Prison City tomorrow, no, let's avoid Prison City."
"This speed is slowly dying." Zhixuan said unwillingly. "Your body can't bear faster speeds at all. I'm not addictive at all."
Jiang Chaoge stroked Zhixuan's thick, black, hard scales. I am afraid that the scales can't even hit the shells: "You know we can't bear it, then you ran so fast just now, Sahuan."
"I want you to feel the power."
Jiang Chaoge smiled: "Oh, learn another idiom."
"If you let me run at full speed, today I will see Chongyu ... Hey, by the way, or I'll hold you in my mouth, so you don't have to bear the pressure of high speed running.
Sisi yelled, "Don't be kidding, what if you accidentally swallow us?"
"I do not know."
"No, no, I don't want to stay in your mouth."
Jiang Chaoge frowned, "How can you come up with such a sloppy idea, do you want to swallow us, or do you want to suffocate us?"
Zhi Xuan hummed: "Useless human."
Zhixuan walked all night, and they fell asleep directly on the back of Zhixuan.
After dawn, they passed by a city, and once with Qi Ranjun escorted the dragon to return to the prison city. They saw this city, and because of the special terrain, they were very impressed with it.
As he passed the city far away, Zhixuan wrinkled his nose: "Strangely, there is no smell of humanity in the city."
"What do you mean? Is it too far apart and you didn't smell it?"
"This distance is not very far. Besides, there are so many humans in a city, the taste is great, and I should smell more or less."
Jiang Chaoge groaned for a moment: "Into the look."
Zhixuan walked towards the small city, the closer he was, the more certain Zhixuan was, and it wasn't until they stood outside the city walls that they found that there was no one in the city.
The city-state and buildings are still there, but people are going to the building. The street is full of various items left over during the large-scale relocation. Looking at this scene, Jiang Chaoge can already imagine that the city has just experienced an emergency evacuation not long ago. People have left. This city is five or six hundred miles away from Prison City. Did they go to Prison City? Most importantly, why?
Sisi rode a bird of prey around the town and came back and said, "This city has no trace of destruction, and indeed no one can see it."
"Then probably it was the evacuation initiated by Qi's. Although I don't know the reason, it must be related to the strange beast attack."
Zhixuan Road: "Should we go to see Prison City?"
Jiang Chaoge thought about it and shook his head: "When you go to Prison City at this time, it may cause greater panic. Besides, we don't need to see Qi Lingfeng. Leave it here, let's go and find a reunion as soon as possible, and they will meet with Yinchuan . "He has too many words to say to Yinchuan and Yu Renshu.
Zhixuan no longer delayed, and continued to go to Guershan in the east.
Before leaving the north, they saw two more cities in the north like no one else. Even on the road from north to east, Tianling continent showed an unprecedented depression, as if there was nowhere to die. They I just feel far away from walking in the mountains and walking in the mountains. If I go directly to the city, I'm afraid it will be even worse. Jiang Chaoge faintly had a bad feeling. What happened during the two or three months after they left?
Four days later, they came to Guershan.
Before going up the mountain, Zhixuan said, "They are not here, but they are heavy."
Jiang Chao Goluo was a little disappointed: "Since they asked us to find Zhongyi, they either know where to meet with them, or they will return."
Sisi swaggered: "It is also possible that Yinchuan knows that Chongyi will definitely not move the place, so it is safest to put the meeting place here."
Jiang Chaoge thought of reappearing that laziness, and he couldn't help crying.
They found the huge ochre-colored beast very smoothly in the mountain recess. Like the first meeting, there was still only one large turtle shell, but this time his turtle shell turned over, probably at Stomach ...
Zhixuan jumped down the mountain concavity, and the ground shuddered heavily, even those who were dead should have jumped up, but there was no reaction at all.
Temple said with interest: "I heard that turtles can't turn over when they turn over, and some of them starve to death or sunburn."
"What do you think, he's not a real turtle."
As soon as Xuan Xuan valued his appearance, he became angry: "Hey, smelly king, get up!"
The next second, from the side of the turtle's shell, a human head was stretched out. Jiang Chaoge took a closer look. It wasn't Qi Yan who it was.
Qi Yan was surprised: "Is it you?"
"Qi Yan? Why are you in the shell?"
"It's cold, I live in it warm." Qi Yan said, "Why are there only you, others?"
"Did anyone else come to you?"
Qi Yan froze, "No."
Jiang Chaoge sighed: "A little trouble."
Zhixuan recovered the human form, and they jumped into the heavy turtle shell along the rope that Qi Yan dropped.
Unexpectedly, there was no world in the turtle shell, the space was huge, and there was a warmth. Qiao Yan was also polite. It seemed that he had moved his home. There were mattresses, tables, chairs and cooking utensils in it. I don't know how long I have lived there.
Temple was so surprised that he closed his mouth and said, "You ... so ... live here?"
Qiao Yan nodded, taking for granted: "Yeah, it's cold outside."
"So, what about heavy weight?"
"It looks the same, and has been sleeping." Qiao Yan pointed to the depths of the turtle shell. "Look carefully, his snake head is there, and the turtle-head is on the other side."
Jiang Chaoge almost laughed, but he tried to hold it as much as possible, but he choked himself and coughed.
"What's wrong?" Everyone looked at him puzzled.
"No, cough, nothing, good place, this is a good place." Jiang Chaoge indeed found a slowly rolling snake head in the direction of Qiao Yan, "This is too good to sleep, after we left, Has he been sleeping like this until now? "
"I also woke up a few times in the middle, once to turn over, once to drink water, and once again, Han Han came to him."
When Jiang Chaoge heard the name, he got up immediately: "He came to you for what."
"You know, here is very close to the emperor. He came, first without talking, stared at us for a long time, and then said that he was to be named a prince with a different surname, divided my lands, and ruled the kingdom of heaven with me."
Jiang Chaoge smiled sarcastically: "It seems like something he can do, so why did you refuse?"
Qiao Yan shrugged: "In my life, I'm used to freedom and freedom. Ronghua Fugui is not fart for me. Besides, Chong Ye is not willing to go with him."
"It's true that Chongzhen is unwilling to go with anyone."
Qiao Yan said positively: "I know that the thing called the element of heaven and earth is a great scourge to human beings. Therefore, I will not take the heavy burden to administer Tianling country to Han Han, but one day, I will seal that thing and do everything A small force. "
Jiang Chaoge patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, I'm very glad that the heavy soul soldier is someone like you."
Sisi gathered together in a gossip: "Brother Qiao, that chill, did you bring that beautiful emperor?"
Qiao Yan said: "Yes, but I am not afraid of any royal relatives or aristocrats, not to mention the feminine air of the Holy Emperor, how can there be a little bit of emperor's majesty, and Tian Ling Kingdom has fallen into the cold hands, I am afraid that time is not long . "
Sisi frowned and said, "Do you know that they are that, that, I heard that Han has a whole harem, oh, harem, how many beautiful men and women there are."
Jiang Chaoge patted his head: "What does it have to do with you, children's families, thinking about these useless things all day long."
Sisi grunted his head dissatisfied: "I think about what's going on. I want to listen to more stories and go back to Asa."
"Asa will come out to see the world one day, without you having to say."
Sisi's expression was a little darkened: "Assata ... can't get out."
"He's sick here." Sisi stroked his trachea. "Kunlun Mountain is high in altitude, and here is low in altitude. Dawu said that once the altitude changes too much, Asa ... may die, so he cannot leave Kunlun Mountain . "
Jiang Chaoge pinched his neck: "Small fault, if we have a chance to survive and find a way to take Asa to our world, we can heal him."
"Who is Asa," Riyu asked suddenly.
Temple was busy, "It's my brother. I told you before that you might forget that it's about the same size as you."
"Brother ... Am I your brother too?"
Sisi smiled and touched his head: "Yes."
Li Yu thought about it, her lips evoked a slight smile.
Qiao Yan said: "I don't know the harem, but the cold is not a good person at first glance, the Holy Emperor is just like his uncle, no, it is not his uncle at all. Hey, Tianling Kingdom fell into a kinky-evil difference There is no way out for the beast. "
"First, keep this world, and then talk about Tianling continent." Jiang Chaoge said, "You know why we came to you."
"I just want to ask you, why."
Jiang Chaoge briefly explained how they separated from Yinchuan, Yu Renshu, and others, and came here again.
Qiao Yan was surprised: "Another world, an alien world! You went to the other world, and you are back again! What does the other world look like?"
"Another world is fine." Sisi was about to start torrenting.
Jiang Chaoge interrupted him: "During this time, you have heard any important rumors, any rumors."
"There was one. I went to the emperor to change food last month. I heard that a peerless beauty appeared in the south. The beautiful person will be stunned by just a glance. The clan of the Su clan brought the beauty into the mansion, and was entertained. The beauty drank too much wine at Su's feast, and turned into a huge alien beast, soaring in the sky. Its feathers burned in the night sky and turned into beautiful colorful fireworks, but it was huge when dropped on the ground. The fireball scared the guests away, and Sufu almost burnt it. Listening to them describe the shape of the strange beast, I am afraid it is the ancient strange beak. "
Jiang Chaoge heard a stunned voice: "Why did he go to Su?"
"Why not, let's play it." Zhixuan raised his cheeks and stared boringly at the heavy snake head. Others couldn't see it in the dim light, but he could see it clearly. Play everywhere, play with humans and strange beasts, and sometimes overplay, and some people will be unlucky. "
"Isn't King Wang going to find Hong Yuan, and I don't know where King Wang is now."
Qiao Yan shook his head: "I've been in the mountains all year round, and the next time I went down in a month, I don't know any more. But since Yinchuan asked you to come to find a place, they will definitely come here to meet you."
"I don't want to wait for them to come to us. I want to know where they are as soon as possible." Jiang Chaoge said, "I'll go to Bole City tomorrow to inquire about them."
Just when Jiang Chaoge's words fell, they just felt that their bodies were shaking, no, it was not their bodies that were shaking, but the turtle shells they were sitting with were shaking.
"Hey?" Qiao Yan turned his head to look at the snake head. "Are you awake?"
The snake's head moved slightly, then moved very slowly, and probed slowly, finally, lying on Qiao Yan's thigh.
Qiao Yan said: "Zhongxuan, wake up, Master Zhixuan is here."
"Water." Chongyu made a lazy voice, as if to say a word more lazily.
Qiao Yan dragged a large bucket and reached to the side of his heavy head.
Chongxi stretched out the letter and sucked the water in the bucket, and soon he saw the light: "Not enough."
"I can't move enough for you to drink. Go to the river yourself."
The snake's head dangled again, eyes never opened from beginning to end, and said lowly, "Forget it."
Jiang Chaoge thought, this stinky Wang Ba is really lazy, let alone Sun Xuan, he wants to pump him.
Qiao Yan shook his head: "Hey, Master Xuan is here."
"Yeah," Shigeru said, "heard."
Zhixuan Leng hummed: "Now there are only Bitcloud and Taunting Fei, but you are the first one to die if you fight again."
"I'm awake." Chong's voice was nasal.
"They're awake, they are," Chong said again.
Jiang Chaoge froze and asked aloud, "Master Zhong, you say that Qinglong and Bi Fang are awake? How do you know?"
"I feel it."
"Feeling, aren't they here?"
"Then how do you feel it? Whether you perceive the breath or smell the smell, there is a distance limit." Jiang Chaoge looked towards Sun Xuan with a questioning look.
Zhixuan Road: "Yeah."
Chung shook the snake's head: "I don't feel them."
Jiang Chaoge simply wanted to unscrew his head. He gritted his teeth and said, "Can you finish everything at once?"
"I feel the element of heaven and earth." Chong Yan let out a thunder.
Everyone was holding back.
Zhixuan's eyes widened: "Heaven and earth, do you feel the heaven and earth? You say clearly." He pushed the snake head, "You get me up!"
Chongzhen finally opened his eyes. From snake to sharp, the snake's eyes only took a blink of an eye. The long, green eyes were dangerous and cold, inconsistent with his lazy voice.
Jiang Chaoge quickly dragged Zhi Xuan back: "Offensive and offensive, don't mind if you are serious."
"You talk to him ..."
Jiang Chaoge held up Zhi Xuan's mouth and lowered his voice, "You shut up for me."
Fortunately, the danger in Chongyu's eyes flashed, and he didn't care about Zhixuan. He was too lazy to care about it. His voice was a bit clear: "That feeling, compared with ten thousand years ago, I first felt the heaven and earth It feels the same. "
Jiang Chaoge felt sweaty palms and chills on his back.
Does the element of heaven and earth already appear?
The author has something to say: Today is the fifth anniversary of the writing of Lao Qian ~~ Thank you for your support all the way, because you, I have a full and happy life every day ~ I hope there are many, many more years in the future!
In order to celebrate, I have a lottery book-feeding activity on Weibo, and everyone can go to participate. At the same time, in the comments in this chapter, I will send a lot of red envelopes to soft hands! !!
Thank you again, love love love love love love love love love you! !! !! !! 2k novel reading network
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