Chapter 156: Big case

Su Mei's attitude was a 180-degree turn. Previously, Zhou Qingfeng was angered, but now he is cherished, even with a point of pride.
Well, it's useless to say anything beautiful. In fact, Su Mei is really afraid of ghosts.
"I killed thirty-six people in one go." Zhou Qingfeng emphasized again. "As you said, the police dug the ground three feet will find a way to find me out. Besides my psychic skills, I have great strength. Click, run fast, there is nothing special about it. "
The means of solving crimes by modern police are becoming more sophisticated. Many people who commit crimes don't understand how they are targeted until they are caught.
"Not allowed to go." Su Mei still forcibly held Zhou Qingfeng, and she said to Lin Wan again: "Sister, this boy has done a big case, but it may not have saved him. The main reason is that his hands and feet are neat, and nothing is too big Handle.
But we still have to be careful and have to plan for the worst. First of all, such a large case will definitely arouse great attention from the police. Similar cases in Tianyang will be investigated concurrently, including the drug abuse case in the club.
The police will definitely come to us to investigate again. We must give a good confession, but not too deliberately. Some deliberate verbal traps and sudden deterrents need attention. As for ghost matters, this kid is the key, let alone let him go. "
The ‘family of three’ is trying to figure out how to get over the border, but the scene of the crime scene is gathered by police cars and senior officials are gathered. Everyone was swearing that Tianyang was just a small fourth-tier city. How could such a big case come up?
Thirty-six lives were lost in one breath, including sixteen foreign students. In such a major event, no one has the ability and the courage to cover it up. The country where the news is already in trouble is about to explode, and the central government directly instructed it to investigate thoroughly.
Early in the morning, the president and secretary of Tianyang University were still annoyed by the sudden emergence of foreign garbage videos. While they scolded the video for the junk, they had to appease the students who were stimulated by the video to riot.
As for the infamous turmoil that came from all over the country, they couldn't care less. At this time, I can only pretend to die, maybe I pretend to install it, and then fool it?
But when it was confirmed that all the main characters in the video died of gas poisoning because of the hilarious drugs, the principal and secretary immediately wrote a report and resigned. This pan is too big to move. Failure is a serious malfeasance and everyone has to go to jail for companionship.
What was originally thought to be just a handful of foreign trash and the ethical issue of eas-grl, has now become a sensation in the National Congress. The Internet was scolded in the blink of an eye, and the news spread in the blink of an eye.
The head of the Provincial Public Security Department heard the news, and almost had a few congestion attacks.
The deputy director hurriedly made a report to the province, and quickly organized an investigation team to rush to Tianyang to understand the situation before the central government got angry. When they arrived in Tianyang, they first scolded Tianyang, the head of the province, and then asked a key point.
"You give it to me first. Is this an accident or something?"
If things are unexpected, the mess is okay. The board of the playing board, the removal of the post, the accountability of accountability. But if someone commits a crime in it, things will not be easy.
Just outside the two-story small building, big men at all levels in the provinces and cities were present, but no one spoke easily. Everyone's eyes are on the comrades of the municipal bureau. The leaders of the municipal bureau can only stand up and introduce the situation. In fact, the paragraph is the most important.
"Thirty-six people died at the scene. However, according to the judgment of the criminal investigation, there should be thirty-seven people at the time of the incident. It should be that this person took a video and posted it on the Internet, or this person may have caused a gas leak.
We have sent people to view the video transmitted by the Internet frame by frame, and the shots are very stable. We can be sure that the photographers did not take drugs or even drink alcohol. The video was very clear and each victim had a close-up.
The person who made the video should do it intentionally, then he is also likely to have the motivation to commit the crime. However, the scene of the case was very chaotic, and the comrades in technical investigation were temporarily unable to find valuable fingerprints, shoe prints and DNA clues.
We are visiting nearby villagers and school students, hoping to find some associates. In addition, we are investigating the victims' online social information, hoping to make a breakthrough.
But this campus is near the junction of urban and rural areas, and there are very few surveillance probes. This is the peasant's house outside the campus. There is only one dirt road with the inside and outside. There are very few clues that can be traced now, and it is not suitable to disclose the information of the case. "
The staff of the city bureau made a briefing, saying that it was ‘there is a suspicious investigation direction, but there is no clear clue at this time’. A bunch of leaders were heavy-hearted, and they felt that they had a super hot potato on their hands, and they had a terrible headache.
The corpse at the scene had not yet moved, and several leaders walked around and finally stopped in front of the kettle in the kitchen. The technical police officer responsible for the trace identification was trying to find a fingerprint, but nothing was found on the kettle with more than half of the water in it.
The liquefied gas cylinder was closed, but it was the gas in the bottle that killed 36 people in the room. Standing in front of the gas cylinder, you can imagine a figure who once closed the doors and windows, opened the gas valve, and placed the water-filled kettle on the stove.
In a closed environment, the crazy junk are dazzled by drugs, unable to change even if they realize the danger. They ended their lives in the blast of gas.
Leaders at all levels issued instructions on the spot, and when they got together, they made a harsh sentence: "The 37th person must be found out, otherwise this case cannot be accounted for."
Layers of pressure fell, and eventually fell on Deputy Director Xiao of the Municipal Bureau of Criminal Investigation. The old bureaucrat is in pain, but he can only brazenly issue orders to the leaders to complete the task and wait to be punished.
Other leaders gave instructions after the inspection, and they could leave. Xiao Jinlang had to squat at the scene, staring at the subordinates in the office. But he also knew that it was useless to stare, so he took one or two police officers to walk around the scene of the crime scene in an attempt to find something.
Deputy Deputy Xiao asked from house to house nearby. But the residents in this area have long suffered from the turbulence of foreign garbage day and night. One mouth is either bitter or cursed. Until he walked back, he met a dumb guy standing on the side of the road.
The second fool had a blue nose and a swollen face, and all of them looked newly injured. He was looking at Deputy Xiao in pity, shouting sillyly: "Boss, do you want the goods? I have them. Three hundred and one, Baoshuang."
The experienced policeman was alert when he heard this, and Deputy Bureau Xiao calmly stepped forward and talked with the two fools, and took them back to the nearby police station with a few words. After a while, the technical detective confirmed the identity of the two fools through the head recognition, and he was a drug dealer.
After a while, the network police sent a message to investigate the social situation of the 36 deceased through the mobile phone found at the crime scene. It can be confirmed that a drug trade occurred on the night of the incident. The party on the transaction was a guy with the nickname 'Snake Brother'.
The two fools caught were under the control of Brother Snake.
"Snake brother" is this 37th person?
If Deputy Secretary Xiao was immediately awarded the treasure, he immediately issued a warrant and even issued a report asking for a news reward. He cast down the Tianluodi net, caught the drug dealer first, and maybe he could learn something new.
Brother Snake is sitting on a bus traveling to other places, watching the news and seeing his own wanted warrant, and he also sees 36 fatal cases. He looked at the few lines of sight around him and scolded incessantly in his heart: "Unjustly, I didn't do this big case!"
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