Chapter 244: More space

(I made a mistake in this chapter and couldn't delete it. Sorry, I can only change it in a few days.)
Zhou Qingfeng entered the village, and in the house of the government affairs center, he saw the current ceo 'big red' of Harmony Village 'Ant Express'. It does not meet outsiders directly, and there are more than a dozen strong soldiers guarding it to ensure safety.
This queen is slightly fatter than before. But compared to the swollen body of his predecessor, the eosinophilic ant, he was too slim.
Seeing Zhou Qingfeng, ‘Big Red’ screamed ‘Ah, oh, oh’, as if the puppy was happy to see the owner. When Uncle Zhou reached out and scratched his head, he opened his mouth and took a bite, took a few bites of blood, and fell asleep.
This is really, very speechless. The queen queen grew up drinking Zhou Qingfeng's blood, but now she has retained this habit. But judging from the current ability of the ant colony, this little habit is really nothing.
The horses used for short distance transportation in the village are often too wasteful, and it is cost-effective to use worker ants. In a harmonious village with a large number of floating people, there are always people who need to send small items within a dozen kilometers, using ant guards.
More than ten kilometers have covered all the human settlements in the Black Forest, with two or three thousand people scattered among them. As long as some food is provided, more than fifty ant guards will work hard. Is there any better courier than this?
"Human development is the driving force, and the progress of information and logistics." Zhou Qingfeng felt that he should be very satisfied, and within the small sphere of influence under his control, he had already lived a very 'modern' life.
There is wind, there is ‘holy light’, and now there are ants. Compared with those aristocrats who stayed in the castle to eat and die, Zhou Qingfeng's site has made epoch-making progress.
"But no matter how good it is, it must develop outward." Facing the map of the Black Forest hanging on the wall, Zhou Qingfeng was very strange to the outside environment. No matter how he collects the information, at most add a few more place names on the map with uncertain locations.
In the real world, a map spreads out to see the entire earth. But Zhou Qingfeng's understanding of Phelan's continent came more from the 'gate of true knowledge' that had not been in his hands for a long time, but the knowledge in this strange thing had converged a thousand years ago.
For the past millennium, the previous owners of Silver Leaf City have actually developed in this small place in the north. The elves never added new information to the ‘gate of true knowledge’. Perhaps they felt they had enough.
But a thousand years of vicissitudes of land, not to mention national race, have changed many rivers and mountains. At least a thousand years ago, there was no such thing as an iron curtain. The north is a sunny green field, not the dreary black forest.
"Inessa, I'm leaving Harmony Village for a while." Zhou Qingfeng walked into his woman's office for government affairs, which meant that he had just returned a month ago and threw the old nest to the female knight.
After sitting at the large wooden table, Enessa pinched her head with a bitter smile. She was once a princess of a country, displaced to the Black Forest, and has always wanted to kill her back for revenge. She has no concept of how to get revenge, but a strong army is always needed.
Zhou Qingfeng developed very fast, almost beyond the imagination of the female knight. But the uncle ran west and left all government affairs. Inessa knew just how tired it was to manage a village of more than 2,000 people.
Zhou Qingfeng wanted to go out to investigate the actual situation in the north, and Inisha had no objection. Step by step, step by step, this is a development strategy that the two have long established.
But the Knightess hoped that the man would stay with her and help her. She knew that the big boy in front of her was very talented in handling government affairs. 'Holy Light' is also important for the development of forces.
However, the high concealment of information forced Uncle Zhou to go to inspect it himself. For Enissa's wry smile, he understood, "I'll leave Hilly to help you."
"You don't take your personal maid away?" Inessa asked in surprise. She was sometimes jealous that Xi Li could be with Zhou Qingfeng every day. Where is the intimate master and servant? Obviously a couple.
"Xili's appearance is so special that others can recognize her at a glance." Zhou Qingfeng replied, "I don't even bring 'Shadow'. Just take Seth and just ride a horse. It's more low-key. "
Enisha sullen in her heart for a while, "You has the face to say about Hilly's appearance, isn't that what you made?" But leaving Hilly behind really made her much easier. but
"You do n’t even have 'Shadow', wouldn't you be safe?"
"The skeleton of 'Shengying' looks so unsafe to ride it."
"So what are you going to do?"
"According to Marbury, the battle for kingship in the north is already in preparation. There are a total of 17 cities. If I have time, I would like to walk around, look at the various forces, inspect the terrain of mountains and rivers, and estimate the direction of the war . "
Hearing that Zhou Qingfeng wanted to run seventeen cities, Inessa immediately collapsed her face, "Do you want to go out and fooling around for years? At most, you have two months to go to the inspection. You must roll back quickly after a stroll. . "
Running north all the way in two months, this is simply not possible. Zhou Qingfeng also knew that he really couldn't leave his old nest too long, two months was the limit. He nodded. "Then I can only focus on examining Banshee Fort. This should be the strongest enemy."
The Phils family in Banshee Fortress is the current 'King of the North'. It has more than ten years of royal power and is significantly stronger than other lords. But how strong it is, it needs quantitative estimation.
Considering that Zhou Qingfeng brought an ordinary servant and a horse, Inessa proposed: "Victor, I think you should have a guide. Adrian who followed you to the elven ruins exploration is a good candidate.
Adrian is a 'clown' who has been wandering in the north for many years. In the past, he made a living by stealing chickens and dogs and acting funny. He has very rich survival experience and can indeed make up for many of Zhou Qingfeng's deficiencies.
"Okay, I'll take Adrian." Zhou Qingfeng agreed. But as soon as he nodded, there was a loud ‘wait, I ’m opposed’ outside the window of Inessa ’s office.
The "dark day" voters who have never tried hard to teach, the halfling wanderers who have nothing to do every day, have a strange power to beat Zhou Qingfeng to the big sister who is full of bags, and the "first bully" Kelly of Harmony Village jumps from the outside Come in.
"I'm against it, unless I'm taken with me, too," Kelly rushed in, yelling with disappointment on her hips: "This ghost village is so boring, I'm going out."
Zhou Qingfeng frowned, and asked Sirek in his head: "Did you notify her?"
"No, I didn't let her come." Sirek sighed. "If it weren't for the church's power, I would like to deprive the halflings of their voter qualifications. She doesn't obey my deities at all. It's offensive. "
"Nonsense, who made you Cyric find a halfling as a voter? Halflings are amused!" Zhou Qingfeng mocked.
Cyric was crazy, "Isn't this to take care of your taste? It's so easy to choose a good-looking and good-looking figure to deliver to your door. You don't even start."
It sounds like this shrek. Mobile terminal::
Zhou Qingfeng frowned and said to the halfling girl, "Kelly, why are you following me?"
"People in this village are orderly now, and no one asked me to whip again. I heard your conversation just now. If you don't let me follow, I oppose." Halfling girls have been too busy lately, She was uncomfortable in her free time.
Zhou Qingfeng thought for a while but shook his head and said, "I'm going out for a private inspection. You are too conspicuous to be easily recognized. In fact, you have to go out to play, and no one is stopping you?"
Ah, with a look of shock, Carrie whispered to herself, "Yeah, why should I stay in this village? Why have to follow this fool? I can go by myself."
After saying that the halfling girl laughed a few times, and jumped out of the window again, shouting ‘I am free, I want to go out and have a good time’.
Zhou Qingfeng was relieved, but it didn't take long for Kelly to return with her head down, "My lord said that I'm not free at all, it requires me to be with you, lest you fool play yourself to death.
Am I married to you in my life? God, marriage is a grave, this life is almost like jail time, I object! "
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