Chapter 246: Northland reality

The widow in the town is about 20 years old, thin and small, and she has a whiter face than ordinary women, but she is already a beauty in the eyes of the townspeople. She took two young children and immediately fell on her knees when she saw Zhou Qingfeng, afraid to speak.
Riding a war horse, tall, carrying weapons, and carrying servants, this shows Zhou Qingfeng's identity. People in the town saw him look like this, either retreating to the sides of the road, or nodding his head to please.
This is an insurmountable gap between aristocracy and civilians, and anyone who dares to go over will suffer painful punishment. Zhou Qingfeng was neither happy nor resisted. Seth looked at his master's expression and couldn't figure out whether he liked it or not.
"Come up, we want to find a place to live, and we will pay." Zhou Qingfeng walked into the strange house and looked around at will. Seth brought in the horses and mules, and drove the widow to prepare dinner, asking for the best.
The widow flinched and resisted. She obediently gave up her house to provide services for foreign masters. At most, she pushed the two frightened children into the firewood room, and locked them deliberately to prevent them from coming out.
Seth followed into the kitchen, staring at the widow and taking out the best ingredients in the house. Adrian checked the front and back of the house, and finally said with satisfaction: "This place is much better than a pub."
"It's much better." Zhou Qingfeng said casually, "Do all the nobles who come and go in this town live here?"
"Should be." Adrian had some hippie smiles, "Basically every village or town has one or two such households. Generally, the head of the household has a beautiful wife and daughter. Noble masters come in, but they are going to bed. "
As soon as Zhou Qingfeng's face sank, his mood was instantly distressed.
Dinner is a basket of toast and a stack of fried bacon. An oil lamp is placed on the shabby dining table to provide some lighting.
Seth invited Zhou Qingfeng to dinner and wiped the table and chairs with clothes. This is the first time he has traveled with Zhou Qingfeng, with extra care. But there was only one chair in front of the dining table, let alone the widows who were cooking, even Seth had to look first.
"What a hell." Zhou Qingfeng sat down on his chair, feeling even worse. He grabbed a piece of black bread and stuffed it into his mouth, only feeling dry and hard to swallow. "It's for people? How many people in town can eat it?"
Seth whispered in the back: "Master, be patient, such a small place is naturally inferior to the harmonious village you rule. I make sure that the widow has no possession, but she can only supply these things. Only in larger cities There is better. "
Zhou Qingfeng ate half of the bread into his mouth, and the coarse bread grains cut his throat, and he couldn't swallow. He asked again, "Is there no hot water?"
Hexie Village has a special person to supply hot water. This is a big welfare in the village, but it is not convenient to go out. Seth froze, and quickly turned to find the kitchen, "I will let the widow heat the water right away."
"Boil the hot water and let the widow and her child come out together. No need to hide and have dinner together." Zhou Qingfeng shouted.
Seth was hesitant and said, "That widow is afraid to come."
"Why? Am I terrible?" Zhou Qingfeng said coldly, "If you let her come, say that I have something to ask. If I don't come, I will be unhappy."
Seth went to the kitchen, and for a while, returned holding a clay pot filled with hot water. The widow was afraid to hide behind Seth's shadow. When Zhou Qingfeng met, he asked, "What about those two children?"
The widow's face immediately showed a horrified expression, and she kept shaking her hand as if begging for something.
Zhou Qingfeng didn't understand why she was so afraid, but couldn't force it. She just grabbed the bread basket and gave it out, "Feed your children first, they should be hungry long ago. I'm not a bad person, you don't have to be so afraid of me. "
The widow stared and did not dare to move. Seeing that the master had stretched out his hand, he hesitated for a long time before grabbing the smallest bread. Zhou Qingfeng shook the basket and exclaimed, "Catch more, I really don't want to play the role of a bully."
The widow caught another one and dared not take more. In the end, Seth couldn't bear it, grabbed half a basket of bread and stuffed it into the widow's hand, but the widow knelt down again, thinking she had to be punished for what she had done wrong. :: Computer :: /
The reality gave Zhou Qingfeng a hard blow. He wanted to get angry but didn't know who to get angry with. He wasn't a calm character. This would be even more sad. Who would he scold? He said again, "Eat dinner, eat together."
Seth was also very distressed and reminded in a low voice: "Master, she is a civilian or a woman. She is not qualified to speak with you, and she is not qualified to eat with you. Even me, I have to wait for you to eat Order the rest. "
"When I'm done eating, you still have a fart!" Zhou Qingfeng was really angry. "What the is shit, it's more regular than in the Black Forest."
In the Black Forest, the weak and strong eaters are all losers who can't mix outside and hide inside, and no one is more noble. As long as you are strong enough, nothing matters, and no one will blame you. Can leave the Black Forest and enter a town
Zhou Qingfeng felt a heavy yoke around each person's neck, even around his neck, and he was out of breath. He had to yell in disgust: "I ordered now to eat. Don't you all understand?"
Realizing that Zhou Qingfeng was really angry and swelled, Adrian quickly went to the chaifang to take the two children out, and by the way moved a chair and pressed the widow's family to the dining table. He and Seth sat down at the table.
Then everyone stared at Zhou Qingfeng with big eyes.
"Eat." Zhou Qingfeng continued to stuff his remaining half of the bread. "Observe the orders and obey the command, and give it to Lao Tzu. If not, this meal will be cold."
Adrian immediately ate and greeted the widow's family to eat. Seth didn't hesitate for too long, silently grabbing a loaf. Only when the widow's family was unknown, she did not move until the two children yelled in hunger for food.
A meal was so boring, Zhou Qingfeng couldn't eat a piece of bread. As soon as he stopped, everyone else also stopped. When he stared, he forced several people at the table to eat all the bread.
The whole dinner was quiet and silent, and the widow was afraid to come out. Zhou Qingfeng originally wanted to ask about the living conditions in the town. He was very blocked.
During the night, the widow took her two children to Chaifang and gave up the master bedroom to Zhou Qingfeng. Adrian stood outside the door, and Seth set up a wooden board in the dining room. Before going to bed, Seth asked again, "Master, do you need that widow to help you sleep?"
Zhou Qingfeng sat by the bed with a calm face, not knowing what he was thinking, just shaking his head slightly.
Seth waited for a while and twisted, "Master, can I sleep with that widow?"
Zhou Qingfeng was a little angry, but was soon lost to the great sadness. He asked in return: "Will you give money?"
"Give it a little. This kind of woman makes a living by doing a little flesh business." Seth said, "I've been in the Black Forest for a long time."
Zhou Qingfeng found a gold coin from his pocket and played it to Seth. "I'll pay you, go cool. Don't mess with people."
Seth took the gold coins, and looked down, "Master, this is a bit too much, at most one silver coin is enough. Other nobles passing by may not even give a copper plate and play for nothing."
Zhou Qingfeng was silent and his eyes were sharp.
Seth replied quickly: "Of course, lord you are different from other nobles. I must work hard tonight to ensure that you won't lose money on this gold coin." After turning, he slipped away.
Nothing happened overnight, the next day.
Zhou Qingfeng stepped on the horse in a mood, ready to leave the town. He turned back and said to the widows who were sent out: "My name is Victor Hugo, I'm not a bad person."
Seth also winked at the widow and whispered to Zhou Qingfeng: "The widow saw the gold coins you gave, her eyes were shining. I almost didn't kill me last night. You are so generous."
"Generous? I'm not generous at all." Zhou Qingfeng turned his head fiercely, looking at the gloomy sky in the distance, and said in a deep voice, "I have my ideals and ambitions. I don't want to fight for a fight but live like I hate."
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