Chapter 263: cooperation

With a small bag of gemstones, Rom anxiously called his housekeeper. He just spoke with confidence in order to show Zhou Qingfeng. When the other party left, he felt heavy.
Not everyone is qualified to blend into the battle for kingship. Roma only wanted to hug the thighs of the Phils family, and he was not optimistic about the emerging power of Harmony Village. But now Zhou Qingfeng was pushing each other, he frowned.
Roma's housekeeper was the one who had previously pulled Zhou Qingfeng from the street. After listening to his master's account, he also frowned, but did not have the clue of Roma.
"Master, show me that bag of gems first."
Small bags of gems, about a dozen, more than half are diamonds, and some emeralds and the like. They are quite big and the quality is very good. The housekeeper inspected them one by one and gave an estimate: "I can probably sell two or three thousand to two thousand coins."
Rom nodded weakly, "Victor Hugo is now occupying the elf's relics, and anyone has to get permission to dig treasures. He is really very generous now. If it is normal, I would like to associate with such people"
The steward said, "um," and understood the meaning of the second half of Roma. He put away the gem, and whispered: "It may not be possible to help the Black Forest forces to acquire supplies."
"What do you mean?" When Rom tapped his chest, he said, and asked the wizarding group. But in fact he didn't dare to ask. Doing this kind of business in a sensitive period may cause trouble when asked.
But the steward said, "Master, you are naturally inconvenient to come forward, but you may not be able to find someone else. You must know that businesses are also distressed now, because once the war starts, compulsory purchase of wartime materials may occur."
What's a "compulsory purchase"? Roma learns alchemy, and it's really unclear about some business details. The steward said, "Businessmen most like rising prices before the war, but they most hate compulsory purchases after the war.
Once a 'compulsory purchase' occurs, each force pays at most half of the usual price, or even pulls the goods without giving money, and settles after the war. So the closer to the war, the more desperately the sellers will sell off, but the price will fall.
If someone is willing to buy a 50% premium now, absolutely someone is willing to empty the goods. "The steward even lowered his voice," and even the noble masters who control the materials and warehouses of the Banshee Fortress would sell the materials and make a fortune. "
"Isn't that the equivalent of an enemy?" Rom exclaimed.
The steward shook his head and smiled: "Others cannot control the war time, but those aristocratic masters can control it. As long as they have money to make it, many people are willing to take risks. Once the benefits are large enough, maybe Lord Phils, who is in power, will not refuse."
Roma heard a stunned voice. "Can this business really be done?"
"Of course this is difficult, but you can try it. I'll go to the private nobles in the city to talk privately." The steward specifically added, "Don't publicize it for the time being, if anyone asks, deny it."
Roma naturally knew the importance, and nodded solemnly. But he rubbed his hands in excitement for a while, "Victor Hugo, this guy doesn't know how much money he made in the Elven Ruins? I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of gold coins.
That guy's money came so easily, it was really jealous, and he hated being able to beat him for a few knives. Now that we have seized the opportunity, we have to take a large sum from him, and sell him everything he can. "
No one does not like the big money, both master and servant are happy. Rom also casually said Zhou Qingfeng's request to arrange an apprentice. The matter was small, but the steward responded, saying that there was no need to worry, he would come forward and settle the situation.
So on the same day, Roma's housekeeper released news that his young master spent money on dinner for apprentices. This incident has caused waves in the civilian class, but the banshee dignitaries who heard the news have dispelled many doubts.
Lorraine learned that he was recruited by an alchemist, but was even more worried. Everyone knows that wizards have at most three or five apprentices, and have definitely not recruited more than twenty apprentices. This means that many people will be eliminated.
After being notified of the class, Lorraine was anxious. But when she arrived in the heart of the school as a house, she found that it was not a complicated and esoteric course to greet her, but
"In order for you to study hard, my master will pack your room and board, and even your daily clothing and family accommodation. Your family can also be preferentially hired by my master to do some simple work.
Rom's housekeeper just left, and Seth was actually managing the apprentice. He stood on the stage like the director of training, and trained the staff gathered.
The instruction is very simple and will end in three or five minutes.
There were several tailors in the room, tailoring ‘school uniforms’ to everyone. Lorraine, at the mercy of someone like him, went to Seth and whispered, "Sir, you just said that we would give priority to hiring our family?"
"Yeah. Well, we have food and accommodation. Someone needs to cook and do laundry for you, and somebody needs to clean and clean. In short, someone needs to work. Food and accommodation, five silver coins a month, do you have a family who wants to come?
"Yes." Lorraine responded sharply, and the sound of his voice made everyone else startled. "My parents are willing to come."
You can earn five silver coins a month by doing laundry, cleaning and cleaning. It also includes food and accommodation. Is there a better job than this? Lorraine wanted to do it, and rushed to answer.
Seth only responded ‘hmm’,
Let your parents come tomorrow. Ask them to be diligent. The owner hates people who just do n’t work with money.

"It must be, my parents are absolutely diligent." Lorraine was overwhelmed and laughed uncontrollably. Other trainees then realized that ‘hiring family members first’ was not just talking, and several people were rushing for positions.
Zhou Qingfeng is organizing transportation, and the manpower demand is not small. Seth has basically hired the families of all the students and incorporated them all into their own system. This move is completely reassured by the trainees.
In addition to announcing the rules of the school, hiring people to measure clothes, the next step is to issue a large number of papyruses, requiring all students to copy textbooks.
Zhou Qingfeng intends to popularize primary school knowledge, including basic common language, mathematics, geography, and science. Without papermaking and printing, all textbooks could only be set by Seth writing on a whiteboard with charcoal, others were copied on papyrus.
This copy is two days long, nonstop. The lighting is a little trick released by Zhou Qingfeng.
, the room is also placed on a brazier, put a few hot lava stones are bright and warm, all students were pleasantly surprised.
Never had such a good life!
Every time Lorraine finishes copying, he leaves ‘school’ with papyrus textbooks and sneaks into a small house in the artisan district. The black and thin man, Farstin, will be waiting for her there, teaching her new words she does not know, and explaining the meaning of the words.
"Teacher Seth said that this is the class to take in the next week. After the class, the exam will be taken."
Holding a stack of textbooks in his hand, Lorraine said solemnly, "My parents said that they would be studying for me even if they were exhausted. As long as I took the first exam, I would give you a month's income as a reward."
Black and thin Falstin nodded, "I also copied your textbooks. Come here when you have time, and I will teach you more. Rest assured, this is not difficult, I can understand."
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