Chapter 329: The Secret of the Iron Curtain

There were crowds outside the cold wind city, thousands of eyes staring at the open space surrounded. A pool of blood was slowly spreading out, and the original mighty Knight of Harding was out of breath. The killer who killed him was also and cool, and was blown away by the wind.
The scene kills, only the sound of breathing. The onlookers watched lamely but did not dare to come out. Several pariahs really killed the noble masters, and they accomplished things that most people would not dare to think. This is incredible.
"This is blasphemy!" Lehman, as a nobleman in Coldwind, was extremely intolerable. He felt icy bones and kept shouting. The other knights around him also looked angry. How can a noble superior die in the hands of the pariah?
"The five pariahs who have committed the wrongdoings must be executed." Lehman's waxy cheeks became flushed and unable to restrain his anger. He rushed to Zhou Qingfeng on a horse, "Her Hugo, as a nobleman, how can you accept such a terrible thing?
Harding has acknowledged defeat and is willing to pay a ransom. But your soldier killed him cruelly. This is a great blasphemy and violation of the rule of law. "
Severely wounded Alpha was taken off by several guards, and the soldier who stood out actively had fallen into a loss. He was so badly wounded that he couldn't live without it. The other four guards at war seemed to realize what they had done at this moment, all kneeling down.
Whether guard or guard, there was silence. This is a stance of discretion. After all, it is a big crime for dalits to kill nobles, and they will never be forgiven. This is a tradition for decades, hundreds, and thousands of years, and it is law.
With everyone's attention, Zhou Qingfeng turned over and dismounted. At a glance, Kelly knew what he was doing, shaking her head and sighing. She hurriedly took a small box from the back of "Shadow Shadow" and found a bottle of "Healing Potion".
"Sir, what are you doing, don't you uphold the glory and dignity of the nobility?" Lehman also wanted to stop Zhou Qingfeng. Just staring at Xi Li, he was afraid to come forward.
Zhou Qingfeng squatted down and opened the cap of the blue 'medicine'. Alpha fell back to the ground and opened his eyes in the same way, shivering his lips, but only blood was pouring out. The latter was lifted up, wow spit out blood and became even more slumped.
Alpha's mouth was pinched and the potion was poured in.
Lehman still exclaimed, "Such a precious thing is used on a pariah?"
The power of magic was at work, Alpha's weak breathing gradually stabilized, and his collapsed chest soon regained its level. In the invisible thorax and abdomen, the displaced organs function normally again.
Wow, instead of all kinds of doubts and shocks, the sound of surprise replaced many people. Zhou Qingfeng ordered several armed civilians to lift the wounded into a carriage and sneered at Lehman.
"Did you just start a duel with me? I don't care what ransom is, anyway, you don't have any money from me. So far, anyone who provokes me must die. This is my rule and cannot be destroyed. . "
After hesitated, Zhou Qingfeng led the team into the city. Marbury looked at Harding, who was falling to the ground, and wondered whether he should be sad or excited. He rode behind Uncle Chou and whispered, "Lord Lehman is going to be mad."
"What about anger? Although you have the ability to retaliate," Zhou Qingfeng said casually, "maybe your father would be willing to use my hand to get rid of the hidden dangers in your family."
"What?" Marbury was surprised and speechless.
When you enter the city, you will naturally visit the owner. Regardless of whether Zhou Leiman was annoyed to explode or was waiting for revenge, Zhou Qingfeng directly led the team to the long-legged city main mansion.
The long-legged mansion is not large, and the interior decoration is quite luxurious. Kelly and others accompanied Zhou Qingfeng to come in, and admired all kinds of delicate devices and supplies. Just a few decorative landscape paintings in the living room made them linger.
The venue where the two sides met was placed in the garden of the mansion, but the flowers in the garden withered and the fountain stopped flowing. There was no money to maintain the magic enchantment that was isolated from the inside and outside, and only a greenhouse was reserved.
Marbury led the way until Zhou Qingfeng was brought before his father. The long-skinned Columfil leaned his legs on the lounger in the conservatory, covered with a woolen blanket. He raised his finger to the small table in front of him.
"Sit down, the magical Victor Hugo. My injury is not good enough to stand up to greet you. Your actions today are beyond my expectations, and the expression of the servants when describing them is beyond description. But you can come, I I'm very happy. "
It is rumored that the old long leg is ill, but looks good when he meets him. Zhou Qingfeng sat down and looked at each other with interest. The servant brought a cup of hot tea and a few dishes of pastry, and they all retreated, leaving Marbury to wait in person.
"Lord Long Legs, you are not as miserable as described by the outside world. I thought you were going to die soon." Zhou Qingfeng took a sip of tea and felt it tasted good. The aristocracy in the north was really extravagant, and the sugar in the tea was sweet.
The old long-legged smiled wryly, "I call you Victor, don't mind. Now the situation in the Northland is very chaotic, and you must have a lot of doubts. We can talk about this at all, if you have any doubts, let me ask. I Never hide. "
"Any questions?" Zhou Qingfeng's eyes condensed, "What is the Iron Curtain?"
The old long legs were holding the tea with a smile, and their hands froze. Marbury was a little insane aside, and the father and son did not realize that Zhou Qingfeng was really bizarre.
"No loss for young people, energetic." The old long leg sighed. "I thought you were more concerned about the situation in Cold Wind City or the situation in the North. You asked the 'Iron Curtain'. Well, I said We talk about everything, and we also have time. "
Marbury asked, "Dear Honor Hugo, how do you want to know what the Iron Curtain is?"
"Does no one care about this problem?" Zhou Qingfeng asked back.
The long-legged father and son suddenly felt sad. They didn't care, they were used to it.
Zhou Qingfeng continued, "I want to leave the north and leave this ghost place."
Marbury turned surprised, "Her Hugo, don't you want to occupy a city in the North?"
Hahaha, Zhou Qingfeng laughed. Followed by the old long legs also laughed, and finally Marbury laughed at himself. The latter two laughed and burst into tears. The old long legs seemed to be touched, and they scolded the table with hate.
"Leaving, we also want to leave this ghost place, but we can't go anywhere! My grandfather was‘ Long Legs ’Levin, a hero who once fought against demons, but I became a jailer and prisoner as his grandson.
My grandfather's merit saved the human race, but in return he betrayed, cheated, and mocked. The in the south treat us like fools. They block us firmly, both fearing us and hating us. "
The old long leg slammed into a punch, and the wooden table next to the lounger slammed into pieces. The surrounding guards and Kelly and others rushed in when they heard the sound, only to retreat when they found it was a misunderstanding.
Zhou Qingfeng glanced at the broken wood all over the floor, just fortunately he had a quick hand, so he saved his cup of tea. He now had nowhere to hold the tea cup, and could only sip on the ground and rest on the ground.
"This sounds like a long story. But you are right, we have time to talk slowly. I would like to know what happened in the North in the past 50 years? What is the South's attitude towards us now?"
The old long-legged sighed and said sadly, "What I will say next is word-of-mouth and not a secret record. This was originally a secret kept by the seventeen cities in the north, but now this secret has been established. A joke. "
Zhou Qingfeng immediately sat up, serious and serious.
"It is rumored that more than a thousand years ago, a group of elves from Yongju Island established Silver Leaf City in the Northland. This group of elves was expelled from Yongju Island, and their leader was a prophet who was sentenced to be heresy."
The sound of the old long legs lingered in the greenhouse. When the words "heresy" and "elven prophet" appeared, Zhou Qingfeng felt something strange about the "gate of truth" worn on his chest. He frowned in doubt.
The old long-legged scolded and hated and said, "Victor, what are you asking about the Iron Curtain? I'll tell you. The Iron Curtain is a plane, a half-plane that invades the main material plane. It's stuck in the sky above the North, It is an enclosed space tens of thousands of meters above the ground.
The "Iron Curtain" did not appear 50 years ago. In fact, it appeared a thousand years ago. It has always been small, and everyone didn't care much about it, only if there were more stars in the sky.
But fifty years ago, the iron curtain suddenly expanded, covering the north. It is rumored that it was the demon who built the iron curtain. But it was actually the elven prophet of Silver Leaf City.
We don't know much about the 'Elf Prophet', and his true identity has always been a mystery. We only know that it used a name-Marcos. "
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