Chapter 33: ambush

The world of swords and magic has a social structure similar to medieval Europe.
The so-called aristocracy is not a good name, but nine out of ten are waste. They are ignorant, greedy, stupid, they are all dung machines. So when there is a noble who is able to make do with it, it is really like ‘saint of heaven’.
But Zhou Qingfeng didn't realize how good he was. If it is excellent, he should command hundreds of people to go to war, instead of just bringing a dozen people into an 'armed march', the truth is that he can bring a bunch of people out, for fear of shame.
After waiting for two hours by the woods at the intersection, the sentry detective sent to the stucco village ran back in panic, stuttering the report: "Master Hugo, those goblins are here, there are many, Two big guys. "
How much is the quantity?
What are the two big guys?
Zhou Qingfeng's brow frowned, and he repeatedly asked many times, only to understand the old gnome came forward to explain.
A lot is more than thirty. This can't be counted by the fingers, the servant acting as a whistle can't count the toes, and can only sweat in a hurry. But it should be no more than fifty, otherwise the servant is just afraid that he will faint in halfway.
As for the two 'big guys', I asked my relative 'bear bear goblin' who should be a goblin for a long time. This is a variant of the goblin. You can tell from the name that it is very big and is a big guy who can fight with barbarians.
Bear goblins are reckless, irritable, and cruel, and generally serve as officers in the goblin. They are stout and mighty, have a keen sense of smell, and understand certain tactics. However, after being provoked, it is easy to go mad, and then launch a headless attack, endlessly.
This is not a good enemy to deal with.
Hearing that the number of enemies is dominant, there are still two very powerful bear goblins sitting in the town, and the villagers 'warriors' who came out with Zhou Qingfeng turned pale, and immediately showed a low level of fear. They looked at each other, wondering what to do?
Zhou Qingfeng bet that if the bear goblin would appear, the waste under his hands would immediately scream and flee, and his head would not slip away.
"What are you afraid of? Isn't it just two bear goblins?" Zhou Qingfeng had to stand up to boost morale. "I'm a man who kills even the silt boss, and the two bear goblins will be given to me. You can only kill those 'O G's barking goblin will do. "
With that said, everyone was feeling better.
There was a tall man standing on top of the sky, and now 'Tall Man' is Uncle Zhou. He took care of the hardest and hardest work, and others felt much more relaxed and could laugh.
The old gnome asked in a low voice, "Can you really deal with two bear goblins? They are cunning by nature, suspicious, but really difficult to deal with."
Zhou Qingfeng could only bite the bullet and said, "Rest assured, I can do it."
The old gnome was dubious and would not say more.
Uncle Zhou was under great pressure. He quickly called the servants sent out for investigation, and asked carefully how far the enemy was and how the formation was arranged. After Zai asked carefully, he divided his dozen or so 'warriors' into two groups.
"Everyone keeps quiet, they are not allowed to talk, and the crossbow is wound. The goblin heavy squad will arrive in about half an hour, and I will order whomever you want to shoot at, who will you shoot at?"
"Remember, the bear goblin is behind the heavy team. So when the goblin team appears, no one is allowed to shoot first. Put the enemy's front team over and kill the biggest threat first. Whoever does n’t listen to the orders, I will Kill him first. "
When the villagers
heard it, they all held their affectionate boss and you said, ‘come to you to deal with’. Is this how to deal with it? Isn't this forcing us to desperately?
Zhou Qingfeng had no time for nonsense. He personally acted as the oversight team, standing behind the two groups of men, with a strong tone and a harsh face. He and the old dwarf split up, one by one. After seeing the appearance of the bear goblin, first set fire to shoot the two big men.
The solemn order made the atmosphere suddenly tense. After all the ease, all the "Warriors" entered the fighting state, and many people's teeth began to squeak, their breathing was short, and their sweat was cold.
People in Kuruma Village have never done such a 'big thing'. In the past, they had been resigned, and they ran away when they were in trouble, and hid when they were in danger. It was the first time that the Maglu tribe who had provoked the Black Forest forces the most.
It is inevitable that some people are worried and look around, and habitually want to escape. If someone takes the lead, a dozen people in front of them will be afraid to control it.
The old gnome also stayed with these villagers for a long time and knew too much about their character. He also knew that now the arrow was on the string, and he had to send it. Once he flinched, he gave up all his strength, so he stood up and drank, "Now who dares to run away, I will grab him and dissect."
All those things done by the gnome witch doctor are fearless in Kuruma Village. The old Borg is also an adventurer who can cast spells, and is especially cold-blooded and ruthless, forcing everyone to pack their careful eyes and grit their teeth to think about how to fight.
After the high pressure, Zhou Qingfeng whispered again: "As long as two bear goblins are killed, other goblins cannot be our opponents at all. Later, I will only have half the old materials and the other half will be given to you. Cent. Make sure you get rich. "
Intimidate and lure, forcibly gather people's hearts.
Hearing the benefits of being able to divide in half, a group of Wuhe people finally showed such a bit of ‘death to death’. It's better not to give benefits directly if there are more beautiful words.
Under the reward, there must be brave husbands. In order to fight for wealth, some people are willing to work hard.
The woods at the intersection finally calmed down, and everyone was holding their breath, staring at the enemy waiting for them. After about five or six minutes, I heard creaking wheels turning not far from the road.
After a while, the goblin's sour odor came with the wind.
There are about seven or eight goblin soldiers at the lead, clutching the short spear, and walking lazily in front. They chased each other, chased occasionally, and did not look at the current situation at all, without any tension.
There are more than a dozen goblin archers behind, also looking around, I don't know what it means.
The ambush team rejoiced, it was always good for the enemy to be unguarded. Someone smiled and wanted to speak, whispered, Zhou Qingfeng stared fiercely, pointed at the crossbow, quickly remembered to keep quiet.
The lead goblin walked by, followed by several vehicles, the more prominent were two tall trebuchets, walking with a horse-drawn horse, the speed was very slow. There were also a few scratched heads and humans sitting on the frame, which seemed to be artisans who had been forcibly arrested.
There are also some human slaves who are responsible for driving, and sometimes they are whipped by the goblin.
The trebuchet was followed by a heavy truck, piled with burlap bags, and there should be food inside. After all, hundreds of goblins have already besieged Baibai Village, and they must be given food.
At the end of the team, two tall bear goblins carrying their weapons and talking in a low voice. They speak goblins, don't know what they are talking about, and from time to time they show fierce smiles.
The team was getting closer, Zhou Qingfeng's own heartbeat was constantly accelerating, and the air in the woods became almost solidified. A dozen light crossbows are slowly moving the crosshair, aiming at the target that is about to enter the killing range.
At this moment, a bear goblin suddenly twitched his nose, sniffed the air in confusion, and muttered a few times. The other bear goblin grabbed the heavy weight on his shoulders and looked at the ambush woods of Zhou Qingfeng.
It ’s not great. The opponent seems to have found something.
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