Chapter 35: Defeat

It is said that in the laboratory of modern chemistry, certain organic substances are so toxic that they can make people take a sip and return immediately.
It ’s a pity that the formulation of the "paralysis poison" provided by Ciric does not have such a rapid effect. After all, the safety of the user and the long-term efficacy of the poison must be considered in actual combat.
According to the previous experience on the silt monster leader, monsters with huge size and high resistance can survive for about a minute before they die. Within this minute, Zhou Qingfeng had better stay away, lest the poisoned monster fight to death.
After a crossbow shot in the back of the bear goblin, Zhou Qingfeng immediately retracted his head and was ready to jump off the trebuchet. He crouched down and flew over the screaming bear goblin, threw his scimitar, and almost split him in half.
Under the trebuchet, several goblin archers turned around and shot at him with thick bows and arrows. The chopstick-thin arrows also have a lot of power. Although the long-range shooting is not accurate, it is enough to bring a deadly threat at close range.
Zhou Qingfeng took a risky shot, and the fledgling chicken jumped. He quickly jumped off the trebuchet's frame and accelerated into the roadside wood on the other side. In his mind, the super-perceived Chiric is constantly sending reminders
"Roll, flutter to the right, get up and speed up, then roll forward."
Each hint indicates that there is a new attack coming behind. Zhou Qingfeng is flexible like a monkey, making a series of dodge movements within a short distance.
To Goblin Archers, the aim they aimed at was awkward. No matter how he shoots, he can always get away in time.
Zhou Qingfeng, who just kept tumbling around, was suffering a lot. His arm suffered a lot of abrasions during the tumbling, his sleeves were ragged, his blood was bleeding, and he couldn't bear to look at it. He could only grieve his teeth.
Several consecutive flutters greatly affected Zhou Qingfeng's escape speed. The injured bear goblin wields a huge mace and screams like a beast, chasing it unstoppably.
Several goblin archers were pulling strings and arrows, because they were blocked on the road, and were savagely hit by the raging bear goblin. They suddenly broke their bones and screamed.
Zhou Qingfeng continuously dodged the attack of the goblin archer, giving the bear goblin a chance to get closer. When he was about to get up again from the tumbling to accelerate, a heavy hammer with bad wind slammed down on his head.
"Roll to the left." Ciric didn't want to die, and was trying his best to remind Zhou Qingfeng.
Zhou Qingfeng turned to the left, and the hammer hit the ground where he was sitting. The sturdy ground was smashed by a hammer, and the fragmented soil was everywhere.
"Go grab the hammer handle and get your body to stand up, hurry up!" Shyric shouted again.
The fierce bear goblin was right in front of him, and the terrible sledgehammer fell beside him.
How dare you call someone to grab the hammer handle?
Zhou Qingfeng had no time to think, he grasped the hammer handle to drive his body.
The bear goblin withdrew the sledgehammer, and found that the abominable human was actually following the sledgehammer near him. It simply opened its mouth wide and wanted to bite Zhou Qingfeng's neck, but Zhou Qingfeng stood up and then hurried to the next, digging under the bear goblin.
"In the ancient times, there was the humiliation of His Majesty's Majesty, and Grandpa Zhou had a blow today." Zhou Qingfeng lay down agilely, his fine-stabbed sword pointing up. As he passed between the legs of the bear goblin, the point of the sword fell into the monster's indescribable point.
The bear goblin whispered, his knees were bent, and his legs were fastened together, and his body could not move. The strength of its clamping made Zhou Qingfeng unable to pull out his own weapons, but he stayed in place and was taken away by him.
Just to escape, Zhou Qingfeng had lost his light crossbow, and now he has no fine-stabbed sword. But the bear goblin who chased him had no surging flames at this moment, and could only stand in place and straight.
This blow was a bit harsh, much more terrible than using poison.
But Uncle Zhou cannot be without weapons. He escaped from the ground and climbed up from the ground. He wanted to run away, but he looked back and saw that the enemy hadn't caught up, or even moved.
So Zhou Qingfeng walked to the back of the injured bear goblin quietly, grabbed his fine stinger and pulled it hard.
The first time he didn't drag, he still stepped on the bear goblin's with his foot, and dragged again.
His Majesty's Bear Goblin screamed again and again. It lost its heavy hammer and big shield, and jumped to cover the pain in the crotch.
There was originally a group of goblin soldiers who followed to prepare to help, but saw this bleak scene. All the goblins also felt the pain of their consciousness, and looked horribly at the culprit who caused the tragedy.
When Uncle Zhou stabbed his sword again in his hand, the goblins turned around and ran away. They could not catch up.
At this time, one minute is almost up.
The wounded Goblin's body slowly became stiff, and his hands and feet were difficult to control. The numbness spread from the back of the neck and between the legs, flowing through the body along the blood flow, until the brain and heart stopped working under the action of the poison.
Panting Zhou Qingfeng was looking for the next target, and suddenly heard a reminder in his head, "Congratulations, you killed ten hostile monsters in the Black Forest. You have completed the novice task."
If it were not for this tip, Zhou Qingfeng would have forgotten that he had a novice task. He asked, "What is the mission reward?"
The virtual screen lights up, and a pair of black lightweight boots appear and fall.
Boots of Speed ​​increase the speed by 20% and reduce the noise caused by walking by 30%. Once a day, the "speed burst" doubled and maintained for three seconds.
After these boots fell off, they were automatically put on Zhou Qingfeng's feet. He took a few steps to find that the speed was faster. Don't underestimate the 20% speed increase. At a critical juncture, one percent increase is an advantage.
As an ordinary person, as long as appropriate training is performed, it is not difficult to obtain a score of 12 seconds in the 100-meter sprint, and many people can reach this level.
You can wear this pair of speed boots to improve by 20%. It takes only 9 seconds and 6 seconds for 100 meters. This is the top result in 10 seconds. It is a field where only a few talented players in the world can compete.
Coupled with 'Burst Burst', this is the best skill for assault or escape.
With these boots, Zhou Qingfeng is simply a godsend. Let him happily run towards the ambush of his preset ambush.
At this moment, the goblin heavy group has completely broken down, and the bear goblin who was previously shot by the crossbow is also poisoned. But the villagers 'Warriors' who were originally ambush also fled, and it took a long time to find the old gnome.
"I said Lao Borg, wouldn't you be so reckless?" When Zhou Qingfeng saw this old dwarf, he curled up his fat body in a very conspicuous tree hole. "You can avoid the goblins like this Search? "
"I can't run fast again, what if I don't hide?" The old gnome got out of the tree hole and glanced at the woods. "Bear goblin is dead?"
"The embarrassing big guys are dead, and the remaining goblins have escaped when they see the bad situation. Unfortunately, the huge convoy cannot be moved by the two of us, and it is estimated that it can only be burned off with a fire." It's really annoying.
This bad battle was too shameful. The opponent who was attacked by the ambush did not collapse, and the dominant side collapsed first.
Seeing the bodies of two bear goblins, the old gnome was overjoyed. He repeatedly waved his hand to say it was okay, and then took out a whistle and stuffed it into his mouth. The sharp whistle sounded in the woods and spread far away.
After a while, a few villagers fled again in the woods. These "warriors" just wandered around without any thought, and they didn't even escape. They heard the whistle and slipped back one by one.
After seeing the dead bear goblins, and then seeing the almost intact goblin convoy, especially the vehicles full of supplies, these 'wall grasses' suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers, and then slap loudly around Zhou Qingfeng.
"Master Hugo, you are such an invincible powerhouse that you killed two terrible bear goblins alone."
"Master Hugo, you are really our savior. Your light is so dazzling, we dare not look at it humblely."
"Master Hugo, please allow us to congratulate you. You are our supreme commander and we will always be loyal to you."
This group of wastes are usually unfavorable even with a fart, and they are good at making horse farts.
Zhou Qingfeng was expressionless. He only chuckled coldly: "Less nonsense, work. In view of your escape, the proceeds of this distribution will be reduced by half."
Cut it in half, and there is still half.
The villager's "warrior" in his mind was quick. There are so many supplies in this convoy, even a little bit is enough to make people happy. So everyone is even more charming.
"Master Hugo, you are so kind. We sincerely support you."
"Master Hugo, the punishment you have given is extremely fair, and we have no complaints. Please allow us to follow in your footsteps."
"Master Hugo,"
"Enough! You shut up and work for Lao Tzu."
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