: Zhou Qingfeng's current character list

Zhou Qingfeng
People: Riding a strong horse, killing a strong enemy, encountering a strong one is strong, and encountering a weak one is even weaker. He firmly believes that everything he has done is right, and is willing to face any difficulties for his ideals-but if the difficulties are too great, he will turn his head and leave.
Tier 5 tyrant
Strength: fifteen.
Constitution: Thirteen.
Agile: Thirteen.
Intelligence: Thirteen.
(Each person's various values ​​are ten, with each increase of one point, the ability increases by one or three times. The power of fifteen points is 3.7 times that of ordinary people.)
Weight: one hundred kilograms. Height: one meter eighty-five.
Daily Spell Position: 30: 8: 4: 2: (Raises from the lowest zero-level trick, and the highest cast level is currently three. It is twice as many as the normal wizard's spell position. Opposition school.)
Perfect Body: Eighteen years old forever, strong physique, immune to disease, no fear of toxins, and immunization. All arcane divine magic does not require prior memory, which is equivalent to a warlock. The cast is free of material and instantaneous, but the interval between two casts is at least six seconds.
Dark Vision: In a dark environment, you can see things within a distance of twenty meters.
The wings of light, flying freely, consumes 100 points of coupons per minute.
War trample: Increase daily speed by 30%, double the speed within five seconds after active activation, increase combat power by 50%, possess overlord status, and be immune to normal damage. For each enemy killed, the skill maintenance time is increased by one second, and the combat power is increased by 5% again, and the upper limit is 100%. The cooling time is twenty-four hours.
Consciousness entity: Spiritual power can be realized and become a means of attack and defense.
Exploring Consciousness: A Twenty Meter Spiritual Scan.
Link network: link all your servants into a network within 500 meters distance to play a more efficient collaboration.
Distinguish corsages: Use mental strength as a benchmark to identify lies and show that green is true and red is false.
‘Break Evil’, a straight-edged epee, with a blade length of 0.8 meters, a first-level enchantment, and a one-meter-long sharp sword awn appears when waving, causing double damage to undead, resisting negative energy erosion, and detecting evil.
Adamantite shuttle, first-level enchantment, sharp.
The Gate of Truth: The Pentagram Pendant, which records the 25,000-year-old civilization of the elves, is a half-plane library when unfolded. Open all professional skills, allow consumption of points to learn any arcane or divine. Starting from zero-level tricks, a 1,000-point coupon learns one item. For each level, the learning cost increases tenfold. Self-study is also supported.
Portable Alchemy Workshop: It is integrated into the "gate of true knowledge" and used to make magic potions and equipment. It is also a space equipment of 150 square meters. When crossing the plane, the materials in the workshop do not follow and can only be accessed within the same plane. For example, the materials put in the real world are in an untouchable state in the other world.
'The Emperor's Tears': The top magic gem used to store high-level arcane spells.
Goldfinger: Consume points to save and read files. In the case of a rank of n, the archive fee is (two to the nth power) points. The cost of reading files is one hundred times the cost of archiving.
Crossing: Between the realm of swords and magic, and the real world of the 1990s. There are no restrictions on bringing materials from a different world to the real world. Materials from the real world to the outer zone will be limited, and the daily weight that can be carried is in the case of grade n, and percent (5 times n) of body weight.
E-commerce level: use points to buy goods from different worlds. For example, domestic garbage, 0.1 point coupon per ton, buy at will. 'Recyclable garbage that has been sorted and processed', ten-point coupons per ton can be purchased once a week, and every five times can be purchased to purchase materials that have been purchased. At the fifth level of the protagonist, the weight of each purchase is increased from one to ten tons.
Underworld Plane: You can go to the underworld full of negative energy, and people are not allowed to enter. It is a channel for replenishing negative energy such as 'Shadow Shadow', and currently has no other purpose.
The handmaid, strengthened with Zhou Qingfeng's promotion, but the level was reduced by one. Unless otherwise specified, the ranks under it will be calculated in the same way.
Arcie: The mechanical magic girl combines the core of the iron golem and can assimilate a machine commensurate with its own size. The current strength is eighteen, which is eight times that of ordinary people. She is good at mechanical manufacturing, and her combat effectiveness is equivalent to the same level of swordsman.
Sophia: There is a thousand years of incorporeal book spirit, twenty intelligence, knowledgeable scholars, good at collecting and organizing knowledge. She does not participate directly in the battle, she can only release auxiliary arcane spells, which is equivalent to the wizard of the same level, but she can strengthen the arcane spells released by others again.
Irene: Tree spirit, eighteen years old, naturally charming, hidden charm eighteen, pure and moving, affinity plants, cast ability equivalent to the same level of Druid, specializing in alchemy potions.
Meow: Cat Cat, unreformed, reaches eighteen, alchemy beast, good at stealth tracking, ability equivalent to assassins of the same level, natural weapons, sharp claws equivalent to a sharp dagger.
Seven Leprechauns: Humanoids with a height of 30 centimeters, butterfly wings, can be invisible for a long time, the hidden attribute perception reaches eighteen, does not directly participate in the battle, seven in one, the casting ability is equivalent to a bard of the same level, lively, Love playing. (This is a bit buggy, but it doesn't matter.)
Slaves: Spirits from other realms, which can transform any shape, have the same attributes as ordinary people, and are used for daily juggling. There are currently fifteen.
To be honest, list all attributes, abilities and slave women. Zhou Qingfeng's true challenge level has at least doubled, a bit too strong.
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