Chapter 449: Half-year achievements (4)

Regarding Xiao Jinlang's words, Director Chen did not believe it. He felt that Lao Xiao exaggerated the ability of the "Holy Light". After all, if he wanted to penetrate the grass-roots to do business for millions of people, this was too exaggerated.
"Without enough vehicles, not enough people, and no convenient communications, how can it be possible to do business in the entire region?
Not to mention anything else, the two of us ran to this small county, but there was no signal on the mobile phone. This communication could not keep up, and many things could not be done. "
Director Chen shook his head desperately. He deserves to be sitting in the office of didu, and the analysis example is right. If this is an article, it is bound to be beautiful and beautiful.
Difficulties in infrastructure are of course, but Xiao Jinlang did not say that "Holy Light" can now do business for millions of people.
Zhou Qingfeng is desperately building three rounds, repairing roads everywhere, and constantly spending the soft girl coins earned. He can even take low-interest loans from banks and build houses everywhere.
The first batch of state-owned non-performing assets in Tianyang City was rectified, and the sale of land was completed. Zhou Qingfeng handed over 10 million Hong Kong dollars to ICBC, and the construction team began to demolish the factory of the match factory in the city.
The ease of this first transaction has greatly enhanced the confidence of all parties and cleared many obstacles.
Before ICBC sweltered HK $ 10 million, the SAFE, which had heard the news, sent a document through the People's Bank, demanding that the funds be turned over immediately.
The province also saw a new way to solve the problems of state-owned enterprises, and asked the city to continue to make in-depth and bold attempts in this regard.
This is that Zhou Qingfeng does not have so much foreign exchange. If there is a tens of billions of dollars, I am afraid that the state-owned enterprises in the province will sell it to him casually.
The current situation is that the banking system can't trust the city and would rather lend money to Zhou Qingfeng. Zhou Qingfeng also believes in the city, preferring to invest in kind rather than giving money.
Lack of money in the city, he couldn't trust his own system, he could only recognize Zhou Qingfeng's physical investment as a loan, and devoted himself to infrastructure construction.
As long as infrastructure can be put in place, consumption will naturally be driven.
With such a series of "Gold Medals for Freedom", Xiao Jinlang couldn't think of any other difficulties to keep Zhou Qingfeng up.
As for the communication problem, this car and the road are engaged in, maybe one day, more than a dozen program-controlled switches smuggled in.
Lao Xiao didn't bother to persuade Director Chen and only took him to walk around. The two toured the county seat and continued driving to the countryside. Their destination was Zhou Qingfeng's original Lao Chao Nantou Township.
The ‘Chang'an Star’ enters along the Tangjiang River, leaving Andong County, the road is difficult to follow.
This made Director Chen feel that Lao Xiao was bullshit. He grabbed the handrails in the car, endured the dizziness caused by bumps, and complained: "On this broken road, what business do you want?
The pavement is potholey and in disrepair. The van seemed to be on a trampoline, and it really wasn't easy to walk.
"It is difficult for cadres and grassroots to work on such a bad road, let alone others."
Lao Xiao could not refute such complaints. He can only reduce the speed, avoid potholes along the way, and try to stabilize the body.
Turning around a mountain pass, suddenly the line of sight was wide, and the water of Tang Jiang appeared in front of the two. Lao Xiao Chaojiang pointed out, "Did you see that boat?"
A sand dredging boat was parked on the river. Nowadays, there are many construction sites in Tianyang, which can sell money by digging up river sand.
Director Chen was dizzy, and looked weakly outside the car window. But about two or three kilometers away in the car, there are five or six dredging boats.
"so much?."
The dredging boat is equipped with a diesel engine to drive the bucket deep into the river bed. A ship is about a hundred tons, and it takes half a day to fill it. The sound of gurgling machinery came from the river, day and night.
Sand and stone seem to be inconspicuous, but it is an important and indispensable building material. It also has considerable requirements for material and size, and has limited sources.
In the next 20 years, the domestic construction industry will stop working from time to time because it cannot find enough sand.
This is also unimaginable for many people. This is because there is too much construction throughout the country. In three years, the cement consumed in the United States for one hundred years can be used.
Director Chen looked for a long time across the window, and suddenly pointed at a towed barge on the river and asked, "What was that ship?"
The barge was filled with dark things, at first glance it was coal, but on closer inspection it was not coal. After looking at it for a long time, it was confirmed that it was silt.
Xiao Jinlang has not entered the Taipingqiao dock, but he is no stranger to the sludge carried on the barge. He wondered, "I don't know exactly what happened. It might be the mud that was dug out at the repair pier in Tianyang and dumped in the countryside."
Buildings also have to deal with a lot of muck, which is often transported to the suburbs for landfill.
Just looking at it a few more times, Lao Xiao himself added another explanation, "'Holy Light' seems to have built a garbage collection site on the Taiping Bridge in the south of the city.
The plan has been submitted and may be approved in the city. These may also be accumulated fertilizers that have been processed in the dump. "
This is a reasonable explanation. As long as the amount of silt is not carefully investigated, no one can really guess the truth.
Barges running on the river, about two to three hundred tons, pulled the silt to the pier temporarily repaired along the shore. Director Chen asked to stop and take a look, and they saw a piece of farmland covered with black humus near the pier.
A mud pump at the dock draws the silt from the barge into the farmland. About a dozen farmers in the field, wearing buckets and gloves, were holding shovel and shovel to level the ground.
This made Xiao Jinlang all curious, and came forward with Chief Chen to watch a lively conversation, by the way, what was going on?
The working peasants spoke in dialect, and they couldn't speak clearly. Lao Xiao couldn't ask for a long time. However, the master who operated the mud pump finished his work and came to talk to him.
After chatting, I realized that things were more complicated than what Xiao Xiao thought.
"The rotten mud was transported from the dock of" Shengguang ", and the vegetables were very good. At first it was given to the nearby villages for free. Later, I didn't know which one I wanted to ask the" Shengguang "company for sludge treatment fee.
As a result, the money was not received and the mud was gone. The land contracted to ‘Holy Light’ in this land was originally wasteland, not even long grass.
Last month, several bulldozers leveled the land, from the river bank to the mountain side, for a total of several thousand acres. You look far away, the bulldozers are still pushing.
After flattening, mud will be piled here. I heard that it must be piled at least 30 centimeters thick. Really piled up, this land is worth it. No worry about irrigation near the river bank, the land can be planted with machines. Growing vegetables and food are good. "
A barge of two to three hundred tons looked quite large, but the sludge that was transported was not spread on the ground. If it is spread 30 centimeters thick, it will not be much.
This field is right next to the road. The working farmers were hired by nearby villages. Director Chen went to the edge of the silt pile and looked at it. Lao Xiao even reached out and grabbed a handful of black mud.
The silt looked a lot, but the water content was huge. To cover a few thousand acres of land, I am afraid that it may not be more than 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands of tons of mud.
Tianyang is located in the southern hills. The land is mainly yellow soil with poor fertility. There are only low weeds on the hills outside the city, and no tall trees can be seen because the soil is too barren.
If it can really be covered with a thick layer of silt, it is naturally excellent for agricultural farming.
"Couldn't it be impossible for the boy to do farming on his own?" Xiao Jinlang shook his head and smiled bitterly. But that's a good thing, and he didn't say much.
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