Chapter 503: Hidden agent

A shady hut with a lantern on the table.
The dim light could only cover a square foot, and Powell had to get close to see the writing on the nib.
Outside the light, there was a damp, moldy wooden house wall, with a urine bucket in the corner, and a wooden bed in the middle, with a thin and broken sheet.
This is a cheap hotel, a paradise for lice and fleas.
Servicemen, coolies, drunkards, bankrupts, people living here are very mixed, travelers have to take care of themselves.
The five big and three thick shopkeepers provide only one room, and the rest are ignored. If you want to eat, drink, steal or grab, it ’s all up to the guests, not to burn the house.
Something went wrong, and the owner collected the body after a lot of things.
Living in such a place is not what Powell wants. But as a spy, life has to face ups and downs from time to time.
He is used to living out of order in darkness and chaos, serving one after another, receiving huge bounty, and spending it in a gold selling cave.
Anyway, the people who do this can't live long.
Why not serve Victor Hugo? The other party is more rich.
Powell had thought about this issue, and he even talked to other spies. But assassins, thieves, minstrels, and adventurers in towns and towns are afraid to think about similar problems.
But the answer is obviously that there is no way to cooperate.
Victor Hugo comes with a strong aura of order. No matter where he went, he tried to calm the situation and make rules to make everyone obey him.
Powell felt deeply about this for the first time in Harmony Village. He worked as a blacksmith in the forge in the village, not to mention exhausted work. The foreman even managed to get up every day and sleep every day.
Most adventurers hate this feeling of being bound, and they like freedom. Whether it's killing, setting fire, or martial arts, all act on your own will.
Therefore, Powell would rather sell his life for the long-legged family, prefer to live in a cheap hotel that is moldy and stinky, prefer to hide and hide without tranquility, and would not be effective in ‘rich and powerful leaders’.
Under the lantern, two or three paper rolls were placed on the wooden table. An owl squatted beside the table, his big eyes staring at Powell's constantly moving nib.
Poor papyrus is too hard and too brittle, and the quill pen will scratch the surface of the paper if not careless. It is a skill to write fast and well, so the scribe is a very professional job.
Carelessly, the nib cracked open. A drop of ink dripped and smudged the entire paper. The pale yellow papyrus absorbed the ink and was scrapped immediately.
Alas ..., it has to be rewritten again.
Powell lost the quill pen and sighed in distress. He turned his head to stare at the owl at the table, dazed for several minutes.
The owl is the favorite of a long-legged wizard. An hour ago, it flew from the window, with a paper roll tied to his leg.
This is a faster way to transfer information from outside world, but a fixed receiving point must be selected. On the scroll, the wizard hiding in another place reported several things.
"Adrian's" evil dog "attacked a Minos family manor outside the city, killing two people and forcibly abducting one. Victor Hugo may know something and is tracking us everywhere.
The family encouraged a number of bandits to ambush outside the city and continuously attacked the transport team of the Harmony Chamber of Commerce. But the bandit gang is too weak to do anything at all.
A few days ago, the family grandfather Exxon personally led a team to organize multiple gangsters in ambush and successfully grabbed a complete heavy carriage.
The robbers who succeeded in the robbery paid mostly and fled, but the "Harmony Chamber of Commerce" revenge followed.
Many gangsters haven't escaped far enough and have been caught by 'evil dogs' carelessly. According to the survivors ’description, the‘ evil dogs ’acted quickly, the information was very smart, and the equipment was particularly good.
No one knows why the response of the Harmony Chamber of Commerce is so fast? But Victor Hugo is clearly at all costs to protect his dignity and credibility. "
Powell was not distressed at all about the damage of the gangs, they were all gangs, and they flocked like goblins during battle.
But the paper describes the tactics and equipment of the "evil dog" but it attracts attention.
Those who escaped luckily mentioned that ‘evil dogs’ generally used a light crossbow that could fire quickly. The crossbow shot by it is very small but extremely accurate, and can easily penetrate leather armor within 20 to 30 meters.
This is not very good.
For spies who need flexibility and mobility, leather armor is the heaviest protection they can afford. If there is a light and fast long-range weapon that can penetrate leather armor, this is a great advantage in equipment.
Thinking about the wind forging machine in the harmonious village, Powell felt he must pay attention to this news. ‘Fuqiangling’ may really come up with such awesome stuff.
At the end of the scroll, the family wizard also mentioned the new order issued by Phils. Long Legs.
The new patriarch is organizing a restoration army. He asked the agents who were lurking in the cold wind city to take action and arrest a rebellious leader or an important person, so as to demonstrate the ability to allies and demonstrate to the rebel gangs.
"Grabbing an enemy leader or an important person?" Powell's head hurts. He filtered through the rebellious candidates and found that none of them were easy to grasp.
In the past, evil believers thought of obtaining secrets of forging machines in a similar way. The result was that they were slaughtered by Victor Hugo without waiting for them.
"It's clear that we don't treat our agents as human beings. If we really want to tie an important person, it's not a wicked dog. Victor Hugo will personally chase us down."
It is dangerous enough to spy on secrets, and even tying people is a matter of death.
Powell ignored this. But he had a feeling that another team led by the family wizard would really consider this task. Because the price tag offered by Phils. Long Legs is quite high.
"Damn, do these guys think they can do whatever they want in the past?" Powell knew that being an agent should be low-key and forbearing, "I have to be involved in them."
Time passed slowly in annoyance, but the reply was not yet complete.
Powell originally wrote a large section, trying to persuade colleagues not to do stupid things. In an irritable mood, the nib breaks and the paper is stained. He really didn't want to write it again.
I found a new quill pen, stained with ink, and spread out a new papyrus.
In the second writing, Powell simply described his current situation and responded with as much information as possible. He couldn't directly contact Phils. Long Legs, all the information depended on the wizard's favorite pet.
If you only write bad news like a funeral, Powell fears that she will be considered too incompetent and annoying. He no longer reminded his colleagues, but provided him with several options.
The written paper was tied to the owl's anklet, and Powell had to take out a small bag and pick a magic gem to feed the monster.
Otherwise, this magic pet does not work, and even tears the paper roll tied to the foot ring halfway.
The small bag opened, and the owl stepped on its feet swaying left and right, its head protruding and looking into the mouth of the bag. Then it made a grunting noise, as if laughing.
There are only a few very fine and irregular gems and a few gold and silver coins in the bag.
The gemstones are large and multi-faceted, pure and translucent. As far as Powell's bag is concerned, even the devil's pet dared to mock him.
Powell picked a diamond smaller than the broken rice grain and placed it on the table.
The owl magic pet looked at it, shook his head contemptuously, still mumbling in his mouth.
Powell was so angry that this bird was actually abandoned. He found another broken diamond, but the owl's pet still shook his head.
Powell could only open his wallet and let the owl pick it himself. As a result, the beast spoke eloquently and made a noise, "The poor ghosts don't want to learn from others to do destruction, it's pitiful!"
Powell's lungs are about to explode!
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