Chapter 515: Chill

I am so scared!
Everyone in the office stared at Lorraine. She was the shortest, the smallest, and the most pitiful. She wore a maid costume with black and white apron.
It really does not seem to be able to fight and kill.
In Hanfengcheng, as long as you see a girl with flowers on her head and a black and white apron dress on the street, everyone knows that it is the close maid of Lord Hugo.
God knows to wear this clothes for Mao on Lorraine. The whole "rich and powerful collar" and even the cold wind city are unique. There is no semicolon. The identity is too strong.
Lorraine was indeed weak. She was filled with knowledge by the Lord Lord, but she had no affinity for magic. There are a lot of potions used, but at most she can meditate on her own, and no trick can be performed.
The security sent by the lord is either a brutal orc, or a solid dwarf, and two wizards who don't look good.
Where the little girl stood timidly, her face full of jewels with tears in her face, as if she would be scared at any time. The abominable lord Lord said that the jewels given to her would save her life, and she clung to her palm and refused to put it in her pocket.
Wilson didn't know what the lord had sent the personal maid to do. This man can neither fight nor touch, but also has to take care of him. It is a crime to lose root hair, which is really a headache.
"Miss Lorraine, please be a clerk in the office. Lord Lord may want you to help process some documents."
Wilson had no way to return the charming maid, guessing that this might be a sudden whimsy of Lord Hugo, or it might be a supervisor sent, and finally found a position for Lorraine.
The Inspectorate ’s affairs are complicated, not only to manage chickens and dogs in the city, but also to be responsible for urban planning and construction and even cleaning the streets of sanitation toilets.
Wilson can only sleep three to four hours a day after taking office. His civil servants are also supported by physical potions and work at full capacity.
Because Hanfengcheng's bureaucracy ceased to function for half a year, it accumulated a lot of affairs.
The task assigned by Hugo Lord is even more bizarre and demanding. Grassroots civil servants have insufficient capacity and can only run their legs every day to strengthen execution.
If it were not for high wages and fierce competition, everyone would have rebelled long ago.
In short, Eve Lorraine in the "weak air" stayed at the inspection office. Wilson could not neglect her, and added an extra table in his office.
As for Lorraine's work, Wilson did not dare to arbitrarily assign. The personal maid sent by your lord will do whatever you want. You don't need to set the house on fire, whatever you want.
The day after Lorraine entered the inspection office, Johnson the Illusionist appeared alone on the west street. He walked slowly, looking around from time to time, paying special attention to all kinds of uniformed people on the street.
The population registration in the city is slowly but unstoppable, and more and more areas have been checked by Deputy Speaker Hugo. There are really a lot of fish that have been caught in the past.
Some are local villains, some are foreign thieves, and some are hidden evils. Powell's predictions are correct. Simple household registration management has let the underground forces emerge from the water, just like stranded fish and shrimps.
In these two days, there were fierce fights in turns in the city. The Procuratorate took the absolute advantage of manpower and material resources.
Adrian ’s law enforcement and hunting teams have repeatedly made appearances, and they have also exposed many armed forces of the ‘rich and powerful leaders’.
The atmosphere in the city became tense.
The roads in the west of the city are under maintenance, and a team of more than ten people is building the roads and gullies to clear the drainage ditches. Johnson stared at one of the men in dark uniforms and remembered his appearance before leaving.
When the illusionist appeared again through a small alley, he used "camouflage" to change his appearance and dress, and became a squadron leader of the inspection office.
This is the case with illusion, creating hallucinations, confusing and misleading opponents.
With the identity of squadron leader, passers-by look at Johnson with very different eyes, respect and fear. His clothes, armbands, and name tag on his chest all represent identity.
But Johnson hated this way of identifying himself with clothing. Because it is too rigid, it is easy to be removed.
For example, there are only a dozen or so squadron leaders in the inspection department, and many residents on the road know ‘this squadron leader’ himself. As long as someone came to say hello, Johnson was exposed.
But without pretending to be a ‘squadron leader’, it is difficult to get inside the inspection office, and there is no way to find the information you want.
"Damn Victor Hugo, try to make some nasty rules." Johnson arrived at the entrance of the inspection office and had to pull out a certificate to enter.
There are magic portraits on the ID, name and age with name, etc.
The ability to 'fake documents' is not difficult, but Johnson suffered the last time he wanted to break into the inspection office. He used to enter the city's main palace with a single face. He didn't expect that he would have to check his documents when crossing the city.
‘Goblin’ is happy about checking documents, which makes people who want to make trouble feel bound everywhere.
The inspection office covers a large area, and there are many ancillary buildings outside the main building. It took more than 1,000 labors to build this place for more than half a year, and it is the largest project in the city in the past ten years.
At the speed of this construction, many powerful people in the city are envious and jealous. No one can understand how to manage so many people working without trouble.
Including but not limited to how to feed the coolie, how to make coolie work without mistakes, and what is the use of building such a large area?
This puzzle can only be uncovered by entering the inspection office. Johnson passed the guard's inspection and walked along a gravel road with a large playground beside the road.
Armed city managers are undergoing training.
Could this be the reason why the Inspection Department is so big?
Zhou Qingfeng has extensive experience in how to train a group of illiterates. He specially set up an instructor training class to use the British training for colonial military police.
To put it simply, don't expect to polish the stubborn stones into beautiful jade in a short time, but you can pick a few pieces of glazed beads from the stubborn stones to cultivate them. Let those 'glazed beads' drive the 'hard stones'.
This will save a lot of energy and tongue, and avoid being mad at too many idiots.
"Ah ..., Victor Hugo really hid a secret. He secretly trained infantry in the city. There are at least a few hundred people, what does he want to do?"
Johnson saw a city management phalanx moving in step.
Just (three times ten) queue, this is probably a model. The ‘soldiers’ wearing grey uniforms lined up side by side, and moved forward 20 meters at the same time.
From start to stop, the three-row queue remains unchanged. Even Li Ding stomped his feet neatly and uniformly, and the dust on his feet fluttered up, moving freely and seemingly clanging.
Johnson just glanced past, and was attracted by the advancing queue. If these three rows of "soldiers" are equipped with armor and equipped with long guns, like Lin Erjin can block a knight squad.
After all, no knight would be stupid enough to take the initiative to hit the gun forest.
Johnson is a bit stupid. He thinks about what he should do if he faces such a team of infantry. Know that the illusion department is not good at fighting.
"I'm probably going to use fireballs."
There are more than a dozen ‘infantry platoons’ training in the parade ’s playground, but Johnson has no more than a dozen fireballs.
"I crushed a team of infantry. The other infantry should turn around and escape." Johnson thought about it, "It's just that these infantry can't act alone. If they have the assistance of knight wizards and archers ..."
Johnson couldn't help but shudder.
Victor Hugo, would n’t he want to capture the entire Cold Wind City?
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