Chapter 519: Will not cast weak Eve

The director's office was hit by a fireball.
The rumbling vibration spread throughout the office building. The staff in the building all felt their feet jump, the tables and chairs were shaking, and even the ceiling seemed to be displaced.
This abnormality caused a lot of panic, people ran to find the cause of the incident, or escaped to escape. The one who is most scared is definitely the person who was attacked.
Late at night, Director Wilson is carefully reviewing more than a dozen staff expenses. This could only be done by finding a few professional financial staff, but there is no such person.
Financial rights and personnel rights, these two powers are not well grasped, and the Director of Wilson has done nothing interesting. He was frowning and trying to compare the accounts to find possible mistakes. The office was demolished.
The loud noise aroused the waves, and the lord's buttocks were unstable, and he almost did not fall to the table. He subconsciously tightened his body, shrunk his neck and hugged his head, lying on the desk.
The office encountered a burst of air, and all the paper documents on the desktop were blown around, which also made Wilson's hard work overnight. He felt a scorching heat and almost fainted.
But the Director-General did not faint, he did not even have time to be afraid, and only witnessed the next scene.
Eve Lorraine ’s desk is on Wilson ’s right, and fireball attacks the wall on the right. After the explosion, the fragments of the wall swept through the wall like bullets, and this alone could kill most people.
But this does not include Little Lorraine. She was lying on the table and sleeping soundly, breathing deeply sounded very regular. But when the outside orc shouted to warn, she looked up like a vigilant groundhog and looked around.
Have an enemy?
where is it?
No matter, pinch a gem first.
Lorraine squeezed the gem in his palm all the time, ate, drank and slept, and did not let go of anything. How to use the arcane in the gem, she has studied it countless times.
Pick one and crush it, and the magical power stored in it is immediately released in the form of arcane.
Simple and effective first-order defense arcane.
Transparent force field shield can greatly strengthen the defense. One shield only defends one direction. But Lorraine stored three shields in Hao Shi, which protected her 360 degrees.
The shield appeared very timely, because when Lorraine stared at the direction of the office door, the wooden wall beside her was exploded. The loud noise screamed to scare the little girl-help!
The shock wave struck, and the three shields protected Lorraine very well. Instead, Wilson behind her was affected by the fiery waves.
The head of the director shuns his head and hides, and when he looks up, his ears are buzzing and his hair is like grass. He realized he was attacked, but he didn't know where to hide.
Lorraine screamed "Help" and followed with a crying cry, "I really can't cast spells."
The gap is filled with smoke and it keeps tumbling.
Without saying anything, the little girl picked a gem and crushed it. Two red and hot rays appeared immediately at her fingertips, like a raging current blocking the gap.
The smoked gap rushed into the two assassins and was hit by the ray. The two men were looking at their targets with their daggers in their eyes, as if they were in a purgatory, their eyes were full of fire, and their bodies surrounded the body with high temperatures.
Courage was instantly replaced by fear.
This is a trap.
Otherwise why is it so coincident?
The two assassins wanted to dodge, but the third gem also shattered.
This time it was also a blast, with two cone-shaped jets of high-temperature air flowing over the gap in the broken wall. The two assassins stood next to each other, their bodies flew up, and Slap fell on the floor.
Immediately following the fourth and fifth gemstones were crushed at the same time, a series of magic spheres flew out, and there was an endless boom.
No one wants to rush in from the gap at this moment.
This series of accidents happened too quickly. When the fireball exploded, Wilson's heart was about to explode. But he raised his head and sat in the position, watching the whole process blankly.
What did the little girl just say?
Can't cast a spell?
How did this endless series of techniques come from?
It's really hidden!
Lord Lord treat me very well, his close maid is really powerful.
There was a rumbling sound in the Director ’s office, and then there was a lot of noise and noise, as if someone was inside to demolish the house. The man dismantled it again and again, and he did not forget to scream.
The entire building of the inspection office seemed to tremble, shake, and tremble in a harsh scream. The fierce fighting sound may not be heard inside or outside the building, but this extremely penetrating cry can definitely be heard.
There was crying in the shout, crying for help, and panic-stricken tone for help.
This felt like an extremely tragic, extremely tragic, and extremely terrible fight. All the staff of the inspection office panicked and felt that something was going to happen.
The windstorm outside the office blew for almost ten seconds before stopping, and the vision in the corridor was clear again.
If you look closely, it ’s not the main entrance of the director ’s office that the infiltrator blasted with fireballs, they could choose a side wall. Behind that wall is Wilson's desk.
The orc and the dwarf jumped at the same time and hurried into the office. They hope that the Director-General will not die so badly that he will leave a whole body, otherwise it will be really impossible to make a mission.
But in the office, Director Wilson sat in a daze in his place. His office is large enough and there is enough room for venting the explosive airflow.
Wooden wall debris was everywhere in the bursting fireball. Many of them fell on the head of the Director General and looked like a henhouse attacked by the waves.
On the other side of the office, two burnt black bodies collapsed on the floor. Although his identity is still unclear, the famous and expensive cashmere rugs in the North have been stained.
Around the corpse is a series of potholes of crit marks, all the displays are either burnt, brittle, or shattered, as if a small-scale natural disaster has occurred.
This natural disaster was really tragic, and the director ’s office was savaged. However, all the valuable decorations were destroyed, the floor and ceiling were completely destroyed, and they had to be repaired.
The corpses on the ground are even more proof. Fireball can't be compared with it.
what happened?
What about sneaking in attackers?
In such a dozen seconds, how did the situation change so quickly?
The attacker was on the floor as soon as he blinked.
"Mr. Wilson, are you okay?"
The orc and the dwarf were stunned with an axe, and two wizards squeezed their heads behind, panicking.
Director Wilson did not speak, as if frightened, his face was ashamed, and he only pointed his finger beside him.
With white flowers on her head, Eve Lorraine in a black and white apron has a miserable face and cries in tears: "I was just resting, dreaming that I saved a lot of poor people.
Suddenly this wall broke, and two bad guys wanted to bully me. I can't cast spells, I'm really scared. "
In the end what happened?
Who did the two burnt bodies on the ground?
Whose handwriting is the devastating bombardment effect?
Who resolved a dangerous crisis?
Everyone only saw one thing-all the magic gems that the little girl had been clinging to her palms had shattered into powder.
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