Chapter 530: Into the city

In the cold wind city, the nobles controlled the north gate.
At night the city gates were open, the torches were lighting, and people shouted Ma Si.
Victor Hugo issued a declaration of battle late at night, and chaos was about to happen in the city.
Ordinary residents are shrunk in their own homes, and they are destined to do so. But the nobles were not reconciled.
Old Arad summoned the nobles in the city as far as possible to gather in the city's main palace to fulfill their obligations. Anyway, they had to fight a monster in the Black Forest.
It can be ordered to order, but there are not many nobles who really rush to the palace. Instead, the news became more and more chaotic, and panic spread, causing a series of chain reactions.
Torches ignited on multiple roads leading to the North Gate. The masters realized that something was wrong and waved their whips, with valuable goods and their families fighting for the road.
The lords of different statuses usually pay attention to their rank and dignity, and they do not tear their faces easily. At this moment they all shouted at each other like a shrew, just to grab a chance to leave the city first.
However, the gate is so big
The Kent butler of the Minos family was the most anxious, commanding the family knights and servants to light up their swords and axes, and yelled a few carriages at the intersection.
The wheel of an old carriage was broken and could not move. There were two women in the car with a few suitcases. The servant who drove the car tried to repair the wheels.
The Kent housekeeper held up the torch and came over aggressively, pumping the little noble's domestic servant into the face, "pushing the car away and pushing it to the side of the road."
The leather whip crackled out of blood, and the women in the car screamed. Minos's attendants dragged them to the side of the road, and left all the luggage in the car.
The servant who drove the car was beaten and endured the pain, but his hostess was humiliated, and the defense said: "My host has ordered to stay in the city's palace, why do this to us?"
Without saying anything, the knight of the Minoan family stabbed the servant with a sword.
The old-fashioned horse-drawn carriage was overturned and could be pushed to the side of the road to still occupy space. Kent ordered his attendant to disintegrate it with an axe, and it was completely dismantled.
The body of the domestic servant and the fragments of the carriage were thrown to the side of the road, and the blood flowed out under the wood. The family members of the little nobility were scared to tears, hugged each other, and dared not speak on the street.
The road was finally clear, and the team of the Minos family ran through the blood and quickly passed. Their convoy also has female dependents and luggage, and the people on and off the car even know each other, their eyes meet and diverge, and fate separates.
Thanks to the crowds, the Minos team was able to pass the city gate first. The Kent housekeeper gritted his teeth and ordered the attendants to guard the city gate, not allowing other nobles to pass through, and only to wait for the family's second convoy to leave.
The little nobles who were eager to escape were furious and gathered around to scold. But Yu Wei of the big family is still there. More people can only ask first to try to make sense.
Kent stood in front of the open city gate, armed with several family knights. He asked the attendant to move the horse and block the road. No matter how he scolded Ma Wai, he just refused to let it go.
The block was only half an hour before the second team of the Minos family had yet to come. The gate of the city was a bit out of control. The little nobles also gathered a lot of armed men, and Kent ’s manpower is not dominant.
When everyone pulled out the sword, the Minoan housekeeper finally softened his attitude and was willing to move away from the horse. He himself had already provoked anger, and was forced to turn his head through the city gate, through the moat suspension bridge, and slipped out of the city.
The city was empty, and the first team of the Minos family was waiting outside the city.
Kent wanted to call out some helpers to regain control of the city gate. However, suddenly in the dark rumbling, a sound of horseshoe was approaching quickly.
The sound of the horseshoe burst suddenly and violently.
Kent's eyes widened, but nothing could be seen in the darkness. He shouted ‘bad’ in his heart, and wanted to run back into the city to avoid the sound of horseshoes, which was definitely not a good thing.
But it was too late.
When the old housekeeper turned around, hundreds of sharp sabers appeared along with the shocking horses.
More than ten guards were placed around the Minos team. These people had no time to flee, or even shouted, and were hacked by the enemies rushing by at high speed.
Some guards were not enough to get a knife. They were split for four or five knives in a row. The body was ravaged like a rag doll before falling to the ground. Some guards were lucky enough to dodge a few times, but were splashed by the blood of a subsequent series of attacks.
No one can escape.
Kent is old, but he runs fast. His hands were shaking, his heart was beating, and he passed through the moat suspension bridge, through the gate of the black hole, and shouted at the city: "Come to the gate, and the monster Hugo is coming."
The movement outside the city is so great that the people in the city are not deaf and have heard it for a long time.
The nobles, big and small, confronted for a few seconds, and immediately heard Kent's crying frypot. Everyone was rushing to leave the city, but now they turned around one by one and fled.
Armed men of the Minoan family stopped the carriage in the city by horse. Hearing the warning, they turned directly over the horse, and ran off with a crawl, running faster than the rabbit.
According to the horse, which is made up of thick trunks, one person is tall, and he ca n’t get over without any ability.
Kent rushed to the front of the horse in a hurry, panting. He reached out and shouted a few times, but no one was willing to help. He stood in front of the horse and tried a few times, but turned around and shouted:
"I am Kent from the Minos family. I know Hugo Hugo. I have had tea with him and I have had a great conversation. I also help the Harmony Chamber of Commerce."
The sound of the horseshoe slowed down and had passed the suspension bridge. It's just that the black hole in the city gate still can't see anything.
Kent bounced and waited for two or three seconds, shouting again: "Welcome Lord Hugo to come to the cold wind city. I am Kent of the Minos family. I am willing to allegiance to Lord Hugo. I"
A tall skeletal horse rushed out of the darkness, with a strong momentum, and hit the noble old housekeeper of nonsense.
Kent was hit on the spot, and the horse behind him also crashed away.
After the gate, countless torches were thrown to the ground. Dozens of messy carriages blocked the road. The ground was full of discarded luggage, and panicked people were screaming and fleeing.
The skeletal horses rammed away several carriages to provide space for the cavalry who had slowed down behind them. Hilly on the horse pulled the reins lightly, frowning and said, "Ji Ying, who did you seem to have hit?"
The dead horse withstood a barricade wagon, and the black sharp corners provoked it, and continued to open the road. It said carelessly: "I deliberately, who let him block my way."
"Perhaps it was a person who surrendered and was killed by you."
"Will there be any good people who surrender now?" The dead horse sneered, squeezing a path through the streets with its huge body.
The abandoned refuge wagon was skewed, tipped, broken, and the luggage was scattered all over the place. Several suitcases fell from the carriage, pouring out a lot of clothing and jewelry.
Hillie glanced at her. "You're right. I have seen this kind of aristocratic aristocrat. They use fart, they only do bad things."
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