Chapter 606: go to hell!

Outsider, Banshee Castle. The core city of the Buchi family.
This is a city built on the edge of a mountain range. The city wall divides it into two parts: the nobles and rich merchants, and the civilians and farmers outside the city.
The city is large in size, blocking the road from the north to the south, and countless merchants need to pay commercial taxes here, which makes the family very rich.
There are farmland and water conservancy that took 100 years to reclaim within 50 kilometers around Banshee Fort, which is quite rare in the north. Relying on relatively abundant food, the Butch family's right to speak in the North is quite strong.
Wealth and food, the territory of Banshee Castle, the population, the nobles, and the army, no matter what, surpass the cold wind city near the Black Forest.
With only a few more cities to expand, the Buchi family can become the principality, and the family patriarch is the king.
Inisa stood on the wizard's tower in the city, overlooking the city square not far away. The square is large and beautiful, with a fair every three days. There is also an execution function in its corner.
Just next to several stalls selling fruit, the executioner was pulling up the guillotine of the guillotine. The stout soldier pressed a struggling guy under the guillotine.
Citizens in the square are familiar with this, and only a small number of people are watching. Should most citizens do business or business, at best ask each other who is the person to be executed?
"It's a messenger sent by the Lehman family in Coldwind."
The Nasser knight appeared behind the princess and reported back: "The tactics of the Buchi family's harassment did not work, but gave Victor the opportunity to empty the cold wind city. He completely controlled the city and had more power than any previous family. "
The princess's eyes turned around and sighed lonely: "Why should the messenger be executed?"
The old knight also sighed, "According to the news from the businessman, Victor launched a strong attack half an month ago, an unexpected but overwhelming attack.
The Arad family is finished, and the Lehman and Mills families escape from the Windy City. They hope to get the same treatment as the long-legged family in Banshee Castle. But Phils. Long Leg strongly objected.
The Butch family also felt that the deceased were too wasteful to accept the other party's sincerity. They sent an army of thousands of people to attack the north.
The troops were led by Baron Bishop and assisted by Lord Leghorn Exxon, preparing to kill the noble Hanfeng City nobility, and then defeat Victor Hugo. "
Hearing the familiar name, Inisa felt a little confused in her heart. It has been a year since she left the Black Forest, and she is about to forget the man's face.
But the other party's fame is growing, and it has reached a point where it cannot be ignored.
There were many people standing behind the princess. There are wizards, knights, and priests. They are all nobles, all exiles from the Principality of Oss.
The Principality was occupied by rebellion and the royal family was mercilessly slaughtered. The dead camel is bigger than the horse. The Principality of Oss is a country with a population of more than a million and a dozen cities.
Zhou Qingfeng had a certain influence only after he died in the cold wind city. Inisa lit up her princess banner, and countless duchess of the Principality brought her dry food and territory to her.
In the past year, the princess's power relied on Banshee for several battles against the rebellion in the south.
This allowed more Oss aristocrats to recognize Inisa's identity and attached more people.
People in the North regarded Inisa and Victor as two newly rising forces, and the minstrels were making up their legendary stories. Especially since they are a man and a woman, they are still very young.
The greater the fame of Her Royal Highness, the more people follow her.
There have been a lot of people who have proposed to her this year. At first, it was just ordinary little knights and little lords, who felt that the people who had lost their country were nothing. Although they had no dowry to marry a princess, they were famous and beautiful.
But with the growing power of Inisa, the northern powers were more interested in her. The status of the suitor has also risen, from the high lord to the high nobility. Recently I heard that the Butch family is also very interesting to her.
Realizing the merger of territories through marriage is very common throughout the Faerun continent. The nobles unabashedly coveted the Principality of Oss, hoping to easily annex it through the transfer of inheritance.
The remnants of the Principality of Oss also believe that it is urgent to choose the right partner for the princess. They are publicly discussing the property, territory, power, and family lineage of a suitor, and are proposing to Inisa Sarah.
Of course, there is no Victor Hugo's name. Because the ‘monster from the Black Forest’ has no noble identity, it is more likely to be killed by the Butch family at any time.
For the proposal, Inisa is undisturbed. She just wanted to reinstate her country and avenge her family and loved ones. The only thought he woke up every day was how to execute all the rebellion that destroyed her family.
As for marriage, she didn't want to.
I had thought about it for a while, but the person who walked into her seemed to be more and more distant.
Victor Hugo slaughtered the nobility, defied the church, stripped his privileges, treated merchants and civilians well, popularized knowledge, and promoted a large number of officials at the bottom.
All this is completely contrary to the current system.
Inisha appreciates Victor Hugo's talents. She is in a state of extreme disappointment in the Harmonious Village and has also practiced each other's policies. Life at that time was really simple and happy.
But when she came to Banshee, when the old deceased country surrounded her, and when Inisha once again became the princess's high princess respected by everyone, she felt that Victor's policies were too extreme.
The superior is not like the superior, failing to make a difference with the inferior.
Victor is very similar to the rebellious subversion of the Principality of Oss.
The two young men and women met in the wild, but it was like an intersecting line. Their destiny was once intertwined, but after they separated, they gradually moved away and could not look back. Computer side :: /
Whenever I think of this, it is very melancholy.
"His Royal Highness, Baron Bishop wants to ask to see you?" A servant walked to Inisa.
There was a face of arrogant middle-age in Inisa's head. The other party recently tried to pursue her, and ran to seize the opportunity. She can't see it or not, just because the other party's status is not low.
After a while, the flowers dressed by Baron Bishop appeared bells and whistles. He wore pair of pointed boots, leggings, lace cuffs, a sword on his waist, and powder on his body.
The baron did not come alone, and the footsteps were booming behind him, followed by a group of nobles who were not inferior. These are the officers who will follow him, and they are going to wipe out the chaos in the north.
Seeing the princess Oss, dressed in luxurious costumes, a group of men showed fascination.
Even though Inisa was sullenly ordering ‘stop, do n’t be too close to me’, they still liked this cold nobility deeply. No other woman is as beautiful as it is!
Baron Bishop approached within three meters of Inisa, the strong powdery smell made people hide their noses. He knelt on one knee and shouted affectionately: "My love, my beauty, the light in my life"
Inisa felt nausea. To speak of her dissatisfaction with the nobility, the pretentious words are one of them. She sternly shouted, "Speak directly if you have anything."
"I'm about to go out to quell evil, save suffering, and restore order in the world. I'm going to defeat my biggest rival, the kid named Victor Hugo.
I know you belong to Victor Hugo, but I am not discouraged, but more excited. I will prove to you who is the real man! "
The baron did not know where to learn the aria, and the two paragraphs of the speech were flabbergasted, like acting in a play. Inisha was so bored that she couldn't help but ridicule: "Baron, what gave you the confidence to win?"
"It's you!" The forty barons looked up like a young man. "The love for you makes me fearless. I hope to receive your blessings."
Really can't stand it.
Inisa immediately froze, "Go to death!"
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