Chapter 655: Open market

It was late at night, but the fax machine kept ringing.
Lin Wan ripped off the fax paper sheet, glanced at it and handed it to the blonde girl next to her, and told her to follow up the form filling and payment.
International trade is really a very long process, involving a wide range of, quite complex matters.
In the past three months, the "Holy Light" soon completed the transportation of 500 wagons, and four Tu-154s also flew to the Imperial Capital to join the United Airlines fleet.
Because the delivery is fast, the price is low, and the quality is guaranteed, the reputation of ‘Holy Light’ in the Da Mao market is naturally established.
Whether it was Deputy Minister Chuikov, the ‘Holy Light’ tour group, and even some big-haired merchants who had come to admire, ‘Holy Light’ provided a large number of purchase orders for goods.
For example, Choikov made a big swipe and sold ten operating Il-76s to ‘Holy Light’ in the name of ‘second-hand equipment’.
Also sold together were the overhaul lines of large aircraft. This includes two thousand professional engineering and technical personnel under the Ministry of Aviation Industry, one thousand academy professional training places, and tens of thousands of large and small manufacturing and maintenance equipment.
For these devices, the ‘Holy Light’ delegation also negotiated with Mao Zi for a long time. Because of the development of Maozi's industrial deformity, good and bad, some equipment is not as good as domestic ones.
Picking it carefully can save a lot of money.
In addition, the plane can fly away directly. However, the equipment for the overhaul line is obviously not enough to rely on the capacity of air and railway, and it needs sea transportation.
‘Holy Light’ has no shipping channels and does not understand the commercial laws of various countries. There are currently few people in China who are familiar with international trade.
Lin Wan has never dealt with shipping business, everything must be learned from scratch. In the past three months, she has experienced a lot of hard work from being clueless to coping with ease.
Later, the solution was simple, just spend the money to hire the corresponding businessmen from Moscow. Mao Zi's own trade with Europe is still very frequent, there are many professionals.
For example, Mao Mei, who is next to Lin Wan, is in her thirties. She worked in the customs department before. She works hard, works hard overtime, and has a responsible attitude. It is really a rare good employee.
Once one is recruited, one can continue to be recruited. Lin Wan and other Chinese employees now have only a dozen or so, but they employ more than 20 locals.
‘Holy Light’ transported the large cargoes obtained at the Da Mao family to Leningrad, that is, St. Petersburg, and rented European freighters to ship to Guangzhou. The entire shipping schedule is about a month or two.
As for domestic goods, they have to charter a ship to ship in Guangzhou or Modu. Every time the transportation volume is more than 10,000 tons, every minute is a thousand heavy trucks, or millions of clothes plus 10,000 tons of non-staple food.
In the past three months, ‘Holy Light’ has chartered more than 20 boats. The total transportation volume exceeds 500,000 tons. The first batch of ships to be shipped has arrived on the shore to complete loading and unloading.
Shipping also has to do with finance. Lin Wan has to deal not only with freight forwarders, but also with European banks and insurance companies.
‘Holy Light’ is recruiting people from China for internships, so that one day you can truly go to the world. In short, an international group faces international affairs.
Zhou Qingfeng intends to open a ‘Holy Light’ branch in Moscow, specifically hiring local people to work for himself. This branch can even radiate the entire European market, making it easier to earn foreign exchange.
Overseas trade in this era is really profitable and the profits are particularly high.
A large number of domestic apparel appeared on the Moscow market, and the originally empty counters were a little more colorful. The style is definitely the latest in Europe, the material may be worse, but the price is half cheaper.
Leprechauns especially like cutting and designing clothes. They will get inspiration from European fashion magazines and design models that suit the habits and posture of local consumers.
Modu's textile and apparel industries produce coats, shoes, hats, underwear, etc. based on these model garments and export them in large quantities.
Because of the cheap price and novel style, a large number of clothing orders appear in front of Lin Wan through the fax machine every day. She was amazed by the current consumption status of this collapsed empire.
The society is a mess, but the spending power is not bad at all.
Zhou Qingfeng once explained: "The thin and dead camels are bigger than horses. Mao Xiong completed basic industrialization and modernization fifty years ago.
Its citizens are accustomed to living a well-off life, with abundant food and clothing, relaxed work and entertainment, and ordinary employees have travel holidays every year. In contrast, we are really poor. "
In the 1930s, the life of Mao Xiong was in line with Europe. People's economy is getting worse and worse, but consumer demand is not bad at all, and they have to listen to opera when they are hungry.
Only a few more years later, when the big Maoist oligarchs lined up, enterprises went bankrupt, and the economy was avalanche, their people would realize that the great motherland that once protected them really didn't exist.
What is the status quo
Lin Wan is still essentially "steamed buns", and there is no way to understand the thinking of the common bears.
The continuous flow of orders is indeed delightful, and various types of domestic products can be found in Moscow.
Maozi has the habit of eating canned food. Canned fruit, canned pork, canned fish, everything. The tins in the Tianyang area have long been sold out by the "Holy Light", forcing them to find sources of supplies nationwide.
Before He Yulan looked for a fully automatic food production line, the subordinate units of the Provincial Department of Light Industry didn't care much about her. Now it ’s ok, the order is large enough, and someone else is asking her to buy a production line.
For the canned item alone, ‘Holy Light’ has fed at least 100,000 domestic industrial chains. Domestic media are reporting that the canned food in the second half of this year suddenly caught fire, and the production and sales are booming.
Lin Wan's team processes hundreds of demand orders every day. Every time she passes an order back, she can feel an inspiration. Behind the order is often a company, the livelihood of dozens of employees.
You must know that the demand for Maozi is getting bigger and bigger. They even want to import pots and pans from the Holy Light. Such as ceramic dishes, metal knives and forks, kitchen supplies, home appliances and furniture.
Orders of these ordinary goods were sent to Lin Wan, so that the talented students of Modu Finance were ignorant Maozi. How can even these goods without technical content be imported? Can't they produce it themselves?
Some Maozi merchants even actively introduced orders from some European countries to the "Holy Light", which also contains a lot of ordinary products in daily life.
Zhou Qingfeng couldn't help crying, and at most explained, "It's not easy to make products cheap. Maozi's failure to produce is to toss themselves, and Europe's production is too expensive.
Regardless of it, you can make money anyway.
We need a special overseas trade department to do this business, which is not something that one or two hundred people can handle. Perhaps it will develop into a huge department. "
At present, the branch of ‘Holy Light’ in Moscow has not yet been established, and Secretary General Lin Wan has to be on the front line for a long time.
Due to the time difference, and in order to cope with the increasing demand for purchases, her daily sleep has been compressed to three or four hours.
After two o'clock in the night, Secretary Lin can finally go to sleep. But Zhou Qingfeng pushed open the door of the office and walked in excitedly, shouting: "The market of the Ermao family has opened. We have another place to dump goods."
Lin Wanli closed his eyes and bumped on the desk, muttering in his mouth: "Come here, you come, I can't stand it."
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