Chapter 662: Back to light (2)

After shopping at eleven o'clock in the night, Zhou Qingfeng took He Yulan back to his home. That is an old dormitory building of the Central Fluid Power Research Institute.
Although the building is old, but the walls are thick and warm, simple decoration is quite good.
Driving into the dormitory building, He Yulan saw a figure lying under the tree on the street, covered with a thin layer of snow, "Qingfeng, that seems to be a person."
It was cold in the middle of the night, the sky was covered with snowflakes, and the person illuminated by the headlights was indeed inverted. Zhou Qingfeng stepped on the crunching snow and glanced over.
The man was already frozen and holding a wine bottle in his hand.
"Do you want to call the doctor?"
"already dead."
"Why do people die well? Isn't he going home in such a cold day?"
Winter in Moscow is not ordinary cold, and the streets of Moscow can see men and women drunks of different ages anytime, anywhere. One of the duties of the Moscow patrol is to pay attention to the guys who fell to the ground in the middle of the night.
You know that Moscow has a frost period of almost half a year, and extreme weather is frequent. Summer is fine, but in a few minutes in winter, drunk people will be frozen to death.
There is a boarder on the first floor of the dormitory of the Institute, which is a cylindrical aunt. Zhou Qingfeng knocked on the door, first sorry for interrupting in the middle of the night, and then said that someone outside the dormitory froze to death.
"Till dawn, someone will collect the body." Aunt Cylinder was very upset when she was woken up in the middle of the night and shouted the door shut.
Magnolia stunned for a long time. She was the first to see this, whispering in surprise: "They ..., that's it?"
Zhou Qingfeng also sighed, "One month before the disintegration of the alliance, the shelves of state-owned stores were empty. The citizens queued up overnight to purchase supplies, and everything was in short supply. Many people did not live well.
"But now they have a lot of goods in their stores. We delivered them nearly 10,000 containers in January alone. A full of seven large container ships arrived. It is not easy to deploy so many goods."
Speaking of nearly 10,000 containers, He Yulan is still full of pride. Because it was really not easy to deploy so many cargo transportations in the early 1990s.
In order to make transportation more convenient, ‘Holy Light’ scans the goods along various traffic lines. For example, from Modu to Chongqing along the Yangtze River.
The big hair market needs everything. Anything in China wants to sell. High-priced goods can be shipped by air. Low-cost goods are not lost only by sea, and must be transported to Modu by inland freighters and then loaded.
For the girls in Moscow to wear the printed skirts produced by the magic capital, for the housewife of Samara to use the electric iron produced by Wuhan, for the boys of Kazan to use the sports goods produced by Guangzhou ...
In order to make transportation more efficient, He Yulan donated program-controlled switches to domestic provinces and cities according to population to provide convenient communication.
The first domestically produced 10,000-gate hjd-04 has come out, breaking the foreign technology monopoly.
It was originally developed by Zhengzhou Information Engineering College. But this year, there is no patent. The technology spread quickly, and a bunch of domestic scientific research institutes felt profitable and swarm-like production.
This machine originally relied on imported chips and spare parts, and foreign exchange can still produce one card per card, controlling its development momentum.
However, Zhou Qingfeng transported 10 tons and 20 tons of "electronic waste" every week, stupidly turning this "high-end goods" into cabbage prices within a few months.
With the lessons of food machinery before, He Yulan also learned to force domestic companies to take orders to compete-the price of buying a machine is fixed, but there are requirements for performance and stability.
Can you imagine a scene of dozens of ‘brother units’ huddled together to break their heads? You can see it in the headquarters of ‘Holy Light’ in Tianyang.
Normally, the leaders of the various units can sit down and drink braggingly, and now it is not enough!
If you want to pay more bonuses at the end of the year, you have to find ways to improve the product and take more orders. Otherwise, the employees of the unit may not dare to say anything, but the families of the employees will scold the street.
The scolding is particularly unpleasant.
hjd-04 is one hundred thousand doors. Relying on the "Holy Light" to donate program-controlled switches everywhere, the number of installed domestic telephones in 91 was nearly ten million more than the original. In 1992, it had to be several times more.
After all, the switch is worth the chip, Zhou Qingfeng sells the chip is basically like giving away. What 8086, z80, 6502 master control hardly cost money.
Devices such as storage and analog-to-digital conversion used to be priced in US dollars, but now they are directly priced in soft sister coins. The price of the whole machine was one-tenth of the price before it was cut, and it even became the export product of ‘Holy Light’.
Good communication brings good scheduling, and the green light-style help of various provinces and cities is added. The sacred light makes the monthly freight volume of tens of thousands of standard cabinets.
"We are so hard to deliver to Moscow, why are they still full of drunk people?"
In He Yulan's mind, drinking mistakes is a deep-rooted concept. Even in the countryside, the drunkard is spurned like the gambler.
The people on the road outside the dormitory froze to death.
Zhou Qingfeng took the magnolia into the house, and the heating made people hot and immediately took off their coats. He threw the clothes towards the coat hook, shook his head and smiled:
"A thousand years ago, there was a Duke of Moscow called Vladimir. He introduced the Orthodox Church to his own country, but he removed the prohibition of alcohol prohibition in religion.
For the Slavs, believing in God is fine, but not drinking alcohol. In fact, people throughout Europe have a preference for wine, but Mao Zi is particularly serious.
It's like the aunt of the first floor on the first floor, 50 or 60 years old. As soon as she opened the door, the strong smell of wine came out, and I knew I could not expect her. "
Magnolia sounded interesting, but still shook her head: "Why do people who don't understand here like drinking so much? Even women do."
In China, male drunkards are disgusting, and female drunkards are even more shocking. But in the Da Mao family, from the age of eight to the age of eighty, regardless of gender, dare not say that everyone is alcoholic, but half of the population can drink quite well.
High latitudes, perennial snow and ice, and gloomy weather are all reasons. The social environment is a contributing factor. The poorer the people, the more they need anesthesia like tobacco and alcohol.
Regardless of the alliance or the current big hair, the government has issued a prohibition order many times. But this thing can't be stopped at all. Anxious, Maozi even scented perfume, bath, antifreeze, shoe polish, as long as they smell alcohol.
Outsiders will never understand what Mao Zi can do for drinking. Even Stan Black, who can't drink, was broken, and he drank one after another.
So it is normal to see several frozen drunken bodies on the streets of Moscow in winter.
"Maozi's alcohol consumption is famous all over the world. And they have no requirements for the quality of the wine, as long as it is strong enough.
Like our domestic soy sauce wine, they simply don't like it. They simply like to drink alcohol. We just need to ship the wine non-stop to meet the market demand.
Think about it, how much do domestic wine companies appreciate us? What is the staple food for brewing? Sweet potatoes are just the ingredients. "
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