Chapter 672: Boryspil Airport

Zhou Qingfeng is already well-known in the Da Mao family. Both the political and business circles know that there is such a highly capable flower grower, and he knows that there are hundreds of people in his activities.
The forces staring at Uncle Zhou in the last four or five months are not rare. From urban gangsters to downcast politicians, from political stars to local powerhouses, from diplomatic agents to misery factories and mines.
But the train was booming, when the cargo plane roared, and when the sea line broke the waves, the "Holy Light" was like a rush all the way, growing fast. The sales network, which has been constructed with a lot of money, is spread like capillaries, drawing funds and goods in different regions.
Zhou Qingfeng was willing to spend money, and spending money could bind countless people in his group, and follow him to charge, invincible.
The three religions and nine streams of the Da Mao family directly and indirectly intersect with the Holy Light. He can meet friendly and secretly, he smiles and welcomes him, after all, he can't always be fierce when going out.
Spend a little money, give the goods, and send it if you can, and you have a lot of reputation for making a good friend. It is also a skill to let others poke their own wool.
But Uncle Zhou's wool can't be too much, it's more than enough, know how to return. For example, Cui Kefu of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics has already assumed the position of minister and has control of the entire aviation industry system.
There are also those who are abducted and even want to show their strength. When you go out, you will always encounter discomfort. In addition, the winter of the Da Mao family is too long. Some people drink too much and freeze the streets. It is also very reasonable.
This is why Zhou Qingfeng has been staying in Moscow for a while. Tianyang didn't need him to worry about things, but in order to stabilize the Damao family's market, some customers required him to personally'persuade the wine', which was really impossible to go away.
After several months of tossing, people in Moscow gradually realized that they couldn't just find the President of the Holy Light to go to the wine table for a showdown. Ordinary people can't drink him, and he is always drunk, and he is very angry, not cost-effective.
It was after establishing such prestige that Zhou Qingfeng was able to escape from Moscow to Kiev.
This year, there was no Internet and no face recognition. If you want to monitor a specific person, you must deploy professionals in places with large crowds, such as airports, stations, docks, and hotels.
Moreover, there is no large-capacity hard disk. Although there is a surveillance camera, the picture is not clear. The monitoring room must be arranged in a key position and monitored by manpower.
Ma Qianshan once suggested Zhou Qingfeng to travel in makeup or to stow across. But Uncle Zhou swaggered on the plane with a forged document and stayed at the hotel. The person who wanted to monitor him was either fascinated or fainted, or took a nap while sleeping.
But in Kiev, charming a few people is useless. The simple arcane spell of fascination and lethargy cannot conceal a whole set of Western surveillance systems, which requires a larger scale of "fascination".
Zhou Qingfeng had no good idea for a moment, so he followed Ma Qianshan to Borispol Airport in the eastern suburbs of Kiev to see the three IL-76s parked at the airport.
This military airport has been suspended since November last year. It is barren all around and flat, with barbed wire separating the airport and the surrounding roads.
A row of simple hangars was built next to the runway, but the three Il-76s were too large, and they were parked on the tarmac outside the hangars.
After the disintegration of the coalition, many expensive military equipment often stopped for decades, slowly aging and ruining. But these planes have only been parked for a few months now, and there is no difference.
There are only a dozen remaining noncommissioned officers at the airport, and there is no surprise that Zhou Qingfeng and others appeared. They opened the blocking bar at the entrance of the airport and put the outsider's car in.
Bearded Maozi Sergeant in heavy winter clothes, carrying a wine bottle to support the roof of the car, said indistinctly: "You are here again. What do you hesitate to buy?"
It's freezing cold and exhales into fog. God knows this'beard' is drinking for Mao early in the morning.
Zhou Qingfeng glanced in the direction of the hangar and asked, "What do you expect to sell?"
‘Beard’ grinned, his clothes greasy, his face haggard, his eyes swollen, as if he didn’t wake up. To Zhou Qingfeng's question, he sneered:
"We were abandoned, everything here was abandoned. Suddenly everyone left, everyone said "Treasure" to me, and they couldn't be reached anymore.
You, the foreigners, will not understand the pain in our hearts, nor will we care. You just want to buy some bargains.
In the hangars l1 to l3 behind the runway, four Czech-made L-39 Albatross trainers are parked. You can drive them away for only one hundred thousand dollars.
All spare parts, including the spare engine, are sent in vain. You can get as much as you can. how about it? What are you waiting for? Only one hundred thousand is enough. "
'Beard' stumbled while carrying a wine bottle. He was followed by several other left-behind sergeants, with a cold face and no objection to the offer.
During the Cold War, the Czech Republic was the Warsaw Pact, and the military equipment produced was widely used in the member states of the alliance system. l-39 "Albatross" is an excellent junior trainer, very popular.
Zhou Qingfeng turned around and saw that Ma Qianshan seemed to be constipated-"Albatross" is good, but it is useless to have a few domestically.
But it’s too cheap to buy four ‘Albatrosses’ for $100,000, including spare engines and spare parts.
"No problem." Zhou Qingfeng reached out and patted the shoulder of "Beard", "One hundred thousand dollars, I bought it."
Ula..., hahahaha, I finally saw someone who can make the decision!
'Beard' and his companions suddenly sorrowed and cheered with their hands raised. He rushed to give Zhou Qingfeng a hug, and turned to hug others.
Zhou Qingfeng and Ma Qianshan were both killed by the alcoholic smell of each other. Director Ma whispered, "Mr. Zhou, what are you going to do with four "Albatrosses"? That's the trainer."
"Improve each other's friendship and make partners happy and happy." Zhou Qingfeng pointed to the happy "bearded" gang. "They are happy and can save some money later."
In a business, both parties are friends. "Beard" pulled Zhou Qingfeng to see the goods. There were indeed four "Albatrosses" parked in the hangar. They were all active equipment and could take off at any time.
Although I did not know what to do. But the spare engine lying on the ground alone is valuable, and any one is more than one hundred thousand dollars.
European industry developed early, and all countries, big or small, have some special skills in manufacturing. Even Belgium and the Netherlands are quite strong, and the Eastern European camp is not bad.
The Czech military industry is even more excellent, once in the top ten in the world's arms sales. Skoda Arsenal was once Europe's largest defense group.
Although the Czechs did not fight well, its artillery, tanks, warplanes, and light weapons, except for the lack of naval equipment, the Czech land and air weapons are very good.
If the florists had Czech military capabilities during World War II, they could press the devil on the ground and spit it off.
However, after the drastic changes in Eastern Europe, the Czechs turned to ‘pursuit of peace’, voluntarily withdrew from the arms sales market, and no longer exported weapons and equipment, which won widespread praise from the West.
What happened to the Czech Republic? Probably ‘Loft’ and ‘Woodpecker’, the situation is better than the Ermao family—ah... why do I always know this? No wonder I failed to pass the Tsinghua Peking University.
The "Albatross" trainer's body is very small, so it can easily be tucked into the cabin of a large transport aircraft when disassembled. Zhou Qingfeng went to one of his goals this time, stopping three Il-76s outside the hangar.
The three large planes parked on the open ground unobstructed, and their wheels were higher than half of the people. Zhou Qingfeng passed under the fuselage and climbed into the cockpit.
"Why? Do you want to buy these Il-76?" "Beard" followed Zhou Qingfeng into the cockpit, watching the young man sitting in the driver's seat, facing a pile of old dashboards.
"Yeah. I really want to buy it." Zhou Qingfeng does not shy away.
"Beard" shook his head, "It's not easy to buy this, you have to get government approval. I can't help you. Even if I let you drive it away, you can't fly outside the border."
Zhou Qingfeng nodded and meditated.
(The public account is also restored, please click to pay attention)
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