Chapter 7: Evil God Resurrection

Overnight, Zhou Qingfeng woke up from a deep sleep.
He returned to the frosty cave in the other world. The cold wind in the Black Forest was still blowing, and he was excited on the spot.
The bonfire in the cave had been burned out, and Todd the barbarian was pushing away the stone blocking the cave, carefully examining the movement outside.
The gloomy sky was still thunder and lightning, the cold wind screamed in the forest, and the terrible breath sprang up.
"It's a fine day today. I didn't smell the goblin's stench. It should be safe outside." Todd drilled out of the cave, ran a quick circle through the trees, and looked around.
Zhou Qingfeng suddenly thought of something, and jumped subconsciously to look at his body.
It doesn't seem to be different all over.
He just walked a few steps, feeling brisk and steady. It is also the cold wind breathing in the Black Forest, not as bad as yesterday.
Coming out of the hole, Zhou Qingfeng followed Todd, almost inseparable. The
Shadow Hiding
that I just mastered is naturally used, but it is not yet proficient.
Todd stopped suddenly, turned his head to stare at Zhou Qingfeng, and asked in confusion: "Rookie, why don't you even have a sound when you walk?"
Zhou Qingfeng was on his waist, and subconsciously hid in the woods. The shadow naturally covered him, hazy. Concerned about the barbarians, he laughed and said, "I must learn how to survive. Isn't it better to walk lighter?"
Todd frowned, and muttered, "I feel like you're hiding strength. Yesterday you couldn't keep up with me, and your steps were not so light.
But I advise you not to show off your ability to hide in the shadows. Monsters in the Black Forest prefer to hide in you better than you. It's easy to be attacked like you. "
Zhou Qingfeng scolded and jumped out from the shade.
Todd returned to the riverbank yesterday and led the way.
Zhou Qingfeng couldn't distinguish between northeast and southwest, and kept asking for the secret of survival in the forest. Including identifying directions, dodging enemies, finding roads, water and food.
"Where are we going?"
"Go to Stucco Village, I'm going to find the who betrayed me and make him pay."
The fierce barbarian waved his fists and was aggressive.
Zhou Qingfeng had to remind him, "Todd, are you going to avenge yourself? Are your enemies afraid of more than one person? Are you sure you are not going to die?"
"What do you mean?" Todd yelled at Zhou Qingfeng. "Do you dare to ignore my courage? Or do you devalue my force? I won't be afraid of facing hundreds of enemies."
Although he took office as a 'Tyrant', Zhou Qingfeng currently has no consciousness of being a 'Tyrant'. He didn't want to recklessly follow this mindless barbarian to fight.
This big enemy is definitely not that simple, there must be a group of men who can fight. What if Todd can't fight? Did he run to deliver the food too?
"I think you need some weapons. How many enemies can you win with two hands free?"
Todd didn't just have two hands empty. He was also a poor man. There was no copper coin on his body, only a rough animal skin. This guy may be the worst barbarian in the entire Black Forest. Otherwise, how could he be caught by a group of goblins?
Speaking of weapons, Todd calmed down. He also knew that the fight with bare hands would be arduous, and he was afraid that he would be shot dead with an arrow before he rushed to the opponent.
The inhabitants of the Black Forest are not easy to mess with. There are no rules and no laws in this place. Those in the stucco village were fierce and unreasonable.
"Well, let's go to Baicun Village first. I still have some friends there, maybe I can get the axe first." Todd, the leader, changed his direction and took Zhou Qingfeng for almost the whole day. Arrive at a human settlement in Heze.
The villages in the Black Forest are all heavily guarded.
Baiya Village is built on a low hillside with a wooden fence of more than five meters in height. The wall is filled with more than two meters of frozen silt. Simple and practical design brings powerful defense capabilities.
Strong turrets were built on the wall, each of them was burning with fire, and someone had a powerful crossbow gun. Under the fence is a deep trench, with a sharp wooden stake inserted, and anyone who wants to cross will pay a price.
When Todd appeared with Zhou Qingfeng outside the village, the people in the village were immediately alert. Several dozen meters away, someone was shouting loudly, and the crossbow guns on the two arrow towers aimed at them.
"Don't be too nervous, don't hide. People in Baiya Village are pretty good at talking." Todd waved his hands in the direction of the village with ease, signalling that he was not hostile. "You are a stranger, and people in the village will definitely question, So you better not get in trouble. "
The distance is closer, it can be seen that the village is not large, and there should be hundreds of people in it.
The wooden building is simple and rough. Many of the wood did not even peel the bark, so it was with thick rattan to form the wall of the building. The structure is rugged and almost unbreakable.
The village wall has no door, only a hanging basket can enter and exit. Someone recognized the barbarian from the wall and shouted, "Todd, I heard you were caught by a group of goblins."
"Damn, can you stop mentioning this?" Todd scolded angrily. "Sooner or later, I will go to the stucco village to find the trouble of Laughseus and make him regret betraying me. Can you let me in now, we will give it back to you Bring a friend. "
People on the wall saw Zhou Qingfeng long ago, and asked, "Where did this kid come from?"
"His name is Victor, and I can't tell where I'm from? But he saved me. Otherwise I would have been thrown into the pot by those green-skinned guys and stewed mature meat." Qing Feng's shoulder was a guarantee for him.
The villagers put down the gondola and pulled Todd and Zhou Qingfeng up.
Behind the solid wall was a military fortress, all wearing leather armor and weapons such as knives and axes. Even women are sturdy and have a brute force, of course, and they are all ugly.
The villagers are not friendly, their eyes are alert and fierce, and outsiders are provocative.
Todd exclaimed: "It's too dangerous in the Black Forest. Betrayals and sneak attacks often occur. Everyone has little trust in strange faces.
The villages here don't like to receive visitors, except for the caravans that supply them.
For strangers, no matter how pathetic you are, you will be driven away. If you didn't save me, I wouldn't take care of you, and I wouldn't take you to the village. "
There is no shortage of wood in the Black Forest, and many bonfires are lit in the village. The flashing fire radiated heat, and Zhou Qingfeng felt warmer when he came in, which also made him feel at ease. At least he doesn't have to spend the night in a cave in the wild.
Todd took Zhou Qingfeng to find the village leader, a ranger named Lukans. It was he who built the wooden village of Baiya Village, recruited a group of desperate people to this dangerous place, and made a fortune by transporting and selling special products in the Black Forest.
When Zhou Qingfeng saw this vicious forest guardian, the other man was using a leather whip to beat a man who was hung up.
In the splashing blood, the skin of the slinged man was fluffy and his body was twisted. But he didn't ask for mercy, he only gave out a heartbreaking roar, "Only by obeying Ban, my Lord will destroy you!"
So the ranger continued to pump with greater strength.
Todd stepped forward and shouted enthusiastically, "Lucans, what makes you so angry?"
Ranger Lukans is bald, narrow-eyed, tall, and vicious. He had a pale face, and looked extremely cold in the cold weather.
Hearing someone shout, the guy looked back at Todd and scolded indignantly: "Angry? I'm more than angry? I'm afraid now."
"Fear, why?"
"Because the evil is resurrected!"
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