Chapter 720: Godzilla

No matter how great the great cause is, it must be carried out on a down-to-earth basis.
In line with the notion that talents are rare and need not be used, Zhou Qingfeng drew a circle in the office and kicked Fujita Takaji, who was not active recently, to the Novosibirsk city of the Da Mao family.
Fujita really wanted to cry. He was afraid to go back to Japan because he was investigated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Special Investigation Department, and he wanted to be Xu Shu in the Hanzhong branch. That was naturally a deceptive comment.
Uncle Zhou said it was a real kick.
If Fujita never gave him another chance, he would not dare-the word Novosibirsk would be desolate and cold. Wouldn't it be exiled to go there.
It's really not.
Novosibirsk is located in the middle of Da Mao's home and is an important heavy industry manufacturing base. It has strong R&D advantages in machine tool manufacturing, aero engines, and railway locomotives.
For example, Novosibirsk State Technical University, formerly called ‘Electrical Engineering Institute’, sounds like a third-rate college, and is actually the research and development site of the Union’s heavy machine tools.
The city's heavy machine tool complex is the largest planer and boring machine manufacturer in the league. The equipment it produces is used to process very large workpieces, such as the wings of large bombers, or the fuel tanks of heavy launch vehicles.
Xiao Jinlang has been a student of Maozi’s university since last year, and the Novosibirsk State Technical University has also been crammed for 2,000, focusing on flying machinery and automation.
Fujita was asked to examine the value of large-scale enterprises in Novosibirsk from "moving a bargain" from another perspective by Japanese standards.
"This is ridiculous!"
Fujita had to fly from Hanzhong to the Imperial Capital, and then transfer from the Imperial Capital to Novosibirsk. He wished he could jump up the moment he boarded the plane.
"Let a Japanese visit the Russians' site to serve the flower cultivator. I was actually asked to perform such a stupid task, it might as well send me to a hard labor camp."
The encounter in life is so miraculous.
The complaint turned into a complaint. After more than ten hours, Fujita set off in the morning and landed in the third largest city of the Damao family late at night. He and a dozen other investigators in the same group went to the airport lobby and found that this place was closed after get off work except for customs.
The terminal was empty and there were no ghosts. There is such an airport under the sky, which is really strange. The leader made a phone call, and an hour later a CMB bus drove outside the terminal.
The skinny Maozi driver put down the car window and rushed to the expedition team hiding in the terminal building in bad smelling English: "The "Holy Light" expedition? Are you OK?"
Not ok at all.
In June, the temperature in Novosibirsk is between ten and twenty degrees, and it will drop to about four or five degrees at night, which is still a bit cold. Fujita followed the expedition into a broken car, greeted each other in English, and bowed slightly.
"Is it Japanese?"
"Yes. My name is Fujita."
"Oh, only the Japanese will bow when they meet. My name is Valentin."
The Maozi driver was still enthusiastic and introduced himself to everyone. He also explained why he came so late.
"I went to a friend's house for a few drinks, and I forgot you. But you were lucky. When I called, I was just awake."
No one can accept this explanation, including Fujita. In the big evening, the members of the delegation were tired and sleepy, eager to stay in the hotel for rest, no one succeeded.
Pozhongba played the noisy music of Maozi's underground band and drove all the way into the city with a rattle. The bookable hotel suddenly had insufficient rooms and one room was missing.
As a last resort, the delegation must have an individual to stay in another hotel. This man is Fujita, and he can only follow Valiang to board CMB again.
This time, Barim was empty, traveling in a completely strange country, a strange city, and a strange street.
The haggard Fujita sat next to the driver's seat with luggage. Valianjing drove the car, turned off the music, turned his head and said "I'm sorry".
Fujita’s English is very poor, and there is no way to say humility or interest. He responded with his head down, ‘It’s okay’.
"Why are you a Japanese working for "Holy Light"?"
"You look skinny, not like a Russian at all."
The two chickens talked to the ducks, and they both smiled bitterly. There is a section of road from another hotel, Valianjing talked about himself casually.
"We have been through this and it is hard to find work. Many factories have no orders and no raw materials and have to stop work.
There was nothing in the market, but the bank was almost squeezed. Everyone wanted to exchange their rubles for dollars or other currencies.
I'm lucky, I can speak a little English, ‘Holy Light’ hired me. So I can still support my family. Many people are not so lucky. "
Speaking of which, Valianjing pointed out the car window, "Look at those people."
Po Zhongba didn't know which street to pass, and the roadside crooked seven or eight people. Others leaned leaning against the wall, dressed quite decently, but never stayed at night.
"It's the tramps lying on the ground, and the white-collar workers who come to the city looking for work. They have no place to live, they just have to find a place to stay overnight."
The word "white-collar" sparked a little interest in Fujita. He looked up at the car window and found that there were young girls among the street sleepers. "Why? Is it safe for them to sleep like this?"
"It's okay." Valianjing shrugged. "Now everyone has no money and it's hard to find a job. It's really difficult. Those who can go to Moscow are gone, only those who can't.
People in rural areas have no money to buy chemical fertilizers and gasoline, not even seeds. People's savings are all gone, and they have to go to the city to survive.
But there is nowhere to go in the city, Moscow doesn't care about us at all. We can only live by selling intrinsic assets and relying on the "Holy Light" to maintain our economy. Is it funny? "
A few simple words, full of bitter self-deprecation. Valentin said quickly, not using gestures to strengthen his tone, but the words were easy to understand.
Fujita didn't expect that he would hear this. He made Valentin pay attention to driving. Valentin was too loud to hear clearly, and asked him what he said.
"Nothing." Fujita shook his head sadly, thinking of Japan's current bad economy. He was a little thankful that his country was not so bad that the society collapsed, and he actively asked: "Are you a driver for "Holy Light"?"
"No, I'm the fighter of "Holy Light", driving is just a side job."
Fujita thought he had heard it wrong, and the word "beater" might not match Valiang's appearance of weight loss.
Walian Jing quacked, "You can't think of what I'm doing for'Holy Light'? I'm really a thug, specializing in dealing with the scattered masters from flower farmers, especially those who sell fakes.
‘Holy Light’ is very overbearing and does not like someone to corrupt their reputation. But many flower farmers come to us to do business, and many of the products they sell are of particularly poor quality.
For example, the down jackets sold last year were not down or straw, which would freeze people if worn. Such a businessman, we catch one when we see one.
‘Holy Light’ hired many people like me to do this kind of thing. We are like dogs, running in the city every day. There are some things that big people can't solve, but just find us. "
Valentin talked about his job quite proudly, turned to Fujita and asked, "What kind of company do you think'Holy Light' is?"
Fujita was stunned and spit out a Japanese vocabulary, "Godzilla."
(Public account ‘Take a Taoist’, mix meals, beg to click on ads)
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