Chapter 731: Not bad

After a good visit to the battery factory, it turned out that half of the visit, but Fujita and others gathered the information they knew and talked about the group's pharmaceutical products.
But there is not much to talk about, everyone vaguely knows that the group has several drugs with specific effects that can strengthen physical strength, enhance learning ability, or have the effect of prolonging life.
However, the group has never disclosed such information, and even the word "special confession" was taken by Fujita and others themselves. All the people who knew it invariably chose to remain silent.
No one knows how.
Stimulated by such a situation, the second phase of the plant was also unwilling to visit.
Fujita probably knew that ‘Holy Light’ had built a modern model factory and was ready to promote it. And similar factories are already popular in Western countries, and it is not a rare thing.
Instead, maintenance-free batteries are new in the world.
If there is no accident in the next few years, the battery factory of ‘Holy Light’ will be shipped insanely, not only to occupy the flower-grower market, but also take it for granted in the global siege.
Don't look down on lead-acid batteries, this stuff is just needed, and it is too versatile. The "maintenance-free" means that the old lead-acid batteries were immediately eliminated. The huge market is only testing the production capacity of ‘Holy Light’.
If ‘Holy Light’ does not have a modern factory, Fujita feels that Japanese manufacturers can still take a slice of this emerging product. But now the ability of ‘Holy Light’ to build a factory comes up, and basically no one can compete with it.
In the morning, I visited the battery factory, and Fujita went to visit the electronics factory in the afternoon-not a component factory built with a Japanese yen loan, but an ordinary disassembled electronics factory.
The'Dismantling Plant' is also on the outskirts of the city, and the management is benchmarked against the modern system, but the appearance is much lower. A simple factory building, plain workers, plus a long line of work production lines.
Disassemble the machine, the dismantled is the waste household appliances.
There are a lot of electronic products in the domestic waste that Zhou Qingfeng has obtained. In addition, ‘Holy Light’ also followed the trend of history and took the initiative to establish a ‘foreign garbage’ recycling center in coastal areas.
Due to the lack of investment and quick results,'Harmonious Recycling' has built recycling centers in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, and Zhejiang. Use mechanical cooperation to manually sort waste.
Paper, plastic, scrap metal, and waste household appliances are still useful, and ‘Holy Light’ is willing to accept it. But harmful things such as domestic garbage and medical garbage still need to be kept out to reduce pollution.
Since the 1990s, the import of tens of millions of tons of ‘foreign garbage’ each year has formed an industrial chain. ‘Holy Light’ does not come to do this, a lot of people with black heart and lack of virtue will come to do it.
Not much money is made, and there is more pollution than ‘Holy Light’ — ‘Holy Light’ can somehow be a closed treatment facility, and thousands of undead can get the dirty work done. It is impossible to rationalize incineration and reduce pollution as much as possible.
Zhou Qingfeng intends to take the lead in the layout and distribute half of the money earned from the recycling of garbage to the local government to jointly deal with smuggled ‘foreign garbage’.
The public import of'foreign garbage' also helped Zhou Qingfeng to conceal the secrets he was most exposed to, so that a large number of second-hand home appliances shipped by the'Harmony Department' had a reasonable source.
The'dismantling plant' is just the end of the high added value of the recycling industry.
In the factory, Fujita saw the workers use special tools to dismantle the waste washing machine, and classify the plastic motor cement blocks into different categories.
In addition, some home appliances can obtain high-value components. This is a very low method in the eyes of Japanese employees, but there are many domestic electronics factories willing to come to Tianyang to purchase cheap devices.
"I really don't understand why the group didn't let this low-end business go."
Fujita had doubts in his heart, but said nothing verbally. He can understand that "Holy Light" is cheap to go to Damao's home to pick up heavy industry. Recyclable garbage can hardly make a few dollars.
"Probably to improve employment." The Japanese staff who followed followed whispered, "The group cares about this. Tianyang has little spare labor because of these humble factories.
People from surrounding provinces and cities flooded into Tianyang to find work. Because the minimum wage here can have two hundred soft sister coins, equivalent to forty dollars. Skilled workers can easily double. "
For Fujita, forty dollars is probably only enough for him to take a taxi in Tokyo. You can have enough food and clothing for a family of three in a flowering family for a month.
Another Japanese employee whispered: "These cheap components are like waste to us, but not to the electronics factory that we are purchasing.
Cheap components greatly reduce production costs, so that more ordinary people can afford electronic products. Although these are low-end goods, they are just used to occupy the low-end market. "
Fujita immediately thought of the counterfeit'walkman' seen on the street market in Novosibirsk.
The quality of the stuff is average, but it is usable. The components it produces may come from Tianyang's'dismantling plant'-it is a complete closed industrial chain.
Fujita shook his head and left with a sigh. Japanese companies will not lower their body to do this kind of business at all, they can only watch.
When leaving, the'dismantling plant' happened to be off work. Thousands of people left the production line, and thousands more went to work. The broken factory actually went down three shifts, endlessly day and night.
During the shift, a large number of people left their bicycles by the factory gate and returned to their homes along the newly paved road. Some far away are waiting for special buses, in order.
There are also many vendors outside the factory selling fresh fruits and vegetables. Fujita stood by the roadside and looked at it personally. One out of every five off-duty employees will buy something. Their spending power is not high, but their willingness to spend is strong.
"A strong willingness to consume indicates that employees are optimistic about the future. It is really similar to Japan decades ago. As long as it lasts for more than ten years, they will soon develop."
Fujita knew that industry was a process of accumulation. "Holy Light" clearly stated that high- and low-end should be eaten into the stomach, and even use the low-end to raise the middle-end, and use the middle-end to promote high-end planning.
"How about the vocational education of "Holy Light"?" Fujita thinks about it, and it is probably professional technicians who can limit the group. In the manufacturing industry, not only engineers are enough, but there are no qualified workers, and the best design is no good.
The Japanese staff yelled a few times, "The group has its own vocational technical school and hired a German as the director of vocational education.
There is no distinction between men and women, the age limit is also small, almost anyone can enter the school, and the tuition is particularly cheap. There are also discounts for special groups.
The junior mechanics of the'disassembly plant' only need a junior high school culture, and three months of training is enough. If you have a high school diploma, or an excellent junior mechanic, you can participate in a year of intermediate vocational training.
The starting salary for intermediate technicians is 400 yuan, so many young people are willing to study. Recently, the "Holy Light" vocational school is expanding its enrollment, and the Tianyang campus is full, so it has to go to other areas to set up branches.
Since the school is very strict, the teaching quality is quite good. Some positions like battery factories can be handled by intermediate technicians. And if you can have a college diploma or an excellent intermediate technician, you can participate in two years of advanced training.
Senior technical trade unions are involved in research and development. The minimum wage for the "Holy Light" is 2,000. Excellent people can get tens of thousands, and they can get basic wages during training.
For ordinary people who are flower farmers, it is difficult to resist the temptation.
Although the requirements for senior mechanics are particularly high, there are still many people in the whole country who are willing to take the exam. It is said that several classes recently opened are full.
Fujita, you need to know that this country has a billion people. There are always some people who are particularly good, even better than us. Their learning ability and study spirit are not bad at all.
We have been working here for several months and we already have a deep sense of crisis. maybe one day......"
Fujita thought his compatriots would sigh that they might be surpassed by flower growers in the future, and encourage everyone to work hard. But the other person's tone of voice changed, "Maybe it's good to stay in Tianyang one day."
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