Chapter 749: Search

"The local chicken Freedom Daily reported that, considering the threat of sea monsters, the Navy stopped all training tasks for submarines in the near future."
"Istanbul Port Authority said that the rescue ship destroyed by the sea monster was submerged under 500 meters of water and has no value to salvage again. The submarine'Irdir" did not know where to go."
"The escaped crew members were interviewed by our reporter. When they fled the submarine, they saw the complete shape of the sea monster. It was an unimaginable super octopus.
It has huge eye bubbles, more than ten dancing tentacles, and a terrifyingly indescribable appearance. This is definitely an overlord without opponents in the ocean. "
"The government requires residents to stop private hunting and hunting operations. The Marmara sea monsters are far more dangerous than expected. Unarmed thousand-ton ships will be destroyed by them in a few minutes."
"The fanatical sea monster hunting is difficult to terminate, and port management is facing great difficulties. Yesterday, four small yachts collided with passing cargo ships, causing one death and two injuries, and the tragedy of many people missing."
"Yesterday, it was claimed that the discovery of sea monsters in the Dardanelles Strait attracted at least three hundred hunting ships to gather. In order to seize the favorable sea area, there was a crossfire between several ships.
The maritime police arrived and arrested 12 of them, confiscated six hunting ships, and found control weapons such as heavy caliber heavy machine guns and bazookas on one of the ships. "
Irene rushed from Istanbul to Istanbul and bought a newspaper at the airport. The whole page was full of news about sea monsters.
Not only were the local chickens crazy, but also a large number of international adventurers tried to try their luck. Some large maritime salvage organizations applied to drive thousands of tons of ships to join in the excitement, but they were rejected by the local chicken officials.
In addition, the number of tourists coming to Istanbul suddenly increased by several percent. Many people want to try their luck to see the sea monsters, but they never thought of watching the gadgets, and they would only have nightmares for life.
Irene was wearing a headscarf, wearing sunglasses, and stood quietly at the exit of the airport terminal. Meow meows are chasing everywhere, not at all afraid of passengers and airport managers.
A Boeing 747 landed.
Soon, the tall Alsie and the lightly makeup Sofia came out of the airport with simple luggage. Seven invisible goblins circled around them and kept fighting.
When several people met, Alsie rushed and asked, "What happened to that sea monster? Where did the master go?"
"Don't ask me." Irene handed the newspaper to her companions. "I don't know more than this media. But one thing is clear, the owner has gotten a new toy."
The ‘giant tentacles sticking out of the sea’ has become an iconic pattern, and it hangs daily in the headlines of various newspapers. It will become an exclusive symbol, especially a mysterious and scary monster.
"I bet that someone in this world will soon be devoted to making related movies, and it will definitely explode." Sophia said quietly, "The title is "Deep Sea Monster", how do you feel?"
"You can make a suggestion to the master and let him shoot himself." Irene suggested: "With his cheerful personality, maybe he will really do it.
As long as he can make a lot of money, he can write his own acting and directing himself, absolutely making the scene effect impeccable, and guaranteeing to scare everyone who watches the movie. "
Regarding the companion's joke, Alsie shook her head in distress. "Let's think about how to get the owner back. The new toy he got is terrible. It must be a strange thing. It will never be lower than that. Alchemy Workshop."
This would be impossible.
Finding Uncle Zhou is not easy. There are usually maids around, and he will always stop him from being too bold. Now he was uncontrollable like a wild horse, and he did it arbitrarily.
"Is there any contact information?"
"No time to come back?"
"The host said he would come back if he wanted to."
"What should we do now?"
"do not know."
There is too little information, and the maids never know where to go to find their master. The group thought for a long time until a goblin gave a hint: "Do you think it's strange that the submarine is missing?"
The maids immediately collected all the newspapers they could buy and determined that the German 209 submarine disappeared after the sea monster appeared. People take it for granted that this submarine has been destroyed by sea monsters.
But the maids know that their owners have a habit of picking up trash. As long as he is staring at something, he will find ways to ‘pull the sheep’.
Alsie collected information on weapons from various countries, and Shen Sheng said: "The type of native chicken still has its advantages. Germany's technical level is quite high, with a weight of more than one thousand tons to create two or three thousand tons of combat power."
The smaller it is, the harder it is.
The Type 209 is one of the best-selling conventional submarines, and it is by no means worthy of fame.
At the beginning of the 1990s, the conventional submarines of the Flower Planters did not have any ‘Kilo Class’, nor did they have the main ‘039’ series of later generations. Even the ‘035’ series has just built two or three ships.
Most of the submarines of the domestic navy are still old-fashioned '033', there are more than eighty. If you can get a German article to refer to it is not impossible.
"The crew of this submarine can escape safely, indicating that the owner did not want to destroy it at all." Alci stared at the newspaper, sentence by sentence.
"He must have taken the submarine away. The Marmara Sea is too deep to be thrown into the sea. He is likely to get the submarine ashore." Sofia thought quickly after getting the idea.
Irene followed and said: "A 50-meter-long ship with more than a thousand tons cannot be hidden in ordinary places, and it is difficult to get ashore. The best hiding place is..."
Open the map.
Not far southeast of Istanbul, also in the Marmara Sea, where the Turkey Submarine Fleet Command is located, one of its three major naval bases, the port of Gorkuk with a shipyard.
"It's really bold. The master has robbed others, and turned and slipped into someone's nest. Isn't he afraid of being discovered, making an anecdote that he can't hide?" Alci stared at the map, surprised.
Sofia said faintly: "When did you see our host who was scared? He was not in trouble this time, but it was like a fart."
Irene also said angrily: "The owner carries a lot of magic gems with him. He really has a way to hide a submarine in an empty dock in the shipyard. I bet he might be transporting that one. Submarine and headache."
The maids looked at each other for a few moments, and Mogi Alsie immediately went to a ‘BMW’ parked on the roadside of the airport. She only touched lightly, the car door opened automatically, the engine ignited, and a low hum.
‘BMW’ departed Istanbul Airport and ran to a destination 100 kilometers away. When the maids spent most of the day to find the Golkuk shipyard of the native chicken army, close to a seemingly empty dry dock...
The link network at a distance of 500 meters was instantly connected.
Not long afterwards, Uncle Zhou, who was covered in oil, ran out of the dry dock in a simple disguise and looked at his maids with a surprised expression.
"Huh... why did you all come here? How did you find this place? I didn't leave you any clues. Who is so clever?" Zhou Qingfeng is really strange.
Sofia and others are all faceless and expressionless, hoping to see a trace of guilt and embarrassment after the major event from the face of their owner.
Instead, seven goblins flew to the top of Zhou Qingfeng's head, twirling around his head, scrambling to shout, ‘I think of it’, ‘I am the smartest’, ‘I am clearly the first, and I am the first’.
With Zhou Qingfeng's laughing expression, obviously he cannot be expected to admit his mistake.
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