Chapter 751: Half step back

After listening to Sofia, Zhou Qingfeng finally realized that he was facing a new situation. Technology and violence cannot solve political problems, so we must think long and think differently.
So from the end of July to the beginning of August, Zhou Qingfeng spent half a month in Istanbul's "tourism inspection", and occasionally played a sea monster to hit the local chicken shipping, and then decided to take a step back and return to Kiev first.
At this moment, the black market businessman Ilham from Persia came to Boryspil again and wanted to continue to buy the goods from here.
I heard that Borispol’s black market was attacked by the Kyiv publicists half a month ago, and Ilham was more nervous than Zhou Qingfeng. Because during this half year, he made millions of dollars on the black market and made huge profits.
There can be no fairer and calmer black market than Borispol. This is simply a tax-free airport with very low transaction costs and safety. It is perfect.
If it was shut down, Ilham could not find a better alternative.
Fortunately, Borispol survived the difficulty. Zhou Qingfeng announced that the black market was closed for three months for rest, but only half a month later, some people came back to re-trade.
Even if they cannot enter the airport, new markets have spontaneously formed on the roads outside the airport. Ilham returned to this place and was very kind to see a lot of familiar faces. Here is the source of his wealth, unable to give up.
An old-fashioned T-55 tank was parked on the road, and the barrel of the black hole was facing the road.
Others would be afraid when they saw the tank, but Ilham drove, and he felt safe when he saw the thick pipe. He lowered the window and beckoned the guard on the tank:
"Hey, brother, I'm Ilham, and I'm back. I miss you so much."
Even in the black market, there is a little friendship between people. Especially after a catastrophe, everyone is connected again because of the bond of interest, and the relationship is closer.
Everyone in the black market hates eagle sauce because the latter is completely smashing their jobs.
The Ermao guard on the tank kept a straight face, and smiled when he saw Ilham, but the inspection should not be less, or even more careful.
On the road outside the airport, a long simple house was built, and rough signs were nailed at the door of each house, and the materials used were strange.
Wood is more common, and it is also useful for discarding mechanical parts. It's a bit creative to use heavy artillery shells, or scrapped large missile shells. In short, how strange is it, like postmodern art.
Ilham walked from house to house, and the owner of almost every shop knew it. There is no distinction between high and low here, everyone welcomes old friends to come back, chat with each other, ask the current market conditions.
Ilham mainly sells Persian woolen products and purchases electromechanical light industrial products from ‘Holy Light’. The trade between the two sides is highly complementary and the demand is huge.
As the transaction deepened, Ilham knew that most of the "Western goods" on the black market actually came from flower growers, and the quality of workmanship was not as good as the authentic products of Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea, but the price was lower.
In the past six months, there have been at least sixty or seventy Persian merchants who started like Ilham. They do not hesitate to use air transportation to solve logistics, but the profit is too high.
"I heard that the big boss directly opened the Il-76 to rescue Marcos. Is this the case?" Ilham went to the black market bar and asked a familiar black market friend to ask.
Lively and lively in the bar, accommodation, dining, entertainment, socializing. People on the black market like to come. Big boss refers to Zhou Qingfeng. This name has been recognized by the entire black market and is a symbol of strength.
"That's what happened." Black market friends nodded. "The Il-76 had to be disassembled and shipped back for repair because it was badly damaged.
The well-known faction failed and was purged that night. Many of us participated in the revenge afterwards. Many people died that night. "
On the night of the riots, every black market businessman will show a grinning face. They were alive and dead, and their revenge afterwards was very brutal, and they were exceptionally profitable. Many big men who dare not provoke usually are killed by them.
"It's a pity that I didn't participate." Ilham had a drink and wanted to brag. It's just that the desperates in the bar all laughed, and all asserted that if he was on the spot, it would be good to not pee pants.
Ilham inexplicably likes the messy atmosphere of black market bars. Even if the air is turbid, the lights are dim, the drinks are poor, the sound is poor, the guests are all fierce, and the exposed waitresses especially like to splash the wine on the customers' faces.
But it's really comfortable, unrestrained, you can laugh arrogantly, very freely.
After a few drinks, Ilham would like to find a waitress with pleasure. But several guards came in outside the bar, patted him on the shoulder, and whispered: "Ilham, the big boss wants to see you."
"Big boss?" Ilham was so strange. It’s okay if Marcos wants to see him, but it’s rare for President ‘Holy Light’ to call him by name.
Many people in front of the bar heard this specific title and were all surprised to turn their heads to pay attention-if they can be greeted by the big boss, they must be rich. After all, it doesn't need to be so troublesome.
Ilham adjusted his clothes and followed the guards to leave the black market bar and enter the airport.
The airport terminal was demolished and rebuilt, more than a dozen high-power lights were on, and dozens of construction machinery were busy. Zhou Qingfeng wanted to expand and fortify this, and the three-month construction period was simply not enough, at least one year.
There is a temporary tent next to the terminal building, constructed according to the pattern of the field command. The black market is still in operation, and a large number of transport aircraft take off and land at the airport to ensure that logistics and financial services are not stopped.
Ilham received at least two security checks before seeing Zhou Qingfeng playing barbecue on an open area. The latter unscrewed a bottle of black pepper and sprinkled it on the barbecue.
"Mr. Ilham, don't be too nervous. Why don't you drink something first and relax?" Zhou Qingfeng pointed to the dining table beside him, with wine and fruits. "My barbecue is almost ready, and I really want to ask you to try it."
Ilham rubbed his hands, not pretending to be calm. He grinned: "Boss, I still want to know what you have to do with me first? Otherwise I can't relax."
Oh... this conversation is easy.
"I heard Marcos said that last time a senior Persian person came and bought some prohibited goods. But recently the quantity and value of military supplies you are purchasing are declining, all you buy and sell are civilian items. This is why ?"
Zhou Qingfeng's straightforward inquiry made Ilham relieved but embarrassed. He twitched for a while and said: "Because civilian goods are better for making money."
Zhou Qingfeng froze, turning his head to look at Marcos, who was standing next to him. The latter shrugged his thick shoulders and said in a deep voice: "As I said, maybe the cause of the matter is simple.
Buying and selling civilian goods is more profitable, so these Persian merchants misappropriated funds for the purchase of military supplies. After all, military supplies are purely consumed, and there is no profit at all. The reason behind this is so simple. "
Zhou Qingfeng looked at Ilham again, sighing and sighing. He said silently in his heart, "Persia is really unable to support A Dou. If not to put some pressure on the chicken, I really don't want to help you."
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