Chapter 763: Filling your stomach is the most important

The cold wind blew the ground, shaking the grass stems of the fields. The sky was gloomy and the floating soil was flying, forming a tiny tornado. The farmer Bailai raised his hand to cover the biting wind, and carried the farm tools in the field pit.
This winter is particularly cold, and the anger of the Frost Goddess is getting stronger every day. But the sky never snowed. This is the worst situation, meaning that next spring there will be a lack of water for melting snow.
The farmers' faces were smeared with oil on their hands to avoid chapped skin. But their bare skin was still icy red. Many people have frostbite on their fingers, swollen like carrots.
"Work hard."
When he reached the ground, the foreman came out and divided the tasks.
"We must dig a 50-meter ditch today, and the volume of earth can't be discounted at all. Wait until next spring, this wasteland can be watered and irrigated to grow more food."
The farmers wore tattered but thick clothes, and looked sad but calmly listening. The wasteland at their feet had no fields, bumps, and rocks.
This is not a good field. It can be seen everywhere in the north, and even the barren grass cannot grow. It takes a lot of effort to reclaim it into farmland, the first is to dig irrigation ditches.
"Let's get started. Everyone takes a sip, it's convenient to be strong." The foreman took a tin jug from his waist and poured a big bite into his mouth. The farmers also followed.
After drinking, they yelled and were sweating with the potion in the tin pot. Their dark faces turned ruddy, and even their wrinkled foreheads stretched out a bit.
"Work, work, praise Victor Hugo, we will have a good life." The foreman shouted.
The farmers also echoed one after another, and the fields shouted one after another. People give compliments from the heart, hoping that their lord will live for a hundred years and lead him.
A heavy carriage followed the farmers. There was brown coal dug from the Black Forest on the carriage, from the terrible voodoo swamp.
That swamp is a large coal pond, where all kinds of terrible monsters live. But now that Cold Wind City needs coal, droves of coal miners flood into the swamp.
Workers build houses, build villages, build fortresses, dig drainage rivers, and drain the swamps to facilitate the excavation of open-air lignite.
The monsters have lived in the voodoo swamp for less than a thousand years and hundreds of years. For the first time, they discovered that humans are not only afraid of themselves, but also ran to transform their living environment.
Are swamps without water or swamps?
Crowds of monsters madly attacked human villages. Both sides use teeth, claws, venom, swords, axes, crossbows, torches, and all available weapons to fight against each other.
Hundreds of human reclamators died. But they went on and succeeded, and they kept coming in, which was more terrible than the goblins of the Black Forest. They are equipped, organized, disciplined, and forcefully move the monsters who lived in the swamp for generations.
Monsters can't figure out what is going on. They only know that the water in the swamp is getting less and less, and the living environment is getting worse, and they will be extinct if they don't run away.
In the winter of one year in the Northern New Year, Hanfengcheng sent more than 3,000 people into the Black Forest to dig coal. Every day, hundreds of heavy-duty carriages transport coal.
The city is considering laying more wooden rails, and humans have begun to use cheap coal in large quantities in production and life.
The farmland to be reclaimed has been marked with white lines with lime. The farmers first laid dry firewood in the trenches, lit them and then shoved coal with a shovel. The hard ground will be burned before it can be dug.
The fire was on, and the cold wind was stronger.
The farmers only felt warm. They must move fast, be explosive, and dig a one-meter wide and half-meter deep earth before the ground is frozen again.
This is hard work, but the farmers in the Cold Wind City are rushing to do it, and don't even need to pay, just take care of the food. Because every additional acre of farmland is reclaimed, one more acre of food can be collected, and the food that can be eaten into the stomach is more abundant.
This is gone in the past.
For half a year, the residents of Hanfengcheng are full of exuberant work enthusiasm. From their initial resistance, to their gradual acceptance, and then to their active request, great changes have taken place in their thinking.
Everything comes from the unimaginable harvest this fall.
Fuqiangling began to renovate farmland and train farmers since last winter. Due to the cold weather in the Northland, only one season of wheat can be grown. Until this autumn, people did not see the results of their hard work.
In the slow autumn wind, the golden yellow wheat wave was connected to the world, and could not be seen at a glance. Residents of the city came out and looked at the wonders, lamenting this unprecedented event. They lingered by the wheat field and prayed to the heavy wheat ears with prayers.
Grain, grain, grain, and grain shortages in the north have always been sourced from the south. But the food purchased by the nobleman will never be given to the bottom, and there will be no charity at all.
Every winter, all cities in the North have to starve to death. This is not just the tragedy faced by the poorest class, even the middle class.
Except for a few nobles, the mortality rate of ordinary people is too high. In the years of famine and famine, some villages will suddenly and silently become dead.
And this year...
"Praise for Victor H. Hugo."
A farmer waved his to dig, chanting from time to time, as if calling a labor slogan. The other farmers listened to Zhilehe, and occasionally shouted afterwards.
Lord Hugo didn't really do anything. He just wiped out the aristocracy in the past and used the hoarded grain for reproduction. He fed the working people, cultivated more farmland, planted more food, and fed more people.
The lord did not even divide the land, and all the land in the cold wind city belonged to him. But he signed a formal labor agreement with farmers, he provided agricultural tools, seeds, fertilizers, farmland water conservancy, in exchange for 30% of the harvest in the field.
Tenancy can also be reduced or exempted if disasters occur.
The Harmony Chamber of Commerce provides low-interest loans, allows tenants to purchase goods for production and life in advance, allows them to freely choose their occupations, allows them to have personal rights, and gives them and future generations access to education.
It's that simple, it doesn't make sense, and even more can't be solved.
In the past, farmers in Hanfengcheng mostly depended on nobles at all levels. The nobles can never care about the organization and management of the cultivated farmland, just collect the tax burden like knocking bones.
In contrast, the emancipated and free farmers are determined to follow Master Hugo and radiate a strong passion for production.
The Lord Lord hired farmers to work, and they would bring their own dry food without even paying for it. They knew that every time they dug a ditch, they would benefit from themselves.
The farmers were reluctant when they were called up last year, but this year they are happy to work in the fields.
They went out early in the morning and braved the cold wind to the ditch construction site. At lunch, they ate at the Tiankeng. The hard bread was baked on the fire and eaten with physical potions.
It was dark in the afternoon, and the farmers went home carrying a and singing songs. Waiting until dawn tomorrow to continue to come out again and again, simple and boring, but will not stop all winter.
Last year, Fuqiang led the migrants to reclaim 7,000 acres of land. This year Hanfengcheng organized more than 50,000 labors to rehabilitate the farmland of the old nobility.
According to Lord Lord’s plan, the planting area of ​​spring wheat in the new year of the new year will exceed 80,000 mu, which basically guarantees that nearly 300,000 people in Hanfeng City can eat half and full.
This is unprecedented.
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