Chapter 785: Sad reptile

Mobilization is a very complicated matter. Eating and drinking Lhasa communication gathers the route command. Things are complicated and require extremely high management and organization.
The level of mobilization in the Northland is still in the feudal era, and it will be quick to call up thousands of troops scattered in a dozen cities in three months.
Bishop didn't even have an accurate map. He could only point to the approximate points on the map and ask the envoys of the cities to convey the messages and commands themselves. Most of the time is lost in the long communication process.
Friedman Butch was to make a feasible mobilization plan, and then sent people to the Northland to communicate, communicate with various forces, and summon special envoys to sit in the same parlor.
A whole day passed by the entanglement and quarrel, each family has its own difficulties, this quarrel will continue for several days. At night, the talks temporarily halted and all the people were relieved.
"Bishop." At the end of the day's negotiation, Friedman called out his love. He leaned back in his seat and only supported his forehead, trying to ease the distress caused by chaotic affairs.
In an era where communications rely on roaring, education relies on scolding, and power relies on fighting, managing feudal territories is very difficult. Friedman also wanted to lose the responsibility of the lord, is it not good to be a rice worm-like noble?
The baron stopped and asked back, "Your Excellency, what else do you want?"
"Sit down, Bishop, don't be so serious. I just want to talk to you casually and relax." Friedman is the lord. He pointed to the seat in front of the table at random, but stood up for the event.
Bi Chopra opened the chair and sat down respectfully, ready to be queried by the lord.
"The last time you withdrew in Thick Fog Town, you said that you encountered a heavy knight riding a mechanical dragon and used a powerful burst of magic equipment. The town's defense line failed to block the other party's attack. Time will be defeated."
Friedman stood in front of the window in the parlor and rang the bell to let the maid bring some drink. Bishop sat down and replied in a decent manner: "Yes, my immediate army encountered a dragon.
There are many people present at this point who can testify. Even the two stone golems failed to play any role, at most consuming each other's attacks. afterwards......"
Friedman waved his hand, "No, I'm not skeptical. I just heard that Victor. Hugo in Coldwind City is riding a mechanical dragon."
Bishop's heart dropped slightly, "Yes. This monster-like guy often rides alone on a mount to patrol inside and outside the Cold Wind City. This has been confirmed.
We once sent people to assassinate Hugo. But the situation in Hanfengcheng is particularly weird, and any outsiders will become extremely conspicuous. Several of our incubations failed, and basically returned without success. "
Hum hum......
Friedman sneered, "Latual failure? I think it's those adventurers who took money who didn't want to do anything at all. Going to Hanfengcheng to make some business earns more than a bounty."
Bishop was silent on this.
"What I did not expect was that the person who defeated you the last time was actually Victor Hugo. He killed him alone, completely ignoring the powerful force I recruited painstakingly, and easily defeated it.
He not only defeated, but also frightened hundreds of direct troops under your command. The next day, all the armed forces that I spent heavily on retreating. "
The maid brought the spirits, and Friedman turned his head to drink. The stimulation of alcohol excited the dull mind, and he pulled out several papyrus-printed newspapers from the manuscript at his desk and raised it in his hand.
"Look, Hugo wrote the entire battle on this so-called'newspaper'. He portrayed you like a harlequin, advancing under the enemy, scattered forces, cruel killing, greed and shamelessness, and... Chicken-hearted.
All the lords of the North know this, and they must be laughing at it. Laughing at my incompetence, laughing at the seemingly powerful Buchi family, laughing at everything that can be laughed at. I know it, I know it all. "
Friedman's sturdy arms kept waving, his teeth grinning. Bishop quickly got up and knelt down on one knee to ask for punishment-somehow he lost his battle half a year ago. No one has ever experienced such a foolish thing.
"Punishment? Why punishment?" Friedman shook all the papyrus newspapers and shook them into pieces of straw. "This is an unprecedented enemy. He is different from the enemies in the past.
Victor Hugo didn't care about the nobility at all, he had another system of rule. The idiots under my hands knew the terrible enemy, but they were not awake at all, and they were still waiting for new jokes to appear.
The idiots don’t know that we can’t afford to lose, and we are still selling combat supplies to the enemy. Those food and cloth are helping Victor Hugo to arm the new legion, and he will definitely fight over.
We can’t lose, we can’t lose. Take a look at the end of the long-legged family. If you lose, you're all done. But I said repeatedly that the idiots only knew that I was blocking their money. What's the use of earning those gold coins?
Bishop, you have suffered a lot in Hugo's hands, knowing his strength. So I don't punish you, I hope you can understand my pains, hope you can faithfully execute my orders. "
Friedman's voice vibrated in the room, and the wine glasses in his hands were bursting with loud cries. This was his voice from his heart, and it was the fear in his heart—the war with Hanfengcheng must not fail.
Bishop immediately showed his loyalty and shouted loudly: "Your Excellency, I understand what you mean, I must wash away the shame. Next time, please let me be the vanguard. I will either win or die!"
This attitude is still good, and Friedman is satisfied. He stepped forward, patting Bishop's shoulder, "I will give you a chance, I hope you can cheer up."
"I must be in battle..."
"No, not just fighting.
One more thing, the idiots in the city are not so obedient, they are still trying to break through the limit I set, and they want to continue to do business with the enemies in the north. I hope you can solve those guys. "
Bishop gaped.
"How is it?" Friedman put a force on Bishop's shoulders, his face was solemn, "loyalty can't stay on the verbal word. The family needs someone to stand up to get rid of carrion and worms, this person is you."
What can Bishop say? I knew it would be better to be punished. Once the offending person's errands are messed up, they will be targeted-if they are wrong, they will be targeted.
Perhaps the group will be angry afterwards, and they have to be used for "borrowing a head." Friedman is clearly very revengeful, Bishop messed up the battle to determine the fate of the family, his revenge still came six months later.
"Bishop, what is your answer?" Friedman's gaze suddenly became fierce, and he increased his tone. "Brave or cowardly? I'm waiting for your choice."
"I..." Bi Xiaopu was full of bitterness, but now he knelt down on one knee, and had to choose "Brave", "Your Excellency, I am willing to eliminate the dissidents in the family for the sword in your hand."
"Very good, very good." Friedman patted Bishop's shoulder with satisfaction. He reported the names of several idiots, all high-ranking people in the city, and even members of the wizarding group, all of whom are "regardless of the overall situation, just making money".
After receiving his orders, Bishop vowed to allegiance again, and left the parlor with cold sweat.
After he left, Friedman sighed for a long time without moving.
A green light appeared in the parlor. The sound of the snake tail rustling in the darkness at the corner, the glamorous snake demon more than two meters high slipped out on the floor.
The snake is taller than Friedman, and the shiny mullion looks at the head of the Butch family patriarch from an overhead angle, and spit out the snake letter in his mouth, and said with a smile: "Sad reptile, I like the trick you play."
Friedman looked back, Mulan's expression was blank, and he said nothing.
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