Chapter 808: pain

Whether it is the Xiangya Hospital or the Dean of Wang Zigan, their fame is a big sign in the Hunan and Hubei regions. Chief Ling Xialing in Wuhan learned that it was Dean Wang who helped to make the connection, and he believed most of the business.
The position of the Quartermaster Department has always been a fat man, especially during the war. The Fourth Army of the National Army was formed only 27 years ago, and its headquarters is located in Wuhan. It happens to use the advantages of the Hanyang plant to expand its equipment.
It's just that the Fourth Army has five armies under its jurisdiction. Who can get what equipment, but the Quartermaster Department has the final say. If you don't give enough money, you won't get the weapons and ammunition even if you get the approval. The real good stuff is to be sold.
The national army is poor, and fifty thousand oceans is almost the monthly expenditure of a division. If you buy them all, you can buy a lot of good things. Director Ling shared the news with his colleagues, already gearing up to make a fortune.
Zhou Qingfeng didn't ask for more sophisticated equipment, he only asked for the number as much as possible, and added the number of people. After all, the combat effectiveness of the national army is very poor now, and it is also relying on more people to fight the battle.
The Hanyang factory has made many improvements to the "old sleeve", such as removing the sleeve from the barrel, and the new rifle can be called "made in Hanyang." Zhou Qingfeng first ordered three hundred.
The ‘flower mechanism’, that is, the MP-18 ‘Bergman’ submachine gun, is a melee weapon. The Chinese military's marksmanship is poor, and most of the fighting is actually shooting from a distance. Closer to use a submachine gun to sweep the battle effect is better.
This gun comes in one hundred.
The remaining money basically buys grenades and bullets. Especially grenades. For a low-quality army, shooting is easy to fly bullets. On the contrary, the grenade is a face-to-face kill that will inevitably land, and the threat is even greater.
But a grenade costs three yuan, which is not cheap.
With some money left, I bought all clothing, water bottles, cloth shoes and the like. No helmets, and no leather shoes. In addition, Director Ling said that he could give a set of military maps of Hunan Province.
Zhou Qingfeng said heartily: "On the map, do you have my finesse?" But after thinking about it, he still accepted it with laughter. Take a look afterwards-fuck, it really was drawn by the Japanese.
Director Ling patted his chest and promised that he would leave tonight and come to Changsha for an interview in two days. He also assured the ‘Brother Zhou’ that his friends are everywhere in the Hunan and Hubei provinces, and there is absolutely no problem with the business he is responsible for.
Zhou Qingfeng was dumbfounded by this guarantee. With such a quartermaster, it's really hard not to lose the war.
People like this are everywhere.
Alas...Zhou Qingfeng came out of the hospital’s radio room, and Dean Wang prepared accommodation for him, and he wandered around the hospital. It was only after this wandering that Xiangya Hospital was not easy.
This is a comprehensive hospital jointly run by a school and doctors, and its scale is quite large in China. The hospital includes many cultural and sports facilities and even tennis courts.
The teaching building is beautifully repaired, and the medical building is an iconic new building in Changsha. The surroundings of the hospital are lined with trees, the ponds are green, and there are people fishing by the ponds, just like a wealthy garden.
Those who can come to Xiangya for treatment are either rich or expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford the medical treatment fees. The hospital was hit hard by the war last year. Afterwards, it opened medical classes and midwifery schools. The nurses and midwives trained also serve the wealthy.
But just across the road, a shaggy beggar was sitting on the ground, holding a broken bowl and begging pedestrians. Rickshaws come and go on the road, the cars jingle. Sweating profusely with hard work, walked barefoot.
This is the epitome of current suffering. Zhou Qingfeng often ridiculed his third brother as '100 million people, 1 billion livestock'. But China before liberation was even worse.
There are always people who have the superiority of ‘why not eat minced meat’ and ask why they want to ‘climb the snow-capped mountains and cross the grass’ and sacrifice for the revolution? Just take a look at the days when the people at the bottom of the Republic of China were not as good as they died, and you won't ask such silly questions.
Poor people everywhere have no love, no celebrity masters, no clothes and clothes, only endless suffering-many people who are ancestors are clearly suffering poor people, but want to lick their eggs for the oppressors.
But this is the worst and darkest period...
Zhou Qingfeng walked around outside the hospital. Before dark, Dean Wang came to look for him and invited him to dinner. Chatting at the dinner table, seeing him unhappy, asked: "What's wrong with my brother?"
"It's okay, I always do this." Zhou Qingfeng just smiled, "When I delivered the medicine, I felt that I had done something practical, which is also considered useful to the country. It can be seen that the poor people outside the hospital are resentful and helpless."
Dean Wang also smiled bitterly at this, "My brother is really a man of temperament. But I am used to it, and I have turned a blind eye. I can only do my part, train more doctors, and save more patients."
Uncle Zhou's brain circuit is unique, and he murmured, "Learning medicine can't save the Chinese."
Hahaha... Dean Wang was stunned for a few seconds, and tears of laughter came out. It's ridiculous, he actually sobbed, wiping away his tears and supporting the table and said: "Yeah, yeah, it can't be saved. But the world is like this, what can I do?
The teenagers have all been caught and guilty, when I am not sad? The newspaper said that the scene was robbed, and I was actually ecstatic. But do you know how many people are also being hacked?
I saw the Qingxiang incident with my own eyes. Old women in their 60s and 70s were dragged away because they were ‘the bandit grandma, shouldn’t raise my son as a bandit’. Seven or eight-year-old children were also dragged away, saying that they were ‘bandits, they will still be bandits when they grow up’. "
Dean Wang grabbed Zhou Qingfeng's arm again and said angrily: "Only in Liling, nearly 10,000 people were killed last year. There was Yang Daonan in Xiangxiang who was famous for killing more than 1,200 people.
This loss of human relationship is really horrible. The horror of Qingxiang spreads across Hunan Province. I also want to save, but it is hard to even speak, for fear of getting into trouble. If you can save, save a few more. "
Zhou Qingfeng sighed to the sky too, wishing he could immediately send dozens of armored equipment over. But equipment is actually second, and education to mobilize the people is the most important.
People who are in their 50s, Dean Wang will cry and laugh at the same time. When the dishes on the table were all cold, he grabbed his chopsticks again, "I am confused and perplexed when I eat and eat. It depends on you young people to innovate and cleanse."
The silence at dinner was tasteless.
At night, Zhou Qingfeng went to the radio room of the hospital to send a secret telegram to Bai Bin of Qingtai Capital to inquire about the situation. At the same time, he told his own gains that Ma Ying and others should continue to conscript and strengthen training, and they should not relax.
Knowing that the ‘Minister’ has arrived, Zhou Qingfeng asked if he could send some officers to the organization? After all, the peasant army in the capital of Qingtai is going to be normalized, and it is not enough to rely on him alone.
This request also hides two meanings, one is to let the ‘Minister’ go to Pingjiang as soon as possible, and don’t make trouble in front of him. Second, Pingjiang sent some cadres to run in and strengthened training to facilitate the uprising at the end of July.
No matter which side it is, the current domestic military quality is very poor. Zhou Qingfeng has not received formal training, so he can command at the level of a battalion commander. But now many officers are not even qualified to be a squad leader.
Chang Kaishen is going to be black again, he is only worthy of being a platoon leader.
The straight line from Pingjiang to Qingtai is more than 60 kilometers, and it is only two or three days on foot.
The'Minister' is excited about the good situation in Qingtai Capital. He is even more happy to learn that Zhou Qingfeng has acquired two more battalions. He was very happy to express his willingness to help.
Everything is developing in a good direction.
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