Chapter 794: VCD project

"VCD is a brand new audio-visual product. After it appears, it will immediately kick VCRs and video tapes out of the market like maintenance-free batteries eliminate old products."
The conference hall of the ‘Shengguang’ headquarters gathered leaders from Jiangxi and Yunnan provinces, as well as bank and media personnel from the Imperial Capital. The projector in the conference hall shines a circuit diagram on the white screen, but unfortunately most people can't understand it.
Under the white screen are two television sets, one connected to a video recorder, and one connected to a large stack of electronic components without a casing. Just a bunch of circuit boards, servo motors, and laser heads are called ‘VCD’.
This really makes people wonder if it is a scam.
"'Shengguang' bought Anhui's'Wanyan Electronics' at the end of last year. We obtained the VCD invention rights from this company. We didn't need to buy them because they didn't register product patents at all."
Zhou Qingfeng stood on the stage and smiled. The people in the audience were all inexplicable, and they didn't know exactly what the uncle was going to introduce.
"I know that you are not very clear about what you are facing. It doesn't matter, I don't expect you to know the future like me. I just inform you what I want to do. You only care about where I want to spend. how much is it?
But I still want to talk briefly, VCD is the English abbreviation for "Video Compressed Disc". It represents a series of video playback standards and patented technologies. Including decoder board, laser head, servo.
Most of the patents are in the hands of Philips in the Netherlands.
Philips has so many invention patents that they don't pay enough attention to certain patents that seem to have no money. "Holy Light" also bought out a number of global patents for ten years, including decoding, at the end of last year.
To be honest, this cost the group a lot of foreign exchange. But I think it is worth it. Because this will open up a whole new market, enough to make the "Holy Light" full of profits.
Of course, I don’t just call you up, but I need help. For example, I have invited several electronic institutes in Kunming, and Chengdu Optoelectronics Institute, which needs to develop VCD technology in depth.
We still have no way to produce decoder boards, laser heads and servo mechanisms. If these important parts are all imported, it will greatly squeeze out profits, and I will invest in gradually localizing them. In addition"
"Sorry, interrupt." A reporter in the conference room raised his hand, "Zhou, I believe your vision, this VCD must be very marketable. So you will export it, right?"
"of course."
"But the'Holy Light' was sanctioned by the Americans."
"Then talk to the Americans and let them lift the sanctions."
Compared to the stunned face of the VCD, Zhou Qingfeng's words surprised everyone in the conference room even more. The officials from the ministries and commissions were puzzled: "Zhou, how do you talk to the Americans?"
Zhou Qingfeng shrugged and pointed to the corner of the office, "Director Huang Li of the Group Legal Department is dealing with this matter. It's better to let her talk to everyone."
The oriole was taking notes underneath, and was caught off guard when it was pointed out. But everyone was staring, she could only stand up and introduce herself first, and then talked about the process of the "Holy Light" contacting Americans.
"Our Legal Department first got in touch with the US State Department, hoping that they will carefully consider whether the sanctions on a private company are justified? The US's request for us was very cold at first, but the situation has changed recently."
Everyone was even more puzzled. Someone asked, "You hired American lawyers? I heard that their lawyers are expensive, but if they do it well, they might really help."
Huang Li shook his head with a wry smile, "We did not hire American lawyers. We were very uncomfortable with the initial contact with the US. They were very arrogant and didn't want to talk to us at all, or even listen to our complaints."
Someone asked: "Or did you find a lobbying company in Washington? This can be more expensive, but you can indeed reach out to those members of the U.S. Congress and influence the bill."
The oriole still smiled bitterly, "We have also learned about lobbying companies, but the quotes they gave were very high and scary. Moreover, there were too many insider routines on other people's sites, and it was easy to waste time, so we gave up."
Everyone had more questions and kept asking. The oriole was suddenly hard to fight, and could only turn his head to look at the president. Zhou Qingfeng shrugged, "Just tell everyone that it won't work, there is nothing to hide."
The oriole sighed again and again, and could only whisper: "We have strengthened our ties with Iran, understand the actual needs of some non-Western countries, and express our willingness to provide them with certain technologies and products."
The uproar in the conference hall was even louder, and everyone was even more surprised to see Zhou Qingfeng's eyes-this guy actually cooperated with other countries in the name of a company in order to get the United States to lift sanctions.
"So what did you do specifically?" someone asked.
Qingfeng came to answer next week,
We repaired two F-14A Tomcat fighter jets for Iran at a low price of 50 million U.S. dollars and replaced some of the airborne equipment.
For example, the F-14A's avionics is still at the level of the tube in the 1960s, and we replaced it with a transistor avionics of the same weight but with more advanced performance.
The effect of this kind of replacement is immediate, and its radar performance is thus improved more than ten times, and it has the ability to filter ground clutter.
These are all upgrades done with our own technology, without relying on Americans. The Iranian military is very satisfied with this and feels that the tens of millions of dollars it has spent are worth the money. They are considering handing over the second batch of grounded fighter jets to us for upgrade. "
The crowd was dazzled and dumbfounded. No one thought that "Holy Light" could actually play this hand, which clearly swelled the American faces.
Zhou Qingfeng continued:
Iran’s economy is now very difficult and is currently short of foreign exchange for the second batch of upgrades. So they are planning to sell oil to us to offset the account.
But the Iranians insisted on US dollars. I'm talking to them, half of the US dollar, half of the soft sister currency, or half of the goods replaced. Such as VCD.
The Americans must have a headache now. We used to talk to them. They came up with a bunch of rules for us to follow. But now it's their turn to talk to us, and they don't care about the rules.
As for the final talk, it depends entirely on the strength of the'Holy Light'. The stronger we are, the easier it is to talk about it. If we are weak, we can't talk about anything.
Maybe it will take a few years to talk about it, or maybe it won’t happen in the end. But that’s okay. It’s good to train people who can negotiate with Americans. At least you can learn from their shamelessness and underwriting. "
Everyone sighed as they listened, and deeply understood the meaning of these words.
The reporter who asked the question before raised his hand again, "Mr. Zhou, from what you mean, no matter what the U.S. side is, you must engage in VCD and promote it. So how big is this project? Is it really settled in Kunming?"
Everyone's ears pricked up.
Zhou Qingfeng bared his teeth, "VCD can only be completed by the cooperation of multiple industrial chains. The first is the player body, the second is the production and suppression of the disc, and the third is the transcription of the source content.
The initial investment in this industry will not be less than 5 billion. But if it is really built, it will pay back in one year. I am not at all worried about its development prospects. As for the settlement point"
With the previous preparations, the leaders below rushed to speak: "Don't think about it, just settle in Kunming. The province provides a credit guarantee of 5 billion funds, and priority is given to the protection of land, water and electricity. This project is about to be decided. "
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